Napisan, Rousand: “Sosteniamo molti progetti per migliorare educazione all’igiene”

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Ferran Rousaud, Amministratore delegato di Reckitt Hygiene Italia, è intervenuto a margine della giornata di apertura dell’esposizione artistica aperta al pubblico “MORE – Museum of Restrictions”, aperta dal 3 al 7 maggio a Milano, che celebra l’importanza del tocco nella vita delle persone e dei semplici gesti d’igiene come strumento fondamentale per la collettività, partendo dall’esperienza della pandemia e delle restrizioni che hanno caratterizzato quel periodo.



00:00 [Music]
00:03 This exhibition is very important for Ekit and for Napisan,
00:09 and it brings to life the importance of touch through its absence.
00:14 When we go back with the thought of the hardest months of the pandemic,
00:18 we will remember that there were so many moments
00:21 when we could not touch the people we love,
00:24 we could not touch the surfaces and the objects,
00:27 we could not go on public transport,
00:30 we could not do so many things that were previously taken for granted.
00:34 Celebrating in this way, we remind everyone
00:37 how important it is to touch people, touch things,
00:41 and at the same time make sure that our behaviors
00:44 and our habits in terms of hygiene
00:47 prevent something like this from happening again.
00:52 As I mentioned before, Ekit has a very large program
00:59 that concerns hygiene education.
01:02 Among the many initiatives, we find the Napisan Hygiene Together program,
01:06 which took place in schools during the pandemic
01:09 and which has seen the themes of instruction and hygiene education at the center,
01:14 and the supply of products and materials,
01:17 which have reached 13,000 schools during the summer.
01:21 Subsequently to this fantastic project,
01:24 we have collaborated with the Stefano Boeri Interiors study
01:28 for the development of the classroom of the future,
01:31 a space designed to be effective, efficient and hygienic for students.
01:37 In addition, with the help of the University of San Raffaele,
01:41 we have carried out studies that show that good education
01:45 and the use of the right products can reduce the incidence of viruses and diseases,
01:50 such as COVID or seasonal flu.
01:53 What we present today is an activity that celebrates the importance
01:57 and beauty of touching, through the absence of touch.
