• il y a 2 ans


00:00 *musique*
00:08 *musique*
00:17 Good evening ma'am
00:18 What would you like to have ma'am ?
00:21 Mineral water or regular ?
00:23 Of course mineral
00:25 Sure ma'am
00:29 Baby just 10 minutes
00:31 10 minutes means 10 minutes ok
00:33 Of course baby
00:35 What would you like to have ?
00:38 Whatever my baby will have
00:40 Great
00:41 Love you baby
00:42 What do you recommend ?
00:45 Well ma'am today's special is chicken fajita burrito
00:48 And in vegetarian we have potato confit
00:50 And in dessert we have American pie
00:52 Sounds just too boring
00:55 I want to have something different
00:58 You know something
01:00 So I think ma'am you should try something from Thailand
01:07 Thailand ?
01:08 You know where I spent my last weekend in Thailand
01:11 Now it's too much Thai food
01:14 Not Thai for me
01:15 Ok
01:17 Well in that case you must be missing Indian food then
01:19 Indian ?
01:20 It's just too spicy
01:22 Yeah so I think then
01:23 Italian food will really suit your palate
01:26 Italian ?
01:27 What are you doing ?
01:28 They make it at home everyday
01:29 I told you I want something different
01:31 Ok
01:33 Well in that case you can try French dishes
01:36 Because they are really arty and really classy
01:40 Just like you ma'am
01:42 Sure
01:43 Please write the orders
01:46 Cookies, sauna chocs
01:49 And one of these moules mariners
01:52 And
01:54 And one of these moules mariners
01:56 And one of these moules mariners
01:59 Don't bring it
02:04 Do one thing
02:06 Bring some French pea soup
02:08 Soup ?
02:11 Yes
02:12 Enjoy your soup ma'am
02:16 Thank you
02:17 Check please
02:24 Bill ma'am
02:25 Thank you ma'am
02:29 Just keep the change it's for you
02:33 Thank you so much
02:35 Hey you
02:36 Yeah come here
02:37 Take this
02:39 For him ?
02:42 Yeah
02:43 Thank you so much
02:45 Ma'am
02:46 Ma'am
02:52 Ma'am
02:54 Ma'am
02:56 Ma'am
02:58 Ma'am
03:00 Ma'am
03:02 Ma'am
03:04 Ma'am
03:06 Ma'am
03:08 Ma'am
03:10 Ma'am
03:13 Ma'am
03:14 Ma'am
03:16 Ma'am
03:18 Ma'am
03:20 Ma'am
03:22 You over acted so much
03:36 Give me the money
03:37 Hurry up
03:41 What's wrong with you ?
03:42 You over acted so much
03:43 Keep it
03:45 And get ready
03:46 Another one is coming
03:47 Ma'am mineral or regular ?
04:00 Of course mineral
04:01 Sure ma'am
04:03 Subscribe !
