• 4 years ago
Dandong Beautiful Town:--
The Yalu River, also called by Koreans the Amrok River or Amnok River, is a river on the border between North Korea and China, a very beautiful river. Although her name is famous because of the war more than 50 years ago, what really fascinates people is her "youthful" and the beautiful border town she embraces. Dandong City is across the river from North Korea. In the streets along the river in Dandong, some restaurants with the national flags of China and North Korea particularly noticeable.....
鸭绿江, 也被朝鲜人称为 "阿姆洛克" 河或 "安诺" 河, 是朝鲜和中国交界处的一条河流, 一条非常美丽的河流. 虽然她的名字因五十多年前的战争而闻名, 但真正让人着迷的是她的 “青春” 和她拥抱的美丽边城. 丹东市与朝鲜隔江相望. 在丹东沿江的街道上, 一些挂着中朝两国国旗的餐馆尤为引人注目.....


