BANK HEIST English Movie Sylvester Stallone Blockbuster Action Full Movie In English_v720P

  • l’année dernière
After suffering a brain injury from a bank robbery gone wrong, MacDonald develops amnesia and is put into a prison psychiatric ward. Following his seventh year of incarceration, he is coerced by an inmate and a ward doctor to break out of prison, and he is injected with a serum that forces him to relive the life he has forgotten. MacDonald must now elude a local detective, a toughened FBI agent, and the drug's dangerous side effects to recover the stolen money
00:00:00 (dramatic music)
00:00:02 (car engine revving)
00:00:05 (car door slams)
00:00:08 (car door slams)
00:00:09 (car engine revving)
00:00:12 (dramatic music)
00:00:19 - This wasn't how it was supposed to go down.
00:00:34 This wasn't the plan.
00:00:36 - We did our part.
00:00:37 You both gotta calm down.
00:00:39 - Nobody got hurt.
00:00:40 That was the agreement.
00:00:40 - No, you changed the plan on him.
00:00:43 - Nobody got hurt.
00:00:44 That was the deal.
00:00:45 - I don't wanna have to spend the rest of my life
00:00:46 looking over my shoulder.
00:00:47 - This was the only way we were gonna get back with.
00:00:49 They stole from us.
00:00:51 Now speed up or we're not gonna make our window.
00:00:53 (car engine revving)
00:00:57 (dramatic music)
00:00:59 - Who are those guys?
00:01:09 - I don't know, that's not them though.
00:01:12 (dramatic music)
00:01:15 (car engine revving)
00:01:18 - I don't like this.
00:01:29 Play cool, I'll handle this.
00:01:32 - Keep your eyes on the wind, boys.
00:01:40 - Max, stay back till we call you.
00:01:41 (dramatic music)
00:01:44 - Who the hell are you?
00:02:04 - Nevermind that.
00:02:05 Where's the money?
00:02:06 - Here you go.
00:02:10 (grunting)
00:02:12 - Where's the rest of it?
00:02:15 - We took our share.
00:02:16 That's your cut.
00:02:17 - Juby, Foster, let's go.
00:02:20 - That wasn't the deal.
00:02:21 - I know, Mac.
00:02:22 Yeah, well it is now.
00:02:23 - That's gotta be less than half.
00:02:25 - Come on.
00:02:26 - You're damn right it's less than half.
00:02:28 - Let's go.
00:02:29 - 20 million split four ways.
00:02:30 Three of us pulled the job, five million a piece.
00:02:32 The rest is yours.
00:02:33 - Any one of those bills could have been marked.
00:02:35 How do you expect to launder it?
00:02:37 - Let us worry about it.
00:02:39 - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, relax.
00:02:41 - Where's our money, asshole?
00:02:42 - Easy, guys.
00:02:43 - Where's the money?
00:02:44 - Calm down, all right?
00:02:46 We buried the money, you kill us, nobody gets anything.
00:02:48 - Just calm down, everybody.
00:02:49 - He's bluffing.
00:02:50 - Just relax, this isn't the plan.
00:02:51 - You're right, it isn't part of the plan.
00:02:53 - Jimmy!
00:02:54 Foster, get in the goddamn truck.
00:02:55 - Max, relax.
00:02:56 Everybody relax.
00:02:56 Put the guns away.
00:02:57 - Put the guns away.
00:02:58 Everybody just relax.
00:02:59 - Where's the money?
00:03:00 - Where's our money?
00:03:01 - Calm down.
00:03:02 - Nobody's--
00:03:02 (gunshots)
00:03:03 - Money!
00:03:04 (gunshots)
00:03:06 (gunshots)
00:03:09 (gunshots)
00:03:11 - Shit.
00:03:22 (gunshots)
00:03:24 (gunshots)
00:03:33 (panting)
00:03:35 (gunshots)
00:03:45 - Move, move, move, move.
00:03:46 (gunshots)
00:03:48 (gunshots)
00:03:52 (gunshots)
00:03:55 (panting)
00:03:57 (gunshots)
00:04:03 - Check the truck.
00:04:07 Go, go, go.
00:04:09 (gunshots)
00:04:11 (gunshots)
00:04:23 (gunshots)
00:04:25 (grunts)
00:04:35 (gunshots)
00:04:43 - Son of a bitch!
00:04:50 (gunshots)
00:04:52 (grunts)
00:04:54 (gunshots)
00:04:56 (grunts)
00:05:11 (gunshots)
00:05:13 - Come on!
00:05:30 Get out of here!
00:05:31 We gotta get out of here!
00:05:33 (grunts)
00:05:38 (panting)
00:05:40 Let's get out of here.
00:05:48 (engine starts)
00:05:54 (tires screech)
00:06:00 (panting)
00:06:07 (coughing)
00:06:09 (grunts)
00:06:12 (grunts)
00:06:14 (panting)
00:06:17 (grunts)
00:06:33 (grunts)
00:06:36 (grunts)
00:06:46 (growls)
00:06:57 (splashes)
00:07:03 (grunts)
00:07:05 (splashes)
00:07:07 (grunts)
00:07:17 (gunshot)
00:07:23 - How far are we from the primary crime scene?
00:07:29 - They're walking it now,
00:07:29 but it looks like it's less than two miles.
00:07:31 We cut his way through the marsh.
00:07:32 - Are we gonna fly over?
00:07:34 - Not before the weather.
00:07:36 Sykes.
00:07:37 - What time did the call come in?
00:07:47 - Approximately 9.30 this morning.
00:07:50 - I don't see any breaths.
00:07:52 Any exchange of fire?
00:07:54 - Well, apparently this one here,
00:07:55 two others that were discovered
00:07:57 by a couple of hunters over in Route 20
00:07:59 got themselves into one hell of a firefight.
00:08:01 We recovered over two dozen spent shell casings.
00:08:03 First responding officers tried to enter.
00:08:07 - Got IDs?
00:08:08 - So far we know this one would be Donovan McDonald.
00:08:10 The other two are Ike Foster and John Truby.
00:08:14 - John Truby.
00:08:16 - Mr. Truby had a security badge from Central City Bank.
00:08:20 - Hmm.
00:08:21 The bank that got robbed downtown yesterday.
00:08:27 - Yeah.
00:08:28 - So what's our chances of getting anything
00:08:32 out of this guy here?
00:08:33 - Spotty at best.
