贝宁的边界在北部与布基纳法索交界处开始. 然后通过陆路向西南行驶转向东南, 边界以大致直线向南延伸, 奥古河等河流, 在最南端的莫诺河, 被广泛认为是贝宁的最高点, 几乎位于这里的边界上. 在遥远的南部, 边界在到达大西洋之前急剧向西转向, 为贝宁提供了包括大波波和希拉孔吉的一小片领土.
非洲小国多哥夹在撒哈拉沙漠和大西洋之间, 和其他西非国家一样, 这里既有湿润的海风, 又有干燥的黄沙, 是非洲少数适合当地人生存的地方之一. 因为非洲的城市和乡村随处可见腐烂的垃圾, 但是在这里情况要好得多, 地面被沙土覆盖, 蚊虫滋生的情况没那么严重. 多哥的食物和海上丝绸之路一带的食物类似, 也是非常喜欢吃咖喱鸡, 伴着米饭吃. 多哥还有许多中国人开的酒吧, 超市, 餐厅, 本地人只会在路边的大树下支个摊子烤肉. 如果来多哥做客,这里的人们会烤上一只肥嫩的羔羊, 现场宰杀, 炭火烘烤, 还要倒上满满一杯自酿的棕榈酒,宾主共食, 好不热闹.
Togo Charcoal Roasted Lamb @ Curry Chicken:--
The border of Benin starts in the north at the point with Burkina Faso. It then proceeds overland to the southwest, veers to the southeast in the vicinity of Grando Namoni, and then turns sharply southwards in the vicinity of Gando. The boundary then proceeds southwards in a roughly straight line, rivers such as the Ogou and, in the southernmost stretches, the Mono, widely cited as the highest point of Benin, lies almost on the border here. In the far south the border turns sharply to the west before reaching the Atlantic Ocean, providing Benin with a thin strip of territory encompassing Grand-Popo and Hilakondji.
Togo, a small African country, is sandwiched between the Sahara Desert and the Atlantic Ocean. Like other West African countries, it has both humid sea breeze and dry yellow sand. It is one of the few places in Africa suitable for locals to survive. Because of the cities and the Rotten garbage can be seen everywhere in the countryside, but the situation is much better here. The ground is covered with sand thus breeding of mosquitoes is not so serious. The food in Togo is similar to the food along the Maritime Silk Road. People like to eat curry chicken with rice. Togo has many bars, supermarkets, and restaurants run by Chinese. The locals will only set up barbecue stalls under the big trees on the roadside. If you come to Togo as a guest, people here will grill a fat and tender lamb, slaughter on the spot, roasted on charcoal fire, and filled with a glass of home-brewed toddy, the guests and the host eat together happily.
贝宁的边界在北部与布基纳法索交界处开始. 然后通过陆路向西南行驶转向东南, 边界以大致直线向南延伸, 奥古河等河流, 在最南端的莫诺河, 被广泛认为是贝宁的最高点, 几乎位于这里的边界上. 在遥远的南部, 边界在到达大西洋之前急剧向西转向, 为贝宁提供了包括大波波和希拉孔吉的一小片领土.
非洲小国多哥夹在撒哈拉沙漠和大西洋之间, 和其他西非国家一样, 这里既有湿润的海风, 又有干燥的黄沙, 是非洲少数适合当地人生存的地方之一. 因为非洲的城市和乡村随处可见腐烂的垃圾, 但是在这里情况要好得多, 地面被沙土覆盖, 蚊虫滋生的情况没那么严重. 多哥的食物和海上丝绸之路一带的食物类似, 也是非常喜欢吃咖喱鸡, 伴着米饭吃. 多哥还有许多中国人开的酒吧, 超市, 餐厅, 本地人只会在路边的大树下支个摊子烤肉. 如果来多哥做客,这里的人们会烤上一只肥嫩的羔羊, 现场宰杀, 炭火烘烤, 还要倒上满满一杯自酿的棕榈酒,宾主共食, 好不热闹.
Togo Charcoal Roasted Lamb @ Curry Chicken:--
The border of Benin starts in the north at the point with Burkina Faso. It then proceeds overland to the southwest, veers to the southeast in the vicinity of Grando Namoni, and then turns sharply southwards in the vicinity of Gando. The boundary then proceeds southwards in a roughly straight line, rivers such as the Ogou and, in the southernmost stretches, the Mono, widely cited as the highest point of Benin, lies almost on the border here. In the far south the border turns sharply to the west before reaching the Atlantic Ocean, providing Benin with a thin strip of territory encompassing Grand-Popo and Hilakondji.
Togo, a small African country, is sandwiched between the Sahara Desert and the Atlantic Ocean. Like other West African countries, it has both humid sea breeze and dry yellow sand. It is one of the few places in Africa suitable for locals to survive. Because of the cities and the Rotten garbage can be seen everywhere in the countryside, but the situation is much better here. The ground is covered with sand thus breeding of mosquitoes is not so serious. The food in Togo is similar to the food along the Maritime Silk Road. People like to eat curry chicken with rice. Togo has many bars, supermarkets, and restaurants run by Chinese. The locals will only set up barbecue stalls under the big trees on the roadside. If you come to Togo as a guest, people here will grill a fat and tender lamb, slaughter on the spot, roasted on charcoal fire, and filled with a glass of home-brewed toddy, the guests and the host eat together happily.