Santangelo: "C'è speranza per chi ha il tumore allo stomaco"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Claudia Santangelo, presidente 'Vivere senza stomaco si può' parla dei passi avanti nelle cure del tumore allo stomaco 


00:00 Doctor, what does it mean "to live without a stomach"
00:03 I like this question because we chose this name because
00:09 as a patient, for example, when I had the diagnosis I asked myself "can you live without a stomach?"
00:14 and it's a question that many of us have asked ourselves
00:17 so we wanted to give hope to all those who receive a stomach cancer diagnosis
00:27 it's a bad tumor because it has a not very long survival
00:34 32 people out of 100 survive 5 years so many things can be changed
00:40 here we are talking about therapy and something is changing
00:45 there are progress, to be precise
00:47 absolutely yes, it's true that we patients need to be followed well
00:54 and this means having an oncological network in the region
00:58 especially a PDTA, a therapeutic diagnostic path dedicated to us
01:03 unfortunately in Italy there are only 3 regions that have a PDTA
01:08 but we are making some noise and we are trying to change what is the reality
01:14 we need to be followed well in high volume centers
01:18 with experts, with multidisciplinary units and with adequate therapies
01:23 this means that we hope to have equal access to treatment in all regions
01:31 and in a fast enough time because as I said before we have the recidives behind the corner
