• 4 years ago
A TRANSGENDER MAN, from New York, who thought he was having stomach cramps has given birth to his son in his bathroom. Four years ago, 27-year-old transgender male Nino, met 22-year-old transgender female Joseline, through a dating site. Since the first day the couple met, they’ve been inseparable and can’t remember spending a day apart. Formerly Nino described himself as a lesbian in man's clothes, but at around 18 years old Nino realised he was trans. Joseline, on the other hand, had a stronger sense of her transgender indentity and at a young age would dress in her mom's clothes and wear her makeup. But growing up Joseline didn’t think she’d ever be able to live her life as a woman. Thankfully, Joseline was able to start taking hormones at age 18, so that she could become the woman she always knew she was. Like Joseline, Nino started taking hormones at a young age, which the couple believed would have eradicated all chances of them getting pregnant. However, much to their joy and disbelief, after days of complaining about stomach cramps and feeling nauseous, Nino unsuspectedly gave birth to his son. Nino thought his intestines were falling out of him - when in reality, it was the legs of his child. The surprise birth of their son shocked both Joseline and Nino, in the most part because Nino showed no symptoms throughout his pregnancy. Whilst the couple are grateful for their son, they are wary of the judgement he may face growing up as the son of trans parents. Despite the uncertainty over the future of his son's life, Nino says he is the happiest he’s ever been.


