• 2 years ago
Les arnaques minceur, il y en a tout le temps. La pilule miracle, le fruit magique, l'eau infusée avec telle ou telle plante... Pour faire dépenser de l'argent à ceux qui ne trouvent pas de solutions pour perdre du poids, il y a du monde sur internet. La miraculine (rien que le nom déjà), le ballon gastrique (vous avez 3000 euros?), l'eau tiède avec du citron (au moins, ce n'est pas dangereux), la boule magique de chez TikTok, ;les infusions magiques... tout y passe. Le problème c'est que des gens, qui ont souvent tout tenté pour perdre du poids, sont prêts, par désespoir, à dépendser de l'argent pour des solutions "miracle" qui leur vendent de l'espoir plutôt qu'autre chose. Aujourd'hui, j'enfile ma tenue du "Doc de Boulogne" pour dénoncer les influenceurs et techniques minceur qui sont inefficaces et utilisent le désespoir des gens pour faire de l'argent. Les situations de surpoids et d'obésité sont pour beaucoup une situation de détresse, laissez-moi vous alerter en toute bienveillance.

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00:00 Miracle products that make you think you can lose weight without doing anything, without changing your diet, without changing your physical habits,
00:08 well, it's been around since the dawn of time and since the beginning of the diets.
00:11 I'm going to come and make an inventory of something that is currently being proposed to you to teach you everything.
00:17 Welcome to the Jean-Michel Cohen channel, the channel where we only talk about nutrition and where we don't take you for potatoes.
00:24 Do your free weight loss analysis by going to the doctor.jeanmichelcohen.fr website.
00:30 I would like to start with something that is rather fashionable these days, which is called the gastric balloon.
00:36 So it seduces people, why? Because you are told that there is no surgical intervention.
00:41 And the technique is to introduce a balloon into the stomach.
00:46 This balloon, gradually, we will inflate it with water or with a physiological liquid, it will distend the stomach,
00:54 so it will create a sensation of gastric fullness, we have a full stomach.
00:58 In addition, it may act on the vagus nerve, which is a nerve that sends a signal to the brain that causes the sensation of satiety.
01:05 And you are told, roughly, you will keep the balloon for X months, and then after a while, even the new balloons are degradable and you will eliminate them.
01:13 When we say degradable, it means that the place or the plug through which we used to put the liquid inside the balloon,
01:22 it will degrade over time, and then when it will degrade, the liquid will split in one fell swoop, it doesn't matter,
01:28 because it will pass through the intestine, it will be eliminated, and the balloon will be eliminated later.
01:32 The technique on the mechanical level, it is relatively simple to understand, it simply means that you are inflated with something in the stomach,
01:40 and as you have this thing in the stomach, you have trouble eating, you feel like you have a big belly, and so you don't eat.
01:45 All the techniques, at the moment, whether it is bariatric surgery, that is to say the sleeve, or whether it is gastric ring,
01:51 or apart from the bypass that reduces the absorption of the intestine, they always aim to do the same thing,
01:56 that is to say to give a feeling of gastric fullness, so to avoid consuming because we can't eat, that's all.
02:02 It's just that. There were even guys who invented in the past something that was fortunately abandoned,
02:07 they were content to pass a thread between the jaws, and in fact they closed the jaws,
02:12 so that the guy could see the tails like that, so he couldn't pass the food.
02:15 Well, but that was abandoned because it was a bit stupid, stupid, stupid.
02:19 The problem with this gastric balloon, I agree with them, it is less invasive than a conventional technique,
02:25 that is to say, where we are forced to make holes in the stomach, transhelioscopy, etc.
02:29 On the other hand, the real problems with this balloon are, 1) in time, it can't last more than 4 to 6 months,
02:35 after 6 months it's eliminated, and often it's not enough time to solve the problem of real overweight.
02:41 So maybe it's enough for a small weight loss, but for real overweight it doesn't work.
