Roaming Romantic Maguan:--
The beauty of the border is really beautiful and breathtaking created by China and Vietnam with peace and friendship.....watching the beautiful scenery of Maguan County, enjoying the unique local customs. The style of climbing pole is a unique skill of Miao men in Maguan County, and it is also an important part of the Huashan Festival, the most important festival of the Miao ethnic group of the year. It has always been regarded as an activity for Miao men to show courage and strength. The technique of inverted climbing poles is quite well known in China. In the first inverted climbing pole competition of the Huashan Festival in Maguan County in 2005, Mocaowan Village won the top four and won the "flower" pole "king of the year".Includes (1) Into the romance Maguan (2) A'e Xinzhai wooden craft prints (3) Ma Sa listen to ancient classics music, (4) explore the strange inverted climbing pole, (5) see and "hear" the Mirador Long Port.
边境上的美景真的美的美到令人窒息, 而这样的美丽呢也是由中越两国用和平和友好来共同营造的.....观赏马关县美景, 领略当地独特的风土人情, 倒爬花杆是马关县苗族男子的绝活, 也是苗族一年中最重要的节日花山节上的一个重要内容, 它历来被看做是苗家男子表现勇气和力量的活动, 磨槽湾村的倒爬花杆技艺是远近闻名的. 在2005年马关县花山节第一届倒爬花杆比赛中, 磨槽湾村囊括前四名夺得了当年的花杆王. (1) 走进浪漫马关 (2) 阿峨新寨看版画 (3) 马洒听古乐经音乐, (4) 探奇倒爬花杆, (5) 见闻美丽都龙口岸.
The beauty of the border is really beautiful and breathtaking created by China and Vietnam with peace and friendship.....watching the beautiful scenery of Maguan County, enjoying the unique local customs. The style of climbing pole is a unique skill of Miao men in Maguan County, and it is also an important part of the Huashan Festival, the most important festival of the Miao ethnic group of the year. It has always been regarded as an activity for Miao men to show courage and strength. The technique of inverted climbing poles is quite well known in China. In the first inverted climbing pole competition of the Huashan Festival in Maguan County in 2005, Mocaowan Village won the top four and won the "flower" pole "king of the year".Includes (1) Into the romance Maguan (2) A'e Xinzhai wooden craft prints (3) Ma Sa listen to ancient classics music, (4) explore the strange inverted climbing pole, (5) see and "hear" the Mirador Long Port.
边境上的美景真的美的美到令人窒息, 而这样的美丽呢也是由中越两国用和平和友好来共同营造的.....观赏马关县美景, 领略当地独特的风土人情, 倒爬花杆是马关县苗族男子的绝活, 也是苗族一年中最重要的节日花山节上的一个重要内容, 它历来被看做是苗家男子表现勇气和力量的活动, 磨槽湾村的倒爬花杆技艺是远近闻名的. 在2005年马关县花山节第一届倒爬花杆比赛中, 磨槽湾村囊括前四名夺得了当年的花杆王. (1) 走进浪漫马关 (2) 阿峨新寨看版画 (3) 马洒听古乐经音乐, (4) 探奇倒爬花杆, (5) 见闻美丽都龙口岸.