00:08:35 Paramedics gave him 50/50 when they got here.
00:08:38 - Right.
00:08:39 Hey, I need you guys to get him down
00:08:41 to the trauma center, all right?
00:08:42 - Yes, sir.
00:08:43 - And no one talks to this guy except with me.
00:08:46 - Yes, sir.
00:08:48 - All right.
00:08:50 - That's it, have a nice trip.
00:08:55 (indistinct chatter)
00:08:58 - Still having migraines?
00:09:22 - Yeah.
00:09:24 - How often?
00:09:25 - All the time.
00:09:27 - Follow tip of my finger with your eyes?
00:09:31 What about the nightmares?
00:09:33 - Yeah.
00:09:34 - How often?
00:09:37 - Every night.
00:09:41 (indistinct chatter)
00:09:45 - Don't you think it's in his best interest
00:09:46 to extend his evaluation period
00:09:48 at least until his long-term memory comes back?
00:09:52 - That's not my concern.
00:09:54 I don't know who we were before all this happened,
00:09:56 but maybe it's for the best
00:09:58 if he don't get those memories back.
00:10:01 Your lives were lost.
00:10:05 Do you really wanna know why?
00:10:07 - I don't know.
00:10:09 If I have to go to prison,
00:10:11 I'd like to know why.
00:10:17 (dramatic music)
00:10:20 - What about his follow-up?
00:10:27 - It's out of my hands.
00:10:29 Make sure he stays on the prescribed regimen.
00:10:34 - Yes, doctor.
00:10:36 - Thank you.
00:10:37 (door closes)
00:10:47 (indistinct chatter)
00:10:50 - Hmm, looks good.
00:10:51 Sure this is edible, right?
00:10:54 - Seemed fine the other day.
00:10:56 - Ah, great.
00:10:57 (door buzzes)
00:11:04 - Hey, I'm Lucas.
00:11:14 Just got in.
00:11:16 - Got?
00:11:17 - Excuse me?
00:11:18 - You said got.
00:11:19 People don't get in here.
00:11:24 They're sent here.
00:11:25 - Yeah, a 72-hour psychiatric evaluation.
00:11:30 It's voluntary.
00:11:31 - Do I know you?
00:11:36 You seem familiar.
00:11:44 - No, you don't know me.
00:11:46 But I know you.
00:11:48 - How's that?
00:11:50 - Read all about you.
00:11:52 Saw all those news stories about you and that bank robbery.
00:11:56 - Well, then you know more about it than I do.
00:11:58 - Ah, well, I know that you're not guilty.
00:12:02 At least not for everything they're accusing you for.
00:12:06 How long you been here?
00:12:08 What, a couple years?
00:12:10 - Seven years.
00:12:13 (people chattering)
00:12:16 - I bet you're missing life outside these walls.
00:12:22 I'd bet even more that you're desperate to get out.
00:12:27 (phone buzzes)
00:12:35 - What's that?
00:12:42 - What if I told you I can get you out of here?
00:12:46 - I'd say you're crazy.
00:12:48 - You mean to tell me after all this time
00:12:51 you spent in here, you can't tell the difference
00:12:52 between these nut jobs and me?
00:12:55 Damn, I'm good.
00:12:56 - How would you get me out of this place?
00:13:03 - As much as I like to take credit for all this,
00:13:08 I got some help.
00:13:12 - Why are you doing this?
00:13:14 - I got 20 million reasons.
00:13:16 - If you read my case, you'd know that I don't have
00:13:22 any memory of what happened to me
00:13:23 before I was sent to this place.
00:13:26 - Look, you wanna get out of here, this is your chance.
00:13:32 I'd say sleep on it, but I'm being discharged tonight,
00:13:36 so you gotta make a decision quick,
00:13:38 'cause the clock is ticking.
00:13:41 - You don't trust me.
00:13:43 - Why would I trust you?
00:13:45 You got any better options?
00:13:49 - Lunch is over, gentlemen.
00:13:51 And Dr. Nichols is waiting on you for your exit exam.
00:14:02 Let's go.
00:14:02 Yeah, let's go.
00:14:11 - Everything's gonna be all right.
00:14:13 - See you soon, man.
00:14:17 (siren blaring)
00:14:20 (metal clanging)
00:14:40 - Your peak assistance rate, 850.
00:14:43 Your peak assistance rate, 850.
00:14:45 - Okay.
00:14:46 (siren blaring)
00:14:49 - Lay outside, I'm telling you, lay outside.
00:14:56 Level, have a level.
00:15:03 (siren blaring)
00:15:07 (dramatic music)
00:15:10 - Mac, how are you feeling?
00:15:27 - Like I was poisoned.
00:15:32 - The side effects will only last a few hours.
00:15:38 Here, take this.
00:15:39 It will help calm you down.
00:15:42 (dramatic music)
00:15:49 - We gotta let him go.
00:15:59 - Operator, clone channel's gonna be holding.
00:16:02 (radio chattering)
00:16:05 - [Radio] We're gonna have to turn back at our 24.
00:16:10 - [Radio] 78824, are you still?
00:16:13 - [Radio] 88824.
00:16:14 - [Radio] Clone channel's gonna be holding.
00:16:20 - You done for the day?
00:16:30 - Just finishing out the week.
00:16:32 - Go ahead and sign this.
00:16:34 (dramatic music)
00:16:36 - I'm gonna have to have you open up that bag for me.
00:16:41 - Certainly.
00:16:42 - Ladies, can I see your IDs, please?
00:16:46 - Just returning these to county.
00:17:00 Dr. Nichols signed off on it.
00:17:03 (dramatic music)
00:17:05 - Let's get you to open up the back as well.
00:17:08 - Okay, give me a second.
00:17:11 (car horn honking)
00:17:12 - Can we hurry this up?
00:17:14 (car horn honking)
00:17:17 Come on.
00:17:19 - Dr. Koda to the ECT room.
00:17:23 Dr. Koda to the ECT room.
00:17:25 - Lights out, guys.
00:17:27 - Hey, did McDonaghy move back to his room?
00:17:30 - Not that I'm aware of.
00:17:32 - Let's go, move it along.
00:17:35 (dramatic music)
00:17:38 - We got a problem, guys.
00:17:44 - Man.
00:17:44 (car horn honking)
00:17:49 - Alicia!
00:17:50 - Such an asshole.
00:17:55 You're good to go.
00:17:57 (car horn honking)
00:18:00 - Hey.
