• 4年前
英属洪都拉斯, 它位于中美洲东北海岸的墨西哥及危地马拉之间, 现在被称为伯利兹, 这个名字属于一个令人难忘的地方, 本集下半部, 我们会由加勒比海向南走去阿根廷及门多萨, 热爱红酒的人很熟悉门多萨这个加勒比海小国以前叫做英属洪都拉斯是最后一批建立的英国殖民地, 它于1981年独立国家改名叫做伯利玆.
British Honduras, located between Mexico and Guatemala on the northeastern coast of Central America, is now called Belize. This name belongs to an unforgettable place. In the second half of this episode, we will go south from the Caribbean to Argentina. As for Mendoza, those who love red wine are very familiar with Mendoza, a small Caribbean country formerly known as British Honduras. It was the last British colony established. It was renamed Belize in 1981 as an independent country.
