Puppet Pastors Sanchez and Finley wish for you a Merry Christmas

  • 2 years ago
Merry Christmas from Puppet Pastors Sanchez and Finley. Just what is Christmas supposed to stand for? Well we all know that commercialism has taken away from the true meaning of what Christmas is suppose to stand for.
At it's core, Christmas is about love, but not ordinary love, Agape. What is Agape you ask? Well that is an excellent question. Agape is the purest, truest form of Love. It comes only from or thru GOD. It is not a natural love for mankind. It is a completely selfless love.
Agape was shown to the world when GOD the Father sent His Son, to become the propitiation for us all. John 3:16 explains to us this love. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son..."
Christmas is suppose to stand for this gift.
Unfortunately, the world has tainted the true meaning of Christmas with Santa Clause, commercialism, paganism, and so much more. Fortunately, man can never destroy that which GOD has created.
So let us return to the true Spirit of Christmas, GOD the Father's Agape, and His Gift of Jesus the Christ.
God bless you,
Come one, Come all ...
