• 2 years ago
VANITY, 21, from Arizona, has given birth to three children by the tender age of 21 and has received a huge amount of online hate for being such a young mother of three. Vanity told Truly: "People think because I'm young, I'm a terrible mum to my three children - but they're wrong." When Vanity first fell pregnant aged 18, her family were shocked but remained incredibly supportive of the challenging path that she chose for herself. Vanity admits that she never thought she would go on to be a mum to three children at 21 and sometimes does wonder that she may be missing out on being young and carefree with her friends. She decided to take her story to social media and was hit with a torrent of negative comments that really affected her. Vanity said: "The judgement that I have from online trolls is really ridiculous; I 'should've got an abortion', she 'looks slow' and I 'need to call animal control'. It kinda broke my heart a little bit." Despite the hate that Vanity has received, she's happy with the choices she has made and plans to have more children in the future. She added: "To the people who criticized me online, it's not your life to live, we all have different paths and this is the path I chose to go down."

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