À 33 ans, il a décidé d'apprendre à lire

  • l’année dernière
"J'ai compris que ma vie ne changerait pas tant que je ne lirais pas."

Parce qu'il n'est jamais trop tard, à 33 ans, Oliver a décidé d'apprendre à lire. Il raconte.

(via Brut America)


00:00 "What's up ? I can't read, but that's alright.
00:02 Because if you've been following along,
00:03 you know we're on a journey to fix that."
00:04 Voici Oliver James.
00:06 À 33 ans, il a décidé d'affronter une très vieille peur
00:09 et d'apprendre à lire.
00:10 Il raconte sa progression sur TikTok.
00:12 "Up to now, I always thought bickering was just something
00:16 children did and that they outgrew it.
00:19 I've read this about five times already
00:22 and I'm still having trouble with it.
00:24 But hey, that's what it is."
00:26 Oliver, comme 21% des adultes aux États-Unis,
00:29 est en situation d'illettrisme,
00:31 c'est-à-dire qu'il ne lit pas assez bien
00:32 pour accomplir certaines tâches quotidiennes ou professionnelles.
00:35 "I felt like I was only being able to go so far.
00:39 And I could see people with so many gifts and talents
00:41 and doing things.
00:42 And I'm like, I could do that.
00:44 But then I would always find myself being scared
00:46 because I couldn't read.
00:48 You didn't learn in high school, you're done.
00:49 You can't learn anymore.
00:50 You didn't go to college, you're done.
00:52 You're not going to get a good job.
00:53 That's kind of how the world kind of showed me.
00:55 But at 30, I was like, I can't keep doing this.
00:58 And that's when I started to realize,
00:59 like, if I don't start reading,
01:00 I won't be able to function as a 60-year-old."
01:03 "Where do you think I had to go?
01:04 The library!"
01:06 "So I'm reading the diary of Anne Frank.
01:08 Right now we're on page 30.
01:09 Dearest Kitty,
01:11 I've deserted you for an entire month,
01:14 but so little has happened."
01:16 À l'école primaire,
01:18 Oliver souffrait de difficultés d'apprentissage
01:20 et il était souvent exclu de la classe.
01:22 "I was a kid who didn't know how to sit still.
01:24 They didn't know how to teach me.
01:27 They kind of treated me like,
01:28 as if I could not cooperate
01:30 like any other kid in the class.
01:32 It was like, you got to go.
01:33 And I remember I used to have to go straight
01:34 to the principal's office.
01:36 That was my schooling.
01:37 I would walk straight into the principal's office
01:39 and I would sit at a desk that would face a wall.
01:41 And I was probably first or second grade around then."
01:43 Il a finalement été placé dans une classe spéciale
01:45 pour les enfants atteints de troubles du comportement.
01:47 Il raconte que les enseignants faisaient passer la discipline
01:49 avant l'éducation
01:51 et pratiquaient les châtiments corporels.
01:53 "It was really hard for me to, you know,
01:55 think about school, reading,
01:57 anything that had to do with school."
01:58 "I couldn't understand it fully,
02:00 but I knew it was different
02:01 because everybody in this class was similar to me.
02:03 They had these similar behaviors.
02:05 The teaching went from talking to me
02:07 and telling me, 'Don't do that.
02:08 Oliver, sit down.'
02:09 It went from that to slams and chokes.
02:12 It was a normal school with a special class.
02:13 I didn't know that.
02:14 I knew it after they started putting hands on me.
02:16 Then I knew I was like, 'This is different.'
02:18 They didn't do this at the last school
02:19 when I didn't pay attention."
02:21 À 20 ans, Oliver s'est retrouvé en prison.
02:23 Selon le département de la justice américain,
02:26 au moins un quart des détenus adultes
02:28 ont effectué une grande partie de leur scolarité
02:30 dans des classes d'enseignement spécialisées.
02:32 "I thought for a long time, I believed myself
02:34 when I went to prison,
02:35 but I realized my life was set up to go to prison.
02:37 I got out of prison, I went back to doing the same things.
02:40 I felt my life leading right back to going to prison.
02:43 I was just like, 'Ah!'
02:44 And I'm not a prisoner, I'm not a criminal.
02:47 I didn't want to be that."
02:48 "I realized that my life will not change
02:51 unless I go read.
02:53 So at 34 years old, I'm reading books like 'The Giving Tree'."
02:55 Même s'il connaissait les bases de la lecture,
02:57 Oliver n'était pas capable d'effectuer certaines tâches
02:59 de la vie courante,
03:00 comme remplir des formulaires
03:02 ou répondre à des messages écrits.
03:03 "I used to get a lot of anxiety going out to eat
03:06 because I didn't know how to read menus.
03:07 I would just get familiar foods if I have to."
03:10 "I knew I had to always make these lies up my whole life.
03:15 Everything I had to do, it had to be like a lie.
03:17 I had to figure out how to get over
03:18 so I can be right there with somebody.
03:21 As long as I'm there, then everything would work out.
03:23 So I did that with everything.
03:25 Everything that you can name in my life,
03:26 like filling out forms, like anything I had to do,
03:29 I would always have somebody that would,
03:31 you know, take a liking to me.
03:33 Then I'm like, they're willing to give it to me,
03:35 I'm going to take it."
03:35 Aujourd'hui, Oliver partage son expérience
03:38 avec ses milliers de followers sur TikTok.
03:40 "And I sat in my bed,
03:42 I turned the camera on and I said,
03:43 'What's up? I can't read.'
03:45 I even felt like sweating when I was saying it
03:47 and then I posted it.
03:48 Boom.
03:49 And then the response was immediate."
03:50 "The world told me I was stupid.
03:59 You know, when I was in school,
04:00 the world told me I wasn't going to amount to nothing.
04:02 The world told me that,
04:03 'If you don't know how to read, you don't do this.'
04:04 If you don't know what...
04:04 They told me everything against what I felt.
04:06 Because I realized once I gave myself that power,
04:09 I started to understand I got to live as who I wanted to be."
04:12 "We're reading 'Outsiders.'
04:13 I'm learning to read and this is the second book.
04:16 This book, this one right here.
04:18 Wowee!
04:20 This one, I understand it."
04:22 [Explosion]
04:24 [SILENCE]