02:46 The average we observed was weight loss between 8 minimum and 12 kilos maximum,
02:52 but the problem is that during this time interval, people have never learned to eat,
02:58 and so it takes a few months, and statistically that's what we're seeing,
03:01 for people to resume their normal eating habits and finally regain weight.
03:06 The price of the balloon, on average, it varies depending on the people who do it,
03:10 between 3,500 euros and 5,000 euros, it's not refunded by social security,
03:14 to lose 8 to 12 kilos without guarantee of keeping them, it's a bit expensive.
03:18 More important problem, in medical literature, we have described cases where the balloon,
03:22 I'm not talking about the water that's in the balloon, but the balloon,
03:25 at some point, has difficulties getting to the duodenum, that is, it gets stuck,
03:30 and then, bam, it's the surgical intervention,
03:33 and here we're not in a small surgical intervention, we're in a big surgical intervention.
03:37 So, we're going to recap, it's not a dangerous technique,
03:41 long-term results are not good, there are still risks of incidents,
03:46 it costs a lot, and finally, for the result obtained,
03:49 the benefit-risk-interest ratio is not good.
03:53 But it's a technique.
03:55 The second product we've been talking about lately is what we call the miracle bee, or the miraculous bee.
03:59 What is it? It's a small fruit.
04:01 Its nutritional peculiarity is that it contains a substance inside that is a sweetener.
04:07 So, people's advice is to say, when you want a sweet product,
04:11 or you want to sweeten a product, well, you take a little bit of this miracle bee,
04:15 and it gives you the impression of having a sweet product.
04:18 On a nutritional level, I have the value of 30 kilocalories per 100 grams,
04:22 7 grams of glucose, 700 milligrams of protein, no lipids, no salt,
04:27 so it's a small fruit to eat. Is it effective?
04:30 Well, it's as effective as a sweetener.
04:32 That means that, anyway, even if it's not a synthetic sweetener,
04:36 it's a sweetener, which means that it somehow deceives your body,
04:40 which would have, I put it in the conditional, wanted sugar.
04:44 In my opinion, it's impossible to lose weight with that.
04:47 In any case, those who invented the other sweetener products,
04:49 they didn't do worse or better, so it's exactly the same thing.
04:53 The results, in general, are totally ineffective. You're going to absorb two or three boxes,
04:57 you're going to have spent a little money, it doesn't work at all.
05:00 Well, it gives a sweetened taste.
05:02 It may be useful for the agri-food industry, but to lose weight, it's pointless.
05:06 A big, big, big trend was the lemon juice in hot water.
05:10 So, at first, we laughed.
05:12 In fact, I never laugh when what we are offered,
05:14 it's not bad for your health, or it's not stupid to do.
05:17 The lemon juice, well, in the end, all products like lemon,
05:21 which have a little sour taste, have always been sold to make people hope
05:25 that they were going to lose weight with.
05:26 You remember, the grapefruit, the pineapple, it comes back to the surface regularly.
05:31 Hot water has the soothing side.
05:33 That is to say that we are playing on psychological marketing.
05:37 That is to say, the lemon that burns the fat because it is acidic,
05:40 which is not true, of course, and the hot water that is soothing.
05:43 So that means that the junction of the two, it works pretty well on the psychological level.
05:49 In fact, the lemon juice, the impact it will have,
05:51 is that by its acidity, it will start stimulating digestion,
05:56 which is not a very bad thing when you take it in the ginseng.
05:58 In the end, it's not that bad.
06:00 It already introduces the beginning of digestion.
06:02 And hot water, it has soothing virtues, but it has no particular virtue.
06:06 At one point, I remember, there was a chief editor of a newspaper
06:09 who was drinking hot water at the end of the meal,
06:11 thinking that it was promoting digestion.
06:14 In fact, guys, it's the opposite.
06:17 That means that what stimulates digestion and what facilitates elimination
06:20 is cold water, because ice water, well, it's the principle of the sleeping hole,
06:24 it accelerates digestion, and hot water, it just has a little soothing side.
