News Break - Puppet Pastors Sanchez and Finley Inform the World about a Global Changing Event.

  • 2 years ago
News Break, urgent message for the world is brought to us by Pastors Sanchez and Finley. In the Book of Matthew, Jesus the Christ, our Savior, defines the events that lead to the end of the world, and His second coming.
Today, we find evidence that these events are happening at an alarming, and quick rate. This means that Jesus Christ's second coming is to happen very soon, and imminent.
Let us prepare our hearts and minds to receive Jesus Christ as our LORD and Savior. Let us be renewed in baptism by water, and baptism of the Holy Spirit. Let us share the "Good News" that Christ will be here soon.
May the LORD GOD of Heaven and Earth bless and keep you.
Come one, Come all ...