00:18:23 - Hey yourself.
00:18:25 All right.
00:18:26 - You still think I'm crazy?
00:18:28 - Mm-hmm.
00:18:29 - Come on, let's get you inside.
00:18:41 (dramatic music)
00:18:44 (footsteps thudding)
00:18:47 (dramatic music)
00:18:49 (footsteps thudding)
00:18:53 (camera shutter clicking)
00:19:11 (dramatic music)
00:19:16 (footsteps thudding)
00:19:19 (dramatic music)
00:19:45 (footsteps thudding)
00:19:48 - It's fairly catastrophic retrograde amnesia.
00:19:59 - You think it was real or you think he was faking it?
00:20:01 - I believe it was real.
00:20:03 His brain imaging says it was real.
00:20:05 Every neurological test we've ever done said it was real.
00:20:08 Detective, this was the worst case I've seen.
00:20:10 It took him six months to learn how to walk
00:20:13 and then another 12 just to learn how to speak.
00:20:16 That man's lucky to have survived.
00:20:17 (people chattering)
00:20:22 - Let me ask you something.
00:20:25 If it wasn't an ax, how'd he get out of this place?
00:20:31 Have you had any visitors lately?
00:20:35 - I've been here four years
00:20:37 and other than police investigators
00:20:39 and the occasional reporter, no one's come calling.
00:20:42 (phone ringing)
00:20:45 - Yeah?
00:20:48 - Just spoke to one of the night nurses.
00:20:50 She said a security guard by the name of Farindel
00:20:53 was a no call, no show for work this morning.
00:20:56 He was also one of the last people
00:20:58 to have spoken to McDonald's.
00:20:59 - Head over to his place
00:21:04 and tell me if you find anything.
00:21:05 - Okay.
00:21:06 - Two more questions.
00:21:10 Police are following several leads
00:21:12 in the escape of famed bank robber, Donovan McDonald.
00:21:15 Authorities are not speculating
00:21:16 how they believe McDonald got away,
00:21:18 but if pursuing leads in a person of interest--
00:21:20 - I'm gonna need this.
00:21:22 - Our Karen Matthews is on the scene.
00:21:24 - What do you know about your case, man?
00:21:40 - I've been asked a lot of questions over the years,
00:21:42 but it always seems like they're talking about someone else.
00:21:47 I've been accused of a lot of things.
00:21:53 I'd like to know the truth.
00:21:57 - We can help you with that.
00:22:03 This'll help you relax before we begin.
00:22:08 (dramatic music)
00:22:11 - Before we begin what?
00:22:14 - There's somebody outside.
00:22:27 - Keep him there.
00:22:29 (gun cocks)
00:22:32 (dramatic music)
00:22:35 - Get in here.
00:22:50 - Are you followed?
00:22:55 - I left behind a few breadcrumbs.
00:22:57 Hey, Mac.
00:23:01 - I already know Farron.
00:23:02 - Okay.
00:23:08 Obviously you guys know who I am.
00:23:11 Who are you?
00:23:15 You're not a security guard.
00:23:20 You're not. - Crazy.
00:23:25 - Are you a nurse?
00:23:30 - I was in a former life.
00:23:32 - How fast can we do this?
00:23:33 - Do what?
00:23:37 - Why don't you come with me, Mac?
00:23:43 Let's go upstairs.
00:23:44 Come on.
00:23:46 - Now hold on a minute. - No, no, no.
00:23:47 Come on. - No, no.
00:23:48 Come on.
00:23:49 Come on.
00:23:58 (door slams)
00:24:01 Let me show you something, Mac.
00:24:27 Now most of this is public record.
00:24:28 - This?
00:24:32 - This is the important stuff.
00:24:34 According to the police report,
00:24:39 the lead detective was a guy by the name of Sykes.
00:24:42 - Sykes.
00:24:43 I know him.
00:24:47 He's been coming to the hospital for years.
00:24:51 Always asking me questions.
00:24:55 (dramatic music)
00:24:58 - Sounds about right.
00:25:00 - This is something you might be interested in.
00:25:05 The ballistics report,
00:25:13 which clearly indicates that the bullets
00:25:16 that killed Ike Foster and John Truby
00:25:19 weren't fired by any of the weapons recovered at the scene.
00:25:23 (dramatic music)
00:25:25 - So you tell me,
00:25:29 how does that happen?
00:25:31 What if I didn't kill him?
00:25:35 Who did?
00:25:38 (police radio chatter)
00:25:51 - We've got reports coming in from the state troopers.
00:25:53 They set up roadblocks and checkpoints
00:25:54 at State Line and the 95.
00:25:56 - All right, get her on the board.
00:25:58 - Okay, we've got another hit from a gas station attendant
00:26:01 that thinks they spotted what looks like a cargo van
00:26:03 headed southbound on Veterans Highway to the 204.
00:26:06 - That makes no sense.
00:26:09 It'd be over by Hunter Airfield.
00:26:11 - Scramming the resources too thin.
00:26:14 By our estimates, this guy's already got a massive headstart.
00:26:20 - Detective, I am sure you know FBI agent Franks,
00:26:23 and this is his new partner, Carl Hicks.
00:26:25 - We already extended our perimeter route 20 miles.
00:26:31 What else would you have in mind?
00:26:32 And I thought the marshals were responsible
00:26:38 for fugitive capture.
00:26:40 - Man, you've had seven years to solve these homicides,
00:26:42 but you got nothing.
00:26:43 So, now the primary suspect is out, lands on my desk.
00:26:48 (indistinct chatter)
00:26:51 - And you know, that's gonna fit in perfectly
00:26:52 with all the evidence you haven't given our team.
00:26:55 - Captain, I expect your department's full cooperation.
00:27:05 - I've already spoken to your special agent in charge.
00:27:09 What you know about Central City Bank
00:27:11 could provide the missing details
00:27:13 that ties our cold case together.
00:27:15 You two have been working opposite ends
00:27:16 of this same case for years.
00:27:19 You want our cooperation?
00:27:20 We'll expect full transparency.
00:27:22 - You'll have it.
00:27:24 - Detective?
00:27:25 - Look, the briefing we got before we headed over here
00:27:33 was limited at best.
00:27:35 You're the specialist on this one.
00:27:40 I need to know who we're going after.
00:27:41 - Is he really nuts?
00:27:44 You ever think about that?
00:27:46 Is this guy really crazy or is he putting us on?
