The Devils Debug Mode (A Poem)

  • 2 years ago
a broken rule,
a cracked code,
gods management settings,
the devils debug mode,

numerical sequence,
4 & a Half 4's,
please heal this vessel and all it's flaws,

H.E double hocky sticks
every heaven is a limbo,
and only ever a new mix,

by the
smiles of angels in heaven
by the
grins of demons in hell,
i break the curse,
that makes it hurt,
this is the counter spell,

a special formula,
just for you,
stirs the cauldron,
to mix the brew,

chamomile & valerian root,
the tears of faeries,
a goblins tooth!

To assume the worst,
To expect the best,
Minimum words,
for maximum effect,

a broken rule,
a cracked code,
Eye of newt, tongue of toad,
the energy field of an obsessed mind,
fix all problems you might find,

gods management settings,
the devils debug mode,
now press resume as usual,
and just hope we don't explode!!!