1982 Those I Want To Eyes

  • 2 years ago
Those I Want To Eyes, written by Mark Fielding Darden in 1982
Copyright #PAu 473-916; January 21, 1983

Great song to sing to prospective new girlfriends. LOL

Killer little song. One of my very best. Totally politically incorrect, but this is human nature at its best. It's who we are. It's what we do. That's why there are still human beings on this planet. King A.

I wrote this song a long time ago when I was just a kid. I was living it. For some reason, I never got around to recording it, though it was one of my favorite songs to sing to new, prospective girlfriends. I figured they might as well know who I was from the get-go. And it didn't turn off a single one of them. Just the opposite.

All kidding aside, it really is a good song to share with someone you have just met and might have feelings for. It will make you laugh, and the reggae beat is easy to groove with too.

Mfd: guitars, vocals, song, video (2021)
Zachary Darden: bass

Finally recorded in Stovall NC in the Cedar Lane studio I built in a container unit… and use to this day. The studio is now called the “Mountain Road Studio” because it went with me when I moved… to Mountain Road. What a coincidence.

Here it is in all its glory. One of my very favorite songs and video productions.