00:27:49 - Well, seven years is a hell of a long time
00:27:53 to wait, play a game.
00:27:55 - All three of these guys lived here most of their lives.
00:28:02 Then again, you already know that, right?
00:28:06 You know more about them than we do.
00:28:10 The bank they robbed?
00:28:16 We were told the FBI was investigating them for fraud.
00:28:18 - That's right.
00:28:21 - So what were you looking for?
00:28:23 - Okay.
00:28:28 Seems the owners of the cement factory
00:28:31 took out a $30 million line of credit
00:28:33 with their friends over at Central City Bank
00:28:36 while using the employee pension funds as collateral.
00:28:39 And before filing for bankruptcy,
00:28:44 they took annual bonuses in excess of $24 million.
00:28:47 The people who built that company,
00:28:51 high and dry.
00:28:53 - You've known about this all along?
00:28:59 - Our forensic accountants took over two years
00:29:04 looking through their books, couldn't prove a damn thing.
00:29:07 It was all handshakes and gentlemen's agreements.
00:29:10 The bank knew exactly what they were doing,
00:29:12 but they turned a blind eye to it
00:29:14 because their money was covered.
00:29:18 But without proof, there was no indictment.
00:29:20 - This is an LPT enhancer.
00:29:31 - A what?
00:29:32 - A drug that stimulates the frontal lobe of the brain
00:29:34 which controls memory.
00:29:36 - Look, I've been stuck with every truth serum
00:29:39 and memory enhancer ever invented.
00:29:42 Not this one.
00:29:43 - How do you figure?
00:29:47 - Because it just finished clinical trials.
00:29:49 Over 80% of the patients who took this
00:29:53 regained almost 40% of their memory.
00:29:55 - What happened to the other 20%?
00:29:58 - They died.
00:29:59 - Look, I have no recollection of what happened
00:30:12 to me in my past.
00:30:13 And I'm not gonna let you guys fry my brain
00:30:15 trying to figure it out.
00:30:17 - There is $20 million in cash hidden out there.
00:30:22 And we believe that you know where it's stashed.
00:30:24 And we're not the only ones looking for it.
00:30:26 So if you wanna survive the next couple of days,
00:30:28 I suggest you start working with us.
00:30:30 - Hey.
00:30:30 - There's an 80% chance this stuff will work.
00:30:41 - Yes.
00:30:42 - What are the side effects?
00:30:45 - Go ahead and tell them.
00:30:57 - It's not going to be pleasant.
00:31:00 Dizziness, vertigo, possible hallucinations,
00:31:05 and those headaches of yours
00:31:06 are gonna get much, much worse.
00:31:10 - Good news is, you remember where you buried the money?
00:31:14 And we all prosper.
00:31:15 - This doesn't work by itself.
00:31:22 We're gonna have to expose you
00:31:23 to some places from your past.
00:31:25 - So you think this is gonna release my memories?
00:31:35 - It takes about 15 minutes to start working.
00:31:38 - Okay.
00:31:40 (door opens)
00:31:42 - I'm gonna need you to remain incredibly still.
00:31:45 - You're gonna wanna bite down on this.
00:31:54 Trust me.
00:31:59 - It has to be injected directly into your spinal cord.
00:32:09 Spinal.
00:32:09 Hold him down.
00:32:11 Mac, I'm sorry.
00:32:13 This is gonna hurt my tail.
00:32:15 Hold him.
00:32:16 (Mac screams)
00:32:18 Just relax.
00:32:25 Breathe.
00:32:26 Breathe.
00:32:27 (Mac cries)
00:32:31 (Mac cries)
00:32:34 (Mac cries)
00:32:36 (dramatic music)
00:32:41 - You guys have been busy.
00:33:02 - Yeah.
00:33:03 (indistinct chatter)
00:33:06 - What is this?
00:33:08 - A hunch.
00:33:10 All of this is still speculation.
00:33:12 Let's be clear about that.
00:33:14 - Right.
00:33:15 None of the weapons used at the crime scene
00:33:17 matched the ballistics.
00:33:19 Someone else had to be involved.
00:33:21 - How many people worked at this place
00:33:24 before they closed their doors?
00:33:25 - About 115.
00:33:26 - 115.
00:33:32 I'm sure that doesn't include contractors
00:33:35 or guys like Foster,
00:33:36 whose businesses depended upon this place.
00:33:39 Right?
00:33:40 - Yeah.
00:33:41 - Well, there's your fourth man right there, Detective.
00:33:45 Every one of those people had a motive just like McDonald.
00:33:48 - We gotta get him up.
00:33:56 Come on.
00:33:57 - Please.
00:33:58 - We gotta keep standing, man.
00:33:59 - Please.
00:34:00 - Come on.
00:34:01 - You can't push him like this, man.
00:34:02 - I know.
00:34:03 - Hey, stopping every 10 minutes isn't gonna cut it.
00:34:05 Not with the window we have.
00:34:06 - Lee, come on.
00:34:07 - Lee.
00:34:08 I know.
00:34:11 I know this place.
00:34:12 Lee.
00:34:16 I've been here before.
00:34:22 - What are you seeing, Mac?
00:34:27 (dramatic music)
00:34:30 - Fragments.
00:34:37 All I see is fragments.
00:34:45 Fragments.
00:34:49 Fragments.
00:34:56 I'm seeing fragments.
00:34:58 Why did I know this place?
00:35:06 There.
00:35:07 Where are we?
00:35:17 - You guys need to speed this up.
00:35:22 - What did she just tell you?
00:35:23 You can't fast track this.
00:35:25 (dramatic music)
00:35:26 - Give him another shot.
00:35:27 - Farron?
00:35:28 - It could kill him.
00:35:29 Do you really wanna waste the last six years of your life?
00:35:34 - Shit.
00:35:35 Get inside now, come on.
00:35:36 Get him in here, come on.
00:35:37 Come on, get him in there.
00:35:38 Hurry, hurry.
00:35:39 - Come on, Mac.
00:35:40 - Come on.
00:35:41 - Stay with me.
00:35:42 - I know this place.
00:35:42 - This is the place, keep him quiet.
00:35:45 - Keep it down.
00:35:46 - I know this place.
00:35:48 - All right, follow my lead, come on.
00:35:49 (grunting)
00:35:52 Come on.
