• 2 years ago
(Adnkronos) - Giovanna Mavellia, segretario generale Confcommercio Lombardia, è intervenuta a margine della presentazione del protocollo di intesa tra Regione Lombardia e le organizzazioni regionali dei manager Manageritalia Lombardia, Federmanager Lombardia e delle aziende Confindustria Lombardia e Confcommercio Lombardia. Il protocollo mira a valorizzare la componente manageriale del capitale umano regionale per incentivare la competitività delle imprese nella regione. 


00:00 [Music]
00:04 The third world is facing great transformations,
00:07 especially after the Covid era,
00:09 in commerce, tourism and services.
00:11 This is also the case with the advent of e-commerce services.
00:14 Everything is changing,
00:16 it is changing at an extraordinary speed.
00:18 For us it is important to have the manager's skills
00:21 to face new business models.
00:24 How to face challenging issues
00:26 such as technology and sustainability?
00:28 No one can do it better than those who have the know-how,
00:31 who have a backpack of important skills.
00:34 Especially for small and medium-sized businesses,
00:37 micro-businesses, which are practically 94%
00:40 of the situation of the Lombard company,
00:46 must be faced with a capacity for greater skills.
00:51 Therefore, managers are an important solution for us.
