The World Is Big Enough To See:--
Li River, also known as Lishui, Guishui, is located in the north eastern part of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It belongs to the Xijiang water system of the Pearl River Basin. The Guijiang River, starting point of the Lijiang River is Lingqukou, Rongjiang Town, Xing'an County. Their itinerary departs from Guilin City. Go to Yangshuo and take a cruise on the Li River. From the Li River down to Yangshuo, experience the beautiful scenery of Guilin's landscape, and see the classic scenery of the twenty yen banknote. we all know the landscape of Guilin which the Lijiang River scenery is the essence of Guilin scenery. It can only be used as a poem as "Jiang Zuo Qingluo belt, mountains like jade hairpins"...
漓江又名灕水, 癸水, 位于广西壮族自治区东北部, 属珠江流域西江水系, 为支流桂江上游河段的通称, 漓江起点为兴安县溶江镇灵渠口. 行程从桂林市区出发到阳朔搭上漓江游船, 从漓江顺流而下到阳朔, 体验桂林山水美景, 还可以亲眼看到廿人民币钞票的经典景色. "世界那么大, 我想去看看", 我们都知道桂林山水甲天下, 漓江风景是桂林风光的精华, 只能作"江作青罗带, 山如碧玉簪"的比喻了......
Li River, also known as Lishui, Guishui, is located in the north eastern part of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It belongs to the Xijiang water system of the Pearl River Basin. The Guijiang River, starting point of the Lijiang River is Lingqukou, Rongjiang Town, Xing'an County. Their itinerary departs from Guilin City. Go to Yangshuo and take a cruise on the Li River. From the Li River down to Yangshuo, experience the beautiful scenery of Guilin's landscape, and see the classic scenery of the twenty yen banknote. we all know the landscape of Guilin which the Lijiang River scenery is the essence of Guilin scenery. It can only be used as a poem as "Jiang Zuo Qingluo belt, mountains like jade hairpins"...
漓江又名灕水, 癸水, 位于广西壮族自治区东北部, 属珠江流域西江水系, 为支流桂江上游河段的通称, 漓江起点为兴安县溶江镇灵渠口. 行程从桂林市区出发到阳朔搭上漓江游船, 从漓江顺流而下到阳朔, 体验桂林山水美景, 还可以亲眼看到廿人民币钞票的经典景色. "世界那么大, 我想去看看", 我们都知道桂林山水甲天下, 漓江风景是桂林风光的精华, 只能作"江作青罗带, 山如碧玉簪"的比喻了......