00:35:53 (grunting)
00:35:55 (police radio chatter)
00:36:07 (grunting)
00:36:13 (crashing)
00:36:15 (police radio chatter)
00:36:21 - That's why I told them they're asking too much.
00:36:23 I've already read the inspection.
00:36:25 They're out of their minds
00:36:26 if they think they're getting that much for the auction.
00:36:27 - How you doing, sir?
00:36:29 - Hey, can I call you back?
00:36:30 Yeah, yeah, thank you.
00:36:31 - Can you hang up the phone?
00:36:32 - Yes, sir.
00:36:33 Afternoon, officer.
00:36:34 - Afternoon.
00:36:36 You got business here?
00:36:38 This is private property.
00:36:39 Place has already been foreclosed.
00:36:40 - You told me the title was clear.
00:36:43 - It is.
00:36:44 - I'm sorry, sir.
00:36:47 I was...
00:36:50 I was only out here because the bank enlisted for auction.
00:36:53 (grunting)
00:36:55 - You say you're out here looking at buying this property?
00:37:05 - Yes, sir.
00:37:08 I needed a place to run my horses.
00:37:11 (grunting)
00:37:13 - You son of a bitch.
00:37:15 - Shh, calm down.
00:37:17 - I'm not calm.
00:37:17 - You're not calm.
00:37:19 - He called me crazy,
00:37:20 but I had a mind to renovate it
00:37:22 back to its old beautiful self.
00:37:24 - Really?
00:37:26 How about you show me some ID?
00:37:30 - Yeah.
00:37:35 - How about that ID?
00:37:41 - Keep it quick.
00:37:48 - 348, go ahead.
00:37:49 Give me a sec.
00:37:50 348, I copy.
00:37:54 You can show me around.
00:37:56 Folks, I got it clear.
00:37:57 Like I said, this is private property.
00:37:59 Have the proper documentation if you're gonna be here.
00:38:01 - Yes, sir.
00:38:03 - Calm down.
00:38:11 Go.
00:38:12 - I'll get you.
00:38:13 Come on.
00:38:14 Get back.
00:38:16 (grunting)
00:38:18 Sit down, sit down.
00:38:22 Jesus Christ.
00:38:25 Just lost his shit up there.
00:38:27 - It's okay.
00:38:28 - Just freaked the hell out.
00:38:29 - It's all right.
00:38:33 Just breathe through it.
00:38:34 - Took everything I had to hold him down.
00:38:38 - Everything's gonna be all right.
00:38:44 (soft music)
00:38:47 - I know this place.
00:39:00 - You used to live here.
00:39:08 That's why we brought you here.
00:39:11 (soft music)
00:39:14 - It's working.
00:39:17 - Why don't you go get the equipment?
00:39:24 Meet you at the truck.
00:39:25 All right, Mac.
00:39:34 Let's get you out of here.
00:39:35 (grunting)
00:39:38 (soft music)
00:39:41 - Everything's in range.
00:39:48 His vitals are good.
00:39:49 - Keep him talking.
00:39:51 - Just focus.
00:39:52 (grunting)
00:39:58 (soft music)
00:40:00 - What is this place?
00:40:19 - One of the men who died in the shootout
00:40:24 used to work here.
00:40:25 (soft music)
00:40:28 - We've been talking this whole time, Mac.
00:40:35 You brought us here.
00:40:36 (soft music)
00:40:40 (soft music)
00:41:08 - Every cop in the state is looking for us.
00:41:11 Why are we wasting our time with this bullshit?
00:41:13 - It has to have some order to it.
00:41:15 He's rebuilding the story of his past.
00:41:17 - I don't trust this guy.
00:41:20 - I don't trust him either.
00:41:21 - There was someone else.
00:41:24 - Somebody you work with?
00:41:29 Maybe someone to work here?
00:41:33 - Truby.
00:41:37 Truby was working with someone.
00:41:40 - He's the one that's gonna help us get away clean.
00:41:42 - Who was gonna cover our tracks.
00:41:44 - How long can you survive on unemployment?
00:41:46 Huh?
00:41:47 What about you?
00:41:47 You're gonna go back to towing barges?
00:41:48 Is that what you want?
00:41:49 - He's fucking crazy.
00:41:50 - No, no, no.
00:41:51 This is all we have right now, guys.
00:41:52 (soft music)
00:41:55 He's gonna meet us here later tonight.
00:42:04 - Stay with it, Mac.
00:42:07 That guy is not coming anywhere near my place.
00:42:10 - You can trust him, all right?
00:42:11 - He's not coming anywhere near here.
00:42:13 - You can trust him.
00:42:14 He's the one that told me about our pensions.
00:42:17 - Where's the money?
00:42:20 Where's the money?
00:42:21 Where's the money?
00:42:22 (gunshots)
00:42:25 (grunting)
00:42:27 I don't know where the money is.
00:42:43 My arms.
00:42:53 Can't you give me something for the pain?
00:42:55 - Not without negative side effects.
00:42:57 (panting)
00:42:59 - It was by the water.
00:43:15 A river.
00:43:22 It was by a river and there was...
00:43:24 Cement towers.
00:43:41 There were cement towers by a river.
00:43:44 - I got it.
00:43:44 Give me the keys.
00:43:50 Grab them now.
00:43:50 Let's go. - I got you.
00:43:52 (grunting)
00:43:54 - Come on.
00:43:55 I got him, I got him.
00:43:56 Let's go.
00:43:57 - You're okay, Mac.
00:43:58 - Seven years ago,
00:44:05 we had the most violent attack this city has ever seen.
00:44:09 The only thing we had going
00:44:14 were the leads that we publicized.
00:44:16 We were gonna be working with the FBI.
00:44:20 (suspenseful music)
00:44:23 Stay sharp, these guys will kill for what they're after.
00:44:26 No, go.
00:44:29 Stay sharp.
00:44:32 - Excuse me.
00:44:33 - I mean it.
00:44:35 - Pretty powerful statement.
00:44:36 You said you just leaked information to the press?
00:44:40 You lied.
00:44:41 - Don't worry about it.
00:44:44 - Look, I need you to push these checkpoints out.
00:44:48 Get the word out to transit authority.
00:44:50 - Franks.
00:44:51 I need you in my office.
00:44:53 - All right.
00:44:56 Excuse me.
00:44:57 - Jesus.
00:45:12 Fucking mess.
00:45:14 (phone ringing)
00:45:17 (phone ringing)
00:45:20 - Carter.
00:45:20 - Carter, did you get any hits on the security guard?
