Da Enna a Termini Imerese: tappa di media montagna che supera una serie di salite di pendenza limitata, ma di lunghezza oltre i 15 km. Si scalano nell’ordine Rocca Vutura, Sperlinga (4 km) e la Portella di Bafurco dal versante sud. Seguono quasi 40 km di discesa (con brevi contropendenze all’interno) prima di inserirsi sulla strada statale costiera e raggiungere l’arrivo. Strade all’interno della Sicilia molto articolate con numerose curve e saliscendi sempre abbastanza larghe e in discreto stato di manutenzione.
From Enna to Termini Imerese: this medium mountain stage tackles a series of climbs with moderate gradients, but over 15 km in length. The route takes in climbs to Rocca Vutura, Sperlinga (4 km) and Portella di Bafurco (along the southern slope), and then descends for nearly 40 km (with short counter-sloping stretches), reaching the coastal road that leads all the way to the finish. The roads across inland Sicily are wavy and curving, yet always moderately wide and well surfaced.
From Enna to Termini Imerese: this medium mountain stage tackles a series of climbs with moderate gradients, but over 15 km in length. The route takes in climbs to Rocca Vutura, Sperlinga (4 km) and Portella di Bafurco (along the southern slope), and then descends for nearly 40 km (with short counter-sloping stretches), reaching the coastal road that leads all the way to the finish. The roads across inland Sicily are wavy and curving, yet always moderately wide and well surfaced.
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