• 4 years ago
Play with us! MOM GAMES Sponsored by Piper Lou with special guest @wineandcheezits
Wanna play the MOM version of “Kiss, Marry, Kill” with us?? Join in for a live game with Jen & guest Rachel @whineandcheezits!

Sponsored by our FAVORITE source for snarky mom merch, Piper Lou Collection

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Here's a transcript of our talk:
and welcome to mom games this is mom games sponsored by Piper Lou and it is the show where we play games live on facebook when we can get on facebook and live on instagram and you get to join us in the comments so we have a great guest this week we have rachel from wine and cheez-its hey rachel hey hey hey hey you are here and i am here and it's all good technology's working can i get a hallelujah

have you seen that Tiktok that's going around that goes "holy spirit activate  "T

yes yes that's what we need we needed the holy spirit to get this to work and yeah we're sponsored by Piper Lou which is a great do you know about Piper Lou, Rachel? i don't and that's one of the reasons i'm really excited to be here i need to learn more and thank you for sticking with me with our technical difficulties to get here um laurie last week when i asked her to be honest she's like oh i know Piper Lou! i love Piper Louused my Piper Lou mug that was crazy look at that i know i was so excited when they asked me to do this this they may regret it now with all my technical difficulties but um because PiperLou makes all these crazy things with amazing sayings that are like snarky or curse words or all of the things that i love to say and do and it's like a perfect fit um and we're gonna give away somebody who plays the game with us is gonna get to like get a coupon code where they get to go and get free piper blue stuff and um here's my i'm drinking tonight from shitter's full love it if you don't know what this is from you need to go watch your christmas vacation movies again yeah those are good ones really good yeah that's great do you realize when i saw those originally as a kid they those parents seemed so old but they're probably like 10 years younger or more than we are now yes yes i think that every time i watch a movie with my older daughter who's 13. i like to watch a movie from the 90s bec