00:45:23 - Well, it looks like he stole the identification
00:45:25 from the real Farrell who died in a car crash
00:45:27 last April in Atlanta.
00:45:29 Got the text dusting for prints right now,
00:45:31 but it looks like he wiped this place
00:45:32 pretty clean before he left.
00:45:33 You guys get anything yet?
00:45:35 - Nothing.
00:45:36 - All right, I was gonna head back
00:45:37 to the hospital after this.
00:45:39 I got the murder background checks
00:45:40 and all the employees who had contact with McDonald's.
00:45:43 - Remember that old cement factory you used to work at?
00:45:45 - Yeah, we combed through that place for months.
00:45:47 Didn't find a damn thing.
00:45:49 - Maybe we weren't looking in the right place.
00:45:51 You see something, you call me.
00:45:54 - Okay.
00:45:58 You guys let me know the minute you find something, all right?
00:45:59 - Okay.
00:46:00 (dramatic music)
00:46:04 (metal clanging)
00:46:07 (dramatic music)
00:46:09 (metal clanging)
00:46:12 (car engine revving)
00:46:23 (dramatic music)
00:46:29 (dramatic music)
00:46:32 - Come on, Mac.
00:46:48 (dramatic music)
00:46:51 (dramatic music)
00:46:54 (dramatic music)
00:46:57 - Something happened here.
00:47:23 (dramatic music)
00:47:26 - Should I go help him?
00:47:32 - No.
00:47:33 If we step between him and his past,
00:47:35 it could fragment the imagery.
00:47:36 Let him stay with it.
00:47:38 (dramatic music)
00:47:48 (gun firing)
00:47:51 (gun firing)
00:48:00 (dramatic music)
00:48:03 - Grab him, let's get him inside.
00:48:14 - Come on, Mac.
00:48:14 - Stay with me. - Come on, let's go.
00:48:16 (dramatic music)
00:48:20 - Hold on.
00:48:20 (Mac groaning)
00:48:27 - It's too much on him.
00:48:29 - Right over there, let's go.
00:48:30 - He needs to sit down.
00:48:32 - Come on.
00:48:32 - You sit him down.
00:48:35 - Come on, Mac.
00:48:36 Right here, right here.
00:48:37 - Sit down.
00:48:38 I need you to keep your eyes closed for a few minutes.
00:48:43 (Mac groaning)
00:48:45 - Come on.
00:48:54 Sit up gently, gently, gently.
00:48:57 - You spent most of your life here, Mac.
00:49:01 Sometimes six days out of the week.
00:49:03 Used to work right in there.
00:49:08 (dramatic music)
00:49:11 - Take this.
00:49:30 Let's go.
00:49:38 (dramatic music)
00:49:41 (wind whooshing)
00:49:44 (dramatic music)
00:49:47 (wind whooshing)
00:49:49 - There.
00:50:15 (dramatic music)
00:50:17 - We came in through there.
00:50:26 - Up the steps?
00:50:28 I'll lead the way.
00:50:29 (dramatic music)
00:50:34 (wind whooshing)
00:50:37 - There.
00:50:47 (dramatic music)
00:50:50 - Oh, shit.
00:51:01 (dramatic music)
00:51:05 (Mac grunting)
00:51:07 - Shit.
00:51:18 - Give me the bag.
00:51:21 - It's so real.
00:51:25 - Can't be up here.
00:51:30 All the reports said you buried it.
00:51:34 (dramatic music)
00:51:36 - No.
00:51:37 Give me the other bag.
00:51:39 No.
00:51:42 No.
00:51:43 Give me the shovel.
00:51:47 We were never gonna bury it.
00:51:52 (dramatic music)
00:51:58 (Mac grunting)
00:52:00 (gun firing)
00:52:07 We sent it down one of these conveyor belts.
00:52:18 (dramatic music)
00:52:21 It's gotta be in one of those silos.
00:52:27 - Let's go, you're with me.
00:52:29 Come on.
00:52:29 (dramatic music)
00:52:32 - You take this side, I'll take this side.
00:52:37 - Yeah.
00:52:38 (dramatic music)
00:52:40 - You got anything?
00:52:46 - Nothing.
00:52:48 It's gotta be down here.
00:52:51 This place is empty.
00:52:53 (dramatic music)
00:52:57 - [Man] See the complaint to department A2.
00:52:59 See like it's shaking.
00:53:01 - A2, say something.
00:53:03 - What do you got, anything?
00:53:05 - Still nothing, man.
00:53:07 Keep looking.
00:53:08 Got one more, come on.
00:53:10 (dramatic music)
00:53:13 - It's down here, I know it.
00:53:21 (dramatic music)
00:53:25 (Mac sighing)
00:53:27 - I got nothing.
00:53:27 - Me either.
00:53:29 (dramatic music)
00:53:32 There's no money here.
00:53:34 (dramatic music)
00:53:36 - Drone camera.
00:53:43 (dramatic music)
00:53:45 - You see that there?
00:53:46 - Yeah.
00:53:48 (dramatic music)
00:53:53 - No, no, no, no, no.
00:53:54 - What are you looking at?
00:53:55 (dramatic music)
00:53:57 - They threw those bags on the conveyor belt.
00:53:59 They wouldn't have fed into the silos
00:54:01 unless it was operational.
00:54:02 (dramatic music)
00:54:04 - Yeah, that's right.
00:54:06 (dramatic music)
00:54:07 - What does it connect to?
00:54:09 - The conveyor connects to a dumping bin.
00:54:14 (dramatic music)
00:54:16 (dramatic music)
00:54:19 (gun firing)
00:54:36 - There's something in there.
00:54:38 (radio chattering)
00:54:45 - Get in there, grab this bar.
00:54:47 - Yeah.
00:54:47 (dramatic music)
00:54:50 - Farron, there's a cop out there.
00:55:07 (gun firing)
00:55:08 Farron!
00:55:09 (dramatic music)
00:55:11 - Grab him, grab him!
00:55:15 - Get out of sight.
00:55:16 - No, no, there's someone from--
00:55:17 - Low and poor, keep it quiet and out of sight.
00:55:20 - Get him in.
00:55:21 - Whoever that is, get him in.
00:55:22 - He's here to kill us.
00:55:24 He's here to kill us.
00:55:25 (dramatic music)
00:55:28 - He's the one that's gonna help us get away clean.
00:55:30 - Why would we involve a cop?
