Puppet Pastor Sanchez wishes You and Yours a Happy New Year

  • 2 years ago
Another year has ended. The year 2022 brings us one year closer to the second coming of our LORD and Savior, Jesus the Christ's return. The knowledge of Christ's soon return should bring comfort to our heart, and state of solace in this dying world.
Let not your hearts be troubled, the earth's demise should not be a concern for those who love the LORD. He will protect His children in accordance to His will, and His will is always the best state for us.
Let us take time to thank the LORD for granting the world another year of existence. Let us remember all that He has done for us, and be grateful.
Let us love and worship the Creator by opening our heart and minds to HIs Holy Spirit, and remaining in His laws and statutes, with love as the motivation.
May the Lord bless and keep you safe.
Come one, Come all ...
