• 3 years ago
A girl with a rare condition who was allegedly bullied over how it made her look while singing was given an uplifting surprise when an entire baseball team turned up to support her through her school recital. Peach Avilla, aged seven, from Susanville, California, has Marcus Gunn Jaw Winking Syndrome, which means the muscle in her left eye is connected to her jaw rather than her ear. As a result, when Peach makes big motions with her mouth – like singing – her eye winks. This condition made Peach extremely self-conscious around her peers, and ahead of the Richmond Elementary School spring concert on April 6, she felt extremely nervous, with her parents saying that one peer in her class bullied her because of how she winks. Fortunately for Peach, she has a team of "brothers" who have supported her over the years.