00:55:33 - No, they're trying to kill us.
00:55:35 (dramatic music)
00:55:38 (grunting)
00:55:40 - It's gonna be all right.
00:55:48 (gasping)
00:55:54 - What?
00:55:57 What did you say?
00:56:01 I know you, do you?
00:56:04 (dramatic music)
00:56:08 Are you a nurse?
00:56:09 - I was in a former life.
00:56:10 - Everything's gonna be all right.
00:56:13 Everything's gonna be all right.
00:56:18 You're not a security guard.
00:56:25 - Hey, Dad, if we can get you off the couch,
00:56:33 we might have some daylight left.
00:56:34 - Let's ride.
00:56:35 - Go!
00:56:36 (dramatic music)
00:56:39 - I had a family.
00:56:41 Oh, why didn't you tell me?
00:56:47 Why didn't you tell me?
00:56:50 - Those trials I told you about,
00:56:54 the patients that didn't regain their memories
00:56:57 thought it was all fake and planted.
00:56:59 They refused to believe in it.
00:57:04 This was the only way that would have worked.
00:57:07 - This is all my fault.
00:57:13 (sniffling)
00:57:17 (dramatic music)
00:57:20 (sirens blaring)
00:57:23 (dramatic music)
00:57:26 (dramatic music)
00:57:29 (dramatic music)
00:57:32 - Guess what he said.
00:57:57 Come on, what do you got for me?
00:58:00 - I thought you said we were clear with the locals.
00:58:01 - How many are there?
00:58:03 - We only have the one.
00:58:04 - Call 911.
00:58:07 Give 'em some bullshit sighting far away from here.
00:58:10 - We might be in business.
00:58:12 - 911, what's your emergency?
00:58:21 - Uh, yeah.
00:58:22 I think my wife and I just saw the guy
00:58:23 that you're looking for.
00:58:25 The one that escaped.
00:58:25 - Okay, sir, just stay calm and don't hang up.
00:58:27 Can you please provide me with your location?
00:58:29 - Go ahead and make some calls.
00:58:30 (phone ringing)
00:58:33 - Are you sure?
00:58:36 - Agent Frakes, we got a confirmed sighting in Brunswick.
00:58:39 - Brunswick?
00:58:40 That's a hell of a lot farther out than we thought.
00:58:42 - Yeah, it's at least 60 miles south of here.
00:58:45 - What's the area like down there?
00:58:46 - Waterways, mostly, and interconnected islands.
00:58:49 - Send somebody, hurry.
00:58:50 - Sir, just stay on the line.
00:58:52 - All right.
00:58:54 Captain, we've seen this before.
00:58:56 If we don't get a net around him now,
00:58:58 there are thousands of escape routes
00:59:00 across those shipping lines.
00:59:01 - Dispatch lost connection with the caller.
00:59:03 - I'm coming with you.
00:59:23 - No, Detective, I need you to be my eyes and ears here.
00:59:26 Look out for the locals and give me their exact location.
00:59:29 Let's go.
00:59:30 - Metro Police!
00:59:42 If you are in this facility, you are trespassing.
00:59:46 I need you to come out where I can see you.
00:59:50 (dramatic music)
00:59:52 - Talk to me, Carter.
01:00:09 - Yeah, either we got a few well-off transients
01:00:13 who are camping out for the night,
01:00:15 or your hunch might be right.
01:00:16 You want me to call it in?
01:00:17 - I'm on my way.
01:00:20 - Copy that.
01:00:21 - Those people, they've come for the money.
01:00:32 That's the only thing they want.
01:00:34 If they get it, we're dead.
01:00:39 - Let's get to it first.
01:00:43 (dramatic music)
01:00:45 - Go and get Ferret.
01:00:56 Get him.
01:00:57 Bring him back.
01:00:58 - Okay.
01:00:59 - After you, Pops.
01:01:08 (dramatic music)
01:01:11 (guns firing)
01:01:16 (dramatic music)
01:01:19 (guns firing)
01:01:21 (dramatic music)
01:01:25 (guns firing)
01:01:27 (dramatic music)
01:01:30 (guns firing)
01:01:33 (dramatic music)
01:01:35 (dramatic music)
01:01:40 (guns firing)
01:01:50 (dramatic music)
01:01:52 (dramatic music)
01:01:55 (guns firing)
01:01:59 (dramatic music)
01:02:02 (dramatic music)
01:02:04 (water splashing)
01:02:25 (guns firing)
01:02:31 (dramatic music)
01:02:34 - I say again,
01:03:00 this is Metro Police.
01:03:02 Come out and show yourselves.
01:03:05 - I'm here.
01:03:08 - Hands in the air.
01:03:09 Do not move.
01:03:10 Who else is here?
01:03:12 - Just me.
01:03:14 - Bullshit, I see three packs.
01:03:18 Where's the rest of them?
01:03:21 I'm not gonna ask you again,
01:03:23 where's the rest of them?
01:03:24 - Right here.
01:03:25 - Right here.
01:03:26 Pretty sure I'm the one you're looking for.
01:03:29 (water splashing)
01:03:31 - Dale?
01:03:32 Farren Dale?
01:03:33 Get in where I can see you.
01:03:38 - She had nothing to do with it.
01:03:40 Nothing.
01:03:42 - Where's McDonald?
01:03:45 - He's gone.
01:03:46 - What do you mean?
01:03:48 - We buried him yesterday.
01:03:49 - Just keep your hands up in the air.
01:03:54 (dramatic music)
01:03:56 - Carter, are you there?
01:04:14 - I got a couple of them standing
01:04:15 right here in front of me.
01:04:16 - You were right.
01:04:22 They were here the whole damn time.
01:04:24 - 10 minutes out.
01:04:25 - I need you to roll everyone in the air.
01:04:26 (guns firing)
01:04:29 - Get back, get back.
01:04:48 (dramatic music)
01:04:50 (guns firing)
01:05:00 (dramatic music)
01:05:03 (guns firing)
01:05:05 (guns firing)
01:05:13 (guns firing)
01:05:19 (man grunting)
01:05:28 (guns firing)
01:05:31 (siren blaring)
01:05:43 - Carter, you there?
01:05:44 (guns firing)
01:05:50 (dramatic music)
01:05:52 - Oh no.
01:06:08 (guns firing)
01:06:14 (dramatic music)
01:06:17 - Hey!
01:06:42 (dramatic music)
01:06:45 Hey!