06:28 So it was a psychological problem.
06:30 It's not bad, there are people who are happy with it, it's not dangerous,
06:34 OK, we validate it, but no hope on weight loss.
06:38 To be clear, you will see, it is not possible,
06:40 unless it works on the placebo level for you,
06:43 that is to say that it induces you to want to reduce your diet.
06:48 Wow, another product, the magic ball.
06:50 How I love this one.
06:52 The girl explains that she puts a mixture of powder
06:55 in the way of a wizard in a small bowl that she breaks,
07:00 then she makes a ball out of it,
07:01 after the ball, she puts it on a almost shortened sparadrap,
07:05 then she places it on the navel, and then wow!
07:09 Harry Potter, Poular, Dumbledore,
07:14 they all came, and all of a sudden, you have no more belly,
07:17 thanks to this magic ball.
07:19 First, let me explain.
07:20 The navel is actually the scarred part
07:23 of what attached the child to its mother during gestation.
07:27 That means that once the gestation is over, the baby is out,
07:31 click, clack, kodak, we close the navel,
07:34 that means we sew the tissue, or we make a knot,
07:37 and we put it on the belly, and we close it, it's now skin,
07:39 there's nothing under it.
07:41 So the idea of the patch is to say that the products
07:44 that we put inside, they will diffuse inside the belly,
07:47 and miracle!
07:49 The fat will disappear.
07:50 I would love for it to work, but it's complete bullshit.
07:54 That means that first, it doesn't go through the skin,
07:57 the skin is an impermeable tissue,
07:59 fortunately for us, because if it rained,
08:00 it would be a bit complicated,
08:02 and secondly, the products that would be infused,
08:04 that would go through, have no action,
08:06 because no product, except for the Xanthi bases,
08:10 which are a rather complicated product,
08:11 has the virtue of breaking fat cells.
08:14 And again, and again, if you break fat cells,
08:16 what does the fat become?
08:17 You have to eliminate it, and the fat only gets eliminated
08:19 in the form of energy expenditure,
08:21 or in the form of heat, possibly.
08:23 So that, I love it, and you have an example,
08:27 one of the worst examples of marketing
08:29 intended to make people dream,
08:31 it's bullshit.
08:33 Dangerous, I don't know, yeah, you risk redness,
08:36 maybe even, sometimes, a big allergy,
08:38 or even worse, but effective, 0.00.
08:43 So then, in the hyper-classic products
08:45 that we find every year,
08:46 it's a bit like the marronnier of weight loss,
08:47 we'll find herbal teas and infusions.
08:50 That is, I mix cinnamon with vanilla,
08:54 with, I'm telling you, whatever,
08:55 with star anise.
08:57 I usually put a product that's a bit exotic,
09:00 that blows your mind, that is, the product,
09:02 and you wonder what it could be,
09:03 because it's not even on the internet,
09:05 and then you're told that when you absorb it,
09:07 you're going to lose weight.
09:09 In fact, let's sum up.
09:10 What is it?
09:11 It's an infusion.
09:12 That means, in an infusion, what happens?
09:14 You pour hot water into herbs,
09:16 generally dried ones,
09:18 you get a water that has an aromatization,
09:21 but in fact, inside, you have nothing,
09:23 for two reasons.
09:24 The first reason is because you heated it
09:25 to a minimum of 80 degrees,
09:27 the second reason is because
09:28 not much has gone into the product,
09:30 and the third reason is because
09:31 these products have no effect on fat.
09:33 In any case, that's for sure.
09:35 Why do people do it?
09:37 First, because you always want to believe in miracles.
09:39 Then, when you have an overweight problem,
09:42 you're often overwhelmed and desperate about the subject.
09:45 So you say to yourself, "We're going to try it,
09:46 it's okay, we're going to try it."
09:47 Well, it's not dangerous, honestly.
