• 2 years ago
Extinction Event

a tectonic plate takes a whack,
caused the earth to shake and crack,
tsunami waves as tall as trees,
engulf the soil, bark and leaves,

volcanoes vented magma streams,
as sulfur burnt the lungs of beasts,
cyclones, typhoons and tropical storms,
that make tornadoes insecure,

when god is harder to see than air,
and doesn't have the devils flair,
monsters hid in fear of storms,
as whirlwinds gave the air a form,

a tectonic plate took a whack,
caused the earth to shake and crack,
this disc slipping was a pure type of hell,
as not even angels could fight to help,

if i saw life in a tint of blue,
you may find me make more sense than you,
like when the sunlight hits your face
from a hundred million miles away,

space is a vacuum, i've read the file,
it's why the light reaches your face with such style,
if i saw life in a tint of rose,
i think i'd still make more sense than most,

when god is harder to see than air,
not that it matters, not that you care,

a tectonic plate took a whack,
those dinos are not coming back,
the land, sea and sky,
went to war,
and in the end it was a draw!!

