• 3 years ago
As part of William Branham’s Manifested Sons of God doctrine and the foundation for what would later emerge as the Word of Faith movement, Branham taught that humans could become omnipotent —just like God. According to Branham’s doctrine, a person who “fully surrenders” would become omnipotent or all-powerful and all-knowing. Like all other destructive cult leaders making this claim, Branham never really explained how to achieve this supreme power.

While Branham’s teaching on how to become all-powerful is suggested in several various sermons, a December 1960 sermon entitled “The Patmos Vision” is his most clearly-stated example. Branham explained that “a man fully surrendered to God is omnipotent.” Interestingly, there does not seem to be the same path of power for females in his cult of personality, and when these “omnipotent” cult members stood before God, according to Branham’s theology, they stood as God’s equal.

This led to Branham’s “fully surrendered” doctrine. Branham frequently preached sermons asking cult members to “fully surrender”, still never fully explaining what, exactly, they were to surrender to achieve omnipotence. He did, however, claim that he had "fully surrendered", and insinuated that he was the return of “Elijah,” the prophet from the Old Testament. By 1965, openly claimed that his “Elijah” had become the "God-Man".

You can learn this and more on william-branham.org