09:50 If you buy the product in good circuits,
09:52 it's not dangerous.
09:53 The only effect it's going to have,
09:54 there are two effects it's going to have.
09:55 It can be diuretic,
09:57 but not because of the plants you put inside,
09:58 it's mostly because you drink something
10:00 in addition to what you would have drunk.
10:02 And the second thing,
10:03 it acts in terms of placebo.
10:05 That means that when you're trying to lose weight,
10:06 you need to cling to a few elements.
10:09 You know, it's the same principle
10:10 that made us sell bracelets for that,
10:13 that we sell a gray-gray,
10:15 which serves to imagine us
10:16 or to think regularly
10:18 about the fact that we're going to lose weight.
10:19 The technique is not dangerous,
10:21 the effectiveness is non-existent.
10:23 Well, it's not bad,
10:24 it makes you happy.
10:26 Maybe it can act on you psychologically
10:28 to help you follow a regime.
10:30 These products use a scientific and chemical basis
10:35 to try to explain to us
10:36 why it's going to make you lose weight.
10:38 So it's typically what's called
10:40 clathrate, the conjugated linoleic acid.
10:43 In fact, these are fatty acids
10:44 and it's said that by taking these fatty acid cells,
10:47 we're going to help you lose weight.
10:48 So why do we say that?
10:50 It's because when you take this type of fatty acid,
10:52 the energy yield when you give these fatty acids,
10:55 the energy yield is higher
10:58 than the normal yield of other products.
11:00 It's true in terms of biochemistry.
11:03 That means you take a test tube,
11:06 it's going to work,
11:06 you do it experimentally,
11:08 it's going to work.
11:09 It's not true in terms of clinical use.
11:11 Why?
11:11 First of all, because you will never absorb
11:13 the sufficient amount.
11:15 It would take at least 200 milliliters
11:17 to get an effect on energy expenditure.
11:19 And then it will be counterbalanced
11:21 by the fact that these 200 milliliters
11:23 alone will bring 1,800 calories.
11:25 So it would counterbalance the effect of weight loss.
11:28 It's a product that can be useful
11:30 in some people,
11:31 for example, in some great athletes,
11:34 who want to slightly increase
11:38 the amount of this conjugated linoleic acid.
11:41 It won't be true for the common mortal
11:43 who will consciously eat these cells,
11:45 who will spend his money
11:46 based on a hope that will never be achieved.
11:50 So that's it.
11:50 It's the type of...
11:51 That's another strategy.
11:53 If we're going to use...
11:54 We're going to unveil a scientific argument
11:58 to try to make it relate
12:00 to a common usage technique,
12:03 but it doesn't have common effectiveness.
12:06 So what's the conclusion of this video?
12:08 It's that in the end it ends...
12:09 And sorry, because I don't always want to say that.
12:12 It's to say that despite all these miracle products,
12:15 some of them make us laugh, like the magic ball,
12:18 but others have an effect that is null or non-existent.
12:22 These products have the purpose of helping us
12:26 in our hope of losing weight.
12:27 It's a bit like the lottery of weight loss.
12:29 That's it, it's no different.
12:30 But there's no winner.
12:31 Except that there's no winner this time.
12:33 So avoid spending your money on that.
12:35 It's true that dieting
12:38 is still the best way to lose weight.
12:40 And I'm not telling you...
12:41 When I say that, I'm not telling you to dive into restrictive diets.
12:43 I'm saying that losing weight is an act that requires time,
12:46 that requires patience,
12:48 that requires being above the pile of files
12:50 of your daily life to achieve a result.
12:53 You have to do it with indulgence,
12:55 with patience and with perseverance.
12:57 That's what I say in all the lives.
12:59 I hope you learned a lot
13:00 about this video, which was a bit funny.
13:03 Share it, like it,
13:04 you need the classic thing.
13:06 Obviously, you leave comments,
13:08 you suggest video requests.
13:11 And I'll see you soon, my friends!
13:13 Peace!
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