• 4 years ago
Meet Zarna Garge Stand-up Comedian, Mama, Indian Immigrant, and Former Lawyer... Yeah, she's all that.

Sometimes called the "Funny Brown Mama." You're gonna love her!

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Here's a bit of a transcript. You can read the full interview at MomCaveTV.com:

The #momlife can be stressful, but today we’re bringing the laughs with comedienne Zarna Garg. Listen as we talk (and laugh!) about screen time, dating kids, and (yes, we go there, mothers-in-law.)

Jen: Welcome to Mom Cave Live where we may have lost our minds, but we haven’t lost our senses of humor. I’m Jen and my guest this week is Zarna Garg.

I’m so excited to talk to you, Zarna. Hey!

Zarna Garg: Thank you so much. I’m so excited to be here. And I’m so happy that I’m not the only one struggling til the last minute. And why don’t Facebook and Instagram work together? What is the deal there?

Jen: Who knows? And I don’t have time to figure that out. And, like five seconds before we’re supposed to go live, my husband’s upstairs working on his computer. It won’t turn on. So he’s like, “Help!” And then my son is home sick from school and he wants to log into Amazon Prime to watch a TV show and he can’t log in. And we’re doing like… the enter the codes and all. Finally, I was like, “You know what, you guys, I got to go talk to Zarna. When I’m done, I’ll deal with you!” This has a time. We made a time.

Zarna Garg: So this you know what? And haven’t we learned that if we don’t say I have to go, their needs will never end? They’re like my mother-in-law. There’s something new every minute.

Jen: Totally. That’s what I’ve learned. So. I want to introduce you and give you a proper introduction, but it’s so hard because you make me feel like an underachiever with all the things. So let me give it a try, okay

OK, so Zarna was originally a lawyer. And she is an Indian immigrant to the United States with three children.

Zarna Garg: Yes, that’s right.

Zara Garg on MomCave LIVE

Jen: Children, ex-lawyer. And then you became a standup comedian and an award-winning screenwriter.

Zarna Garg: Yes and yes. That’s all right.

Jen: Those are all the things…

Zarna Garg: That’s the face of desperation, that that’s not an achievement. That’s like when you’re so desperate to get something done. That’s what that looks like.

Jen: Right. You try all the things. I understand.

Read the rest at: https://www.momcavetv.com/zarna-garg-life-and-laughs-momcave-live/


