• 4年前
耶路撒冷是西亚的一座城市, 位于地中海和死海之间的犹地亚山脉的高原上. 它是世界上最古老的城市之一, 被认为是三大亚伯拉罕宗教, 意思是“圣地”或“圣所”. 联合国教科文组织把整个耶路撒冷老城和城墙都列入世界文化遗产, 她屡遭破坏与备受崇敬, 老城位于犹地亚山区, 是一座歷史悠久的古城, 在基督徒, 猶太徒, 穆斯林心目中的一座聖城.
Jerusalem is a city in West Asia, located on the plateau of the Judean Mountains between the Mediterranean Sea and the Dead Sea. It is one of the oldest cities in the world and is considered to be the three major Abrahamic religions, meaning "Holy Land" or "Sanctuary" ". UNESCO has listed the entire old city and city walls of Jerusalem as a World Cultural Heritage site. It has been repeatedly destroyed and revered. The old city is located in the mountains of Judea, it is an ancient city with a long history, a holy city in the minds of Christians, Jews, and Muslims.
