Neha Marda Daughter 19 Days बाद Home Grand Welcome, NICU से लौटी, टीवी एक्ट्रेस नेहा मर्दा की बच्ची का जन्म 7 अप्रैल 2023 को समय से पहले हुआ था, इसलिए उसे एनआईसीयू में रखा गया था। हालांकि, करीब 19 दिन बाद वह डिस्चार्ज होकर अपने घर आ गई हैं। आप भी देखिए बेटी का ग्रैंड वेलकम का ये विडियो:-
Neha Marda Daughter returned from NICU after 19 days Home Grand Welcome, TV actress Neha Marda's baby girl was born prematurely on 7 April 2023, so she was kept in NICU. However, after about 19 days, she has returned to her home after being discharged. You also see this video of daughter's grand welcome
#nehamarda #nehamardadaughter
Neha Marda Daughter returned from NICU after 19 days Home Grand Welcome, TV actress Neha Marda's baby girl was born prematurely on 7 April 2023, so she was kept in NICU. However, after about 19 days, she has returned to her home after being discharged. You also see this video of daughter's grand welcome
#nehamarda #nehamardadaughter