冰岛是北欧的岛国,大部分人口居住在首都雷克雅未克, 自然风光和文化, 不论是在北欧还是全世界, 都是独一无二的. 这里景色极致, 有冰川, 火山, 蓝湖温泉, 熔岩, 苔藓, 黄金圈, 杰古沙龙冰河湖, 黑沙滩, 米湖和蓝冰洞等丰富的户外特色.....一个资源丰富又绿意盎然的神秘岛屿, 它是 “一颗悬浮在海洋上的北欧明珠”, 因他独特的地理位置造就了它太多太多罕见的自然景观. 有人曾经说过去冰岛, 有种 "这才叫旅游" 的感觉. 蓝湖 从冰岛首都雷克雅未克市向东南方向驱.....
The Nordic Pearl:--
Iceland, a Nordic island nation, most of the population lives in the capital, Reykjavik. The natural scenery and culture are unique. The scenery here is extreme with glaciers, volcanoes, Blue Lagoon hot springs, lava, moss, Golden Circle, Glacier Lake, Black Beach, Lakes, the blue ice cave and other rich outdoor features... a mysterious island rich in resources and greenery, it is "a Nordic pearl suspended in the ocean", because of its unique geographical location has created too many rare natural landscape. Someone once said that Iceland "the heart of tourism". The Blue Lagoon drove southeast from Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland.....
冰岛是北欧的岛国,大部分人口居住在首都雷克雅未克, 自然风光和文化, 不论是在北欧还是全世界, 都是独一无二的. 这里景色极致, 有冰川, 火山, 蓝湖温泉, 熔岩, 苔藓, 黄金圈, 杰古沙龙冰河湖, 黑沙滩, 米湖和蓝冰洞等丰富的户外特色.....一个资源丰富又绿意盎然的神秘岛屿, 它是 “一颗悬浮在海洋上的北欧明珠”, 因他独特的地理位置造就了它太多太多罕见的自然景观. 有人曾经说过去冰岛, 有种 "这才叫旅游" 的感觉. 蓝湖 从冰岛首都雷克雅未克市向东南方向驱.....
The Nordic Pearl:--
Iceland, a Nordic island nation, most of the population lives in the capital, Reykjavik. The natural scenery and culture are unique. The scenery here is extreme with glaciers, volcanoes, Blue Lagoon hot springs, lava, moss, Golden Circle, Glacier Lake, Black Beach, Lakes, the blue ice cave and other rich outdoor features... a mysterious island rich in resources and greenery, it is "a Nordic pearl suspended in the ocean", because of its unique geographical location has created too many rare natural landscape. Someone once said that Iceland "the heart of tourism". The Blue Lagoon drove southeast from Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland.....