01:07:10 (guns firing)
01:07:12 Hey!
01:07:13 Hey!
01:07:17 (guns firing)
01:07:23 (man grunting)
01:07:35 - I remember.
01:07:37 I remember.
01:07:40 I'm sorry.
01:07:41 I'm so sorry.
01:07:43 (dramatic music)
01:07:47 (woman moaning)
01:07:55 (woman crying)
01:08:04 I'm so sorry.
01:08:07 I'm so sorry.
01:08:08 (woman crying)
01:08:12 (guns firing)
01:08:27 (man grunting)
01:08:35 (dramatic music)
01:08:38 - Go get some money.
01:08:47 Go.
01:08:48 He's the only thing keeping us alive.
01:08:49 (man grunting)
01:08:51 - We gotta take cover.
01:08:52 We gotta take cover.
01:08:53 (dramatic music)
01:08:56 - Come on, move.
01:08:57 Let's go, let's go.
01:08:57 (dramatic music)
01:09:01 (man grunting)
01:09:04 - Right through, right through.
01:09:11 (man grunting)
01:09:18 (dramatic music)
01:09:23 - Freeze!
01:09:27 Freeze!
01:09:29 - Come here!
01:09:30 Come here!
01:09:31 - We're not armed.
01:09:32 - Get him out here!
01:09:34 - Yeah, come on.
01:09:35 - Let's go, bring him here.
01:09:42 Right here.
01:09:43 Where is he?
01:09:47 Where's Mac?
01:09:48 Congratulations, Mac!
01:09:54 You must've swept this place a dozen times,
01:09:57 but you couldn't find a damn thing.
01:10:00 Nothing.
01:10:01 Not a sign of where you stashed it.
01:10:05 Come on out, Mac!
01:10:06 Come on!
01:10:09 Let's work this out.
01:10:10 (man grunting)
01:10:13 - Like we did last time!
01:10:15 We had a deal and you broke it!
01:10:19 - That's not the way I remember it.
01:10:24 - You killed Truby and Foster!
01:10:27 That's because they didn't stick to our plan!
01:10:31 - You were never gonna stick to our plan!
01:10:35 - I was the one taking all the risks, Mac!
01:10:39 That money needed to be laundered!
01:10:41 Every one of those bills could've been marked!
01:10:44 Every serial number could've been tracked back to us!
01:10:50 You didn't think about that, did you?
01:10:56 (door slams)
01:10:58 - No one was supposed to get killed!
01:11:02 - All right, enough talking!
01:11:04 You come out now and I won't kill you too!
01:11:09 - You can't kill me!
01:11:10 I died seven years ago.
01:11:13 What I did, I did for my family!
01:11:23 - I'm sure you did.
01:11:26 - You planned on killing us all along!
01:11:29 - That's right.
01:11:30 I should've put another bullet through your head!
01:11:44 Give me the money!
01:11:46 - I'll give you the money, but it's a new deal!
01:11:53 You let my wife and my son go,
01:11:56 and I'll give it all to you, all 15 million!
01:12:02 - Ho ho, no, not that simple anymore, Mac!
01:12:05 You exposed us!
01:12:11 That puts me and the rest of my guys at risk.
01:12:16 (dramatic music)
01:12:19 - That's not gonna happen!
01:12:25 (gunshots)
01:12:43 (gunshots)
01:12:45 (gunshots)
01:12:48 (gunshots)
01:12:50 (gunshots)
01:12:52 (gunshots)
01:12:54 (gunshots)
01:12:57 (gunshots)
01:12:59 (gunshots)
01:13:01 (gunshots)
01:13:27 (gunshots)
01:13:29 (dramatic music)
01:13:32 (dramatic music)
01:13:35 (dramatic music)
01:13:37 (dramatic music)
01:13:40 (dramatic music)
01:13:43 (dramatic music)
01:13:46 (dramatic music)
01:13:48 (dramatic music)
01:13:51 (gunshots)
01:14:17 (gunshots)
01:14:19 - Tranks!
01:14:35 You set these people up!
01:14:39 - A trank!
01:14:40 It's called deception!
01:14:42 (dramatic music)
01:14:45 (gunshots)
01:14:54 (gunshots)
01:15:12 (dramatic music)
01:15:15 - We gotta get to Dad.
01:15:20 (dramatic music)
01:15:23 (dramatic music)
01:15:25 - There it is, Franks!
01:15:44 (dramatic music)
01:15:47 - Come and get it!
01:15:55 (gunshots)
01:16:06 (gunshots)
01:16:14 (dramatic music)
01:16:17 (gunshots)
01:16:19 (gunshots)
01:16:44 (gunshots)
01:16:46 (gunshots)
01:16:49 (dramatic music)
01:16:52 (dramatic music)
01:16:55 (dramatic music)
01:16:58 (dramatic music)
01:17:00 (dramatic music)
01:17:03 (gunshots)
01:17:29 (dramatic music)
01:17:32 - No.
01:17:32 It's all yours.
01:17:35 - I heard the whole thing.
01:17:40 Seven years you served, good enough.
01:17:43 We'll call that time served.
01:17:48 - This money cost me my son's life.
01:17:53 - Sorry about that.
01:17:57 But I'm sure it'll get you where you wanna go.
01:18:02 - Where could I possibly go?
01:18:03 I wouldn't be spending the rest of my life
01:18:05 looking over my shoulder.
01:18:07 - I'll take care of it.
01:18:11 - And my son?
01:18:14 - Take care of that, too.
01:18:18 - Thank you, Detective.
01:18:22 (dramatic music)
01:18:26 (dramatic music)
01:18:29 (dramatic music)
01:18:32 (dramatic music)
01:18:34 (dramatic music)
01:18:37 (dramatic music)
01:18:40 (dramatic music)
01:18:43 (dramatic music)
01:18:45 (dramatic music)
01:18:48 (dramatic music)
01:18:51 (dramatic music)
01:18:55 (dramatic music)
01:18:58 (dramatic music)
01:19:03 (dramatic music)
01:19:07 (dramatic music)
01:19:11 (dramatic music)
01:19:16 (dramatic music)
01:19:18 (dramatic music)
01:19:21 (dramatic music)
01:19:24 (dramatic music)
01:19:27 (dramatic music)
01:19:29 (dramatic music)
01:19:33 (dramatic music)
01:19:36 (dramatic music)
01:19:38 [Music]
