• 4 years ago
Jen chats LIVE about mom burnout and more with The Mom Room's Renee Reina. Renee hosts a podcast that deals with so many of the down-and-dirty issues that moms face and nobody wants to talk about. She's mom to a toddler, holds a Ph.D. in psychology AND does a twice-a-week podcast.

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Here's a bit of a transcript. You can read the full interview at https://www.momcavetv.com/mom-burnout-renee-reina/

Jen: I’m Jen and I’m here with Renee from The Mom Room, one of the greatest mom podcasts ever. Hey, Renee!

Renee Reina: Hi, how’s it going?

Jen: Oh, it’s gone pretty well, considering I forgot a pediatrician appointment this morning and I wanted to be here with you, so I was like rush rush rush rush! And now I’m here, and we can just have fun and talk.

Renee Reina: Yes, exactly.

Jen: What are you up to today?

Renee Reina: My in-laws are coming in this evening from Vancouver, so they’re going to be here for Halloween fun. I need to go find some pumpkins after this. I think my husband was saying that a lot of the places look like they’re selling out of pumpkins, so I’m going to be on a pumpkin mission.

Jen: Are the pumpkins going to be one of those things that we’re having a low supply of because of COVID? Is COVID affecting pumpkins?

Renee Reina: You know what? That’s a good question. I don’t know. Maybe we’re late buying them. But maybe there is a shortage.

Jen: We just blame COVID for everything. This was the first year I grew pumpkins and I have to tell you, it’s very satisfying. Pumpkins grow fast. And they grow huge. And it’s very magical to have pumpkins just outside your window. So next year, I’m going to plan a whole patch of pumpkins.

Renee Reina: That’s awesome.

Jen: I will give you a free pumpkin. Yes. Somebody was saying on Instagram, they’ve heard pumpkins are in short supply.

Renee Reina: Oh, wow. Interesting.

We have lots of small ones. I buy them because I see them at the grocery store and I feel like we need them. And Milo’s been painting them, but the larger ones are harder to find.

Jen: Okay, well, we may have a new business. Someone said it’s all the photographers buying them for photos shoots. Okay, blame the photographers.

Renee Reina: Yeah, totally.

Jen: So, Renee, I found your podcast one day when I was going down the rabbit holes of podcasts. I don’t ever get to listen to anything by myself...

---Read the rest at: https://www.momcavetv.com/mom-burnout-renee-reina/
