Dramatic footage captures bus billowing smoke and flames after catching fire while in service

  • 2 years ago
Dramatic footage taken this morning (05) shows a bus billowing smoke across the road while flames emerge from under the bonnet. The vehicle, which had customers aboard at the time, was safely evacuated with no injuries to passengers. Video from the scene shows plumes of smoke billowing across the sky as firefighters tackle the blaze. The front of the bus, including the driver's area and first rows of seats appear to be completely engulfed in the flames, with fire emerging from the doors and windows of the vehicle. A passer-by who captured the video said: “It was near the end of the A52 going towards Derby City centre and there were flames and smoke covering the air. “We were driving past on the other side of the road and the fire service were there, they were putting it out as we went past. “I take the bus regularly around that time and was so glad I wasn’t on it today. “It was just shocking, I couldn’t believe it as any other day I would have been on it – I felt scared for the people on the bus but later found out they were all okay. A spokesperson for Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service said: "We sent two pumps to it and requested police for traffic and smoke visibility. "We used two hose reels on the incident and we were there for an hour. We have left the incident and handed it back to the police and highways control."


