Bordignon (Forum delle Famiglie): ‘Chiediamo patto di stabilità più flessibile’

  • 5 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Non solo spese di guerra e transizione ecologica, ma anche investimenti su natalità”.

È la richiesta del presidente nazionale Forum delle Famiglie, Adriano Bordignon, intervistato nella giornata di apertura degli Stati generali della natalità organizzati da Fondazione per la Natalità a Roma.


00:00This year, the birth rates have a focus on young people for various reasons.
00:10The first is because the impact of birth rates will be especially severe on the new generations.
00:16In 1950, every two young people had an old man.
00:20Today, every old man has two young people.
00:24In 2050, every young person will have three old people.
00:28This is an important imbalance.
00:30Thank God we live longer, but our old people will have to be properly cared for.
00:35The health expenses will increase.
00:38This is why we need young people.
00:40To put young people in a position to be protagonists,
00:43we need to anticipate times of autonomy, responsibility, leaving the family,
00:47qualifying the type of work they have, remuneration.
00:51We need to think about policies for the house,
00:53not only for the less wealthy, but also for young people and young couples.
00:57This is a significant step forward.
00:59We need tools such as single-parent homes,
01:01family support, early childhood services,
01:04caregiving, and family reconciliation.
01:08We need to break the framework.
01:11Economies don't seem to allow it.
01:13Europe seems to have a strict pact of stability.
01:16We ask for a more flexible pact of stability,
01:19not only for war expenses and ecological transition expenses,
01:23but also for all investments on birth rates.
01:26The government is taking symbolic and economic steps
01:31that have a certain impact,
01:33but in the face of the enormity of the issue,
01:36which concerns not only our country, but the whole West,
01:39we need different resources.
01:41We mentioned Dick Fosbury as the jumper who changed the history of athletics.
01:46We must break the boundaries,
01:48engage Europe in this effort,
01:50and find new resources for our future.
