Natalità: Ceo Angelini Industries, ‘sostegno famiglia parte da cultura aziendale’

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Il sostegno alle famiglie è al centro della nostra mission aziendale. Il nostro più che un programma è un’operazione di carattere culturale, la più importante: creare un ambiente in cui le donne sono incentivate a essere madri e in cui essere madri è visto come un valore e non come un ostacolo per la carriera”. Così Sergio Marullo di Condojanni, ceo di Angelini Industries all’Adnkronos a margine degli Stati generali della natalità in corso a Roma. 


00:00 It is important because it is a very important topic.
00:03 Finally, in the public debate, we have realized that Italy is dramatically behind
00:08 and is undergoing a birth crisis that will have a very serious impact in the years to come,
00:13 also on our ability to be an economic power.
00:16 So, drawing attention to the issue of birth is essential to raise awareness,
00:21 especially among young people, who will contribute the most to future births.
00:26 I would say three things, fundamentally.
00:29 The first, which is more than a program, is a cultural operation.
00:33 The most important is to create an environment in which women are encouraged to be mothers
00:39 and being a mother is seen as a value, not as a problem in the career.
00:43 This is a great initiative of Respiro Ampio that concerns the whole company
00:48 and is, I repeat, first of all a cultural discourse.
00:50 We then have a series of welfare programs that help young mothers
00:54 not only stay in the corporate fabric, but also be assisted in the most difficult phases,
01:01 such as services that help to find domestic collaborators
01:04 or other activities that can help to manage the children, especially at the beginning.
01:10 And finally, we are building a corporate asylum that we hope will host many, many children in the future.
01:15 We are also very committed to gender equality, which is on our table of values.
01:20 And this too, certainly, thanks for asking, is a way to help families have children,
01:26 because if even parents, from this point of view, contribute like mothers to family life
01:32 and are not penalized at work, it is further help to have more children.
