"I'm a single mum-of-12 - I can't afford them, I have to feed them on coupons"

  • 3 months ago
A single mum-of-12 said she's been forced to rely on food stamps due to the cost of living crisis - and "can't afford" to feed her family without them.

Veronica Merritt, 39, says she has to feed her kids macaroni, hot dogs and packet ramen - because now her yearly food bill totals $24k.

She says she’s trolled on TikTok for “not being able to afford” her big family by people who say she shouldn’t have had kids in the first place.

But she does not regret them and said having babies feels and it's like her "superpower".

Veronica, a TikTok creator, from New York, US, said: “I never would’ve had kids if I’d waited until I was rich - I don't regret any of my kids.