Famiglia: Prénatal lancia a Roma ‘Generazione G’ per aiutare i neogenitori

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Si è tenuta a Roma presso Palazzo Ferrajoli, la conferenza stampa di presentazione del progetto ‘Generazione G, Generazione Genitori’ promosso da Prénatal, Ministero per la Famiglia, la Natalità e le Pari Opportunità, Moige - Movimento Italiano Genitori e altre aziende vicine alle esigenze dei neogenitori. Un’occasione per illustrare i numeri sulla natalità in Italia e per sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica sul tema, mettendo al centro della discussione la volontà di voler aiutare le famiglie in difficoltà a non rinunciare al percorso per diventare genitori per il mancato sostegno economico, sociale o psicologico.


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00:03 The press conference of the Generation G project, Generation Genitori, was held in Rome near the Ferraioli Palace.
00:11 The initiative, promoted by Prenatal on the occasion of its 60th anniversary, was organized with the Ministry for Family, Birth and Equal Opportunities, in collaboration with the Italian Genitori movement.
00:22 The capital meeting was therefore an opportunity to support the campaign to raise awareness on the issue of birth, but not only.
00:30 The project, promoted by the company, which has always been close to families and helps them, step by step, in the growth of their children, wants to make a concrete contribution to the parents in difficulty and to the future of the country.
00:40 Today is a special occasion for us, I am excited because it is an anniversary where we are turning 60, like Prenatal, so for 60 years we have been on the Italian territory, alongside Italian families.
00:52 And precisely to celebrate this anniversary we have decided to take on an active role, to do our part and to have a social role,
01:01 precisely to have an impact on what is a phenomenon that has been affecting Italy for several years now, but which has also accelerated in recent years, and I am talking about birth.
01:13 Therefore, Generation G, or Generation Genitori, is a project designed to support birth, to support those fragile families, with concrete aid.
01:26 It is born from the desire to go against fragile families, to parents who live in a condition of fragility, helping them with an innovative way, through the presence of expert parents, coaching parents.
01:38 They are close to them, they will be close to them for a certain period of time, assisting them in all the difficulties of being a parent.
01:48 In short, they are practically guardian angels of the new parents, who are also expert people, therefore expert parents who help new parents.
01:57 At the press conference held in the center of the capital, Minister for the Family Eugenia Roccella and illustrious experts from the sector also participated,
02:05 who had the opportunity to illustrate the inherent numbers of births in Italy, highlighting what is being done and will be done to counteract the phenomenon of demographic decline.
02:14 Through Generation G, Generation Genitori, Prenatal together with Moege and other companies close to the needs of new mothers and new dads,
02:22 it seeks to become a useful tool to counter the demographic winter that is taking place in Italy, offering help in the most beautiful and exciting of experiences, becoming parents.
02:31 We are present with Prenatal, with 168 points of sale throughout the territory.
02:37 If you also consider all the others in the group, I am referring to Toy Center, Bimbo Store, Faust Farts, we have presides that are 400 points of sale throughout the Italian territory.
02:48 What we have seen in these 60 years is that many of these families are looking for guidance, support, and the Generation G project is about to impact on this,
02:56 namely on supporting these families with the donation of some essential goods, for the first months of life of the new born children,
03:06 but also with psychological services and family support for those who are parents who ask for assistance.
03:14 Well, more than 250 fragile families are involved, fragile parents with expert parents who will follow these families.
03:27 We must be close to parents, it is essential to be close to neogenitality.
03:34 It is a great challenge, we are there, we are happy and happy that in this initiative there is a great reality like Prenatal.
