• last year
00:00 I want everybody to pick up their concealer.
00:02 Are you ready, Jamie?
00:03 Yes, I am.
00:03 Pick up your concealer.
00:04 Rub it in your finger.
00:06 Take it in your finger and put the concealer
00:08 on the back of your hand and warm it up.
00:09 It's called warming it up.
00:10 It makes it so that when you put it on, it's not cakey.
00:13 All right, warm up that concealer.
00:15 And pat.
00:15 Everybody, pat your concealer like this.
00:17 Don't rub it.
00:18 The skin underneath the eye is very delicate.
00:22 OK, rub it on the back of your hand, then up to your face
00:24 and pat.
00:24 We're going to go fast.
00:26 Pat, pat, pat.
00:27 Some of you might be dark around the mouth.
00:29 If you're dark around the mouth, take some concealer,
00:30 put it around the mouth like this.
00:32 That tends to be an area that's darker.
00:34 And pat it in.
00:36 OK, next we are going to do our foundation.
00:40 Now, I have a secret for women at home.
00:42 You guys don't have water right now, but for women at home,
00:45 you take-- and we can do it, Jamie-- you take your sponge
00:48 and you put water on your sponge.
00:51 I know it's kind of gross.
00:52 Put the water in your sponge.
00:53 Put it in your hand like this and soak it up with water.
00:55 You see that?
00:56 And what that does is that when you rub your foundation
01:00 onto that or rub it on your skin, it makes it more supple
01:03 and it blends it a lot better.
01:05 All right, so take your foundation.
01:06 I have a stick here, and so I'm going to look crazy right now.
01:09 But put your foundation on your face.
01:11 Either take-- if you have a foundation like this,
01:15 rub it here, wet sponge and rub it.
01:17 If not, if you have a stick, straight onto the face.
01:20 OK, rub that foundation in.
01:24 OK, now blend.
01:26 Blend, blend, blend real quick.
01:27 Get it in there.
01:28 Blend it, and that wet sponge is going to make it
01:30 so it's not as thick.
01:32 And also take that foundation.
01:35 Take the foundation and put it on top of the concealer
01:39 because it makes the color blend a lot better.
01:41 So put it on top of that concealer, under your eyes,
01:43 or on those dark spots.
01:45 OK, the next thing that we're going to do is the powder.
01:49 So take another-- these kind of sponges, you know these kind.
01:52 You get them at the drugstore.
01:53 And take a powder.
01:54 Hopefully you have a lighter powder at home.
01:56 You should have two powders.
01:58 You should use the lighter powder
02:00 for around under the eye area.
02:01 So go under the eye here.
02:03 I know I look kind of crazy, but go under the eye.
02:05 You know that ain't my color.
02:06 It's a lighter color.
02:08 You got that, Jamie?
02:09 Under the eye.
02:09 Smooth it out.
02:10 Who's going under the eye?
02:13 Are y'all getting it?
02:15 OK, then what you do is you take a brush, your big brush.
02:18 You see this is your powder brush?
02:20 Everybody, this is a powder brush.
02:22 You take this and put it in your main powder color.
02:28 And you brush it on.
02:29 Brush it on.
02:30 And make sure you brush it on kind of briskly,
02:33 because you don't want extra powder on your face.
02:35 So kind of rough, like you're having a fight with yourself.
02:40 All righty, so we've got our foundation on,
02:42 and we got our powder on.
02:45 The next thing is what?
02:48 Blush.
02:49 So take another brush and dab, dab, dab in your cheeks, Jamie.
02:55 Got it?
02:56 Dab, dab, dab.
02:56 Rub on the back of the hand again, because we don't want to look like Miss
02:59 Piggy with those big pink cheeks.
03:02 We want a more natural cheek.
03:05 And then smile.
03:07 Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
03:09 Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
03:10 Got it?
03:11 Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
03:12 Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
03:13 Say it.
03:14 Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
03:17 That's really, really weak.
03:18 One, two, three.
03:19 Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
03:21 Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
03:23 Wear too much blush?
03:24 But I don't care.
03:25 I'm about to give.
03:26 You know what?
03:27 I don't care what you say, mama.
03:28 I like blush.
03:30 I love blush.
03:31 OK, so we got our blush on.
03:34 The next thing we want to do is eye shadow.
03:37 Now let me tell you what you do when you put your eye shadow on.
03:40 Go back to your powder.
03:42 Go back to the powder that we put under the eyes.
03:44 Take a little bit.
03:45 Dab, dab, dab underneath the eyes.
03:49 OK?
03:49 Do you know why I'm doing this?
03:51 Jamie, do you know why I'm doing this?
03:52 No, I don't know why.
03:53 The reason why I am putting this powder under my eyes
03:56 is because when you put the eye shadow on,
03:59 sometimes it falls back down here and makes
04:01 your eyes dark underneath again.
04:03 Right?
04:04 We don't want that.
04:05 This protects you.
04:06 So take eye shadow brush.
04:09 Take the big one here.
04:10 We're going to do fast eye shadow.
04:12 All right, where is my eye shadow?
04:13 Here it is.
04:14 Everybody has their nice brown soft eye shadow?
04:17 Take that eye shadow, dip, dip, dip, dip, dip,
04:19 rub on the back of the hand.
04:20 Your back of the hand is going to look crazy at the end of this.
04:23 Rub on the back of the hand.
04:25 And then take your head like this and look down your nose.
04:30 And do like this so that you can see the crease of the eye like that.
04:35 People have different shaped eyes, but still do that
04:37 and try to create like a crease in there.
04:40 You see that?
04:42 Take the other one, hit the back of the hand, eye shadow.
04:44 Other side.
04:46 Hit it, hit it.
04:47 Jamie, you doing it?
04:48 I'm doing it.
04:48 Jamie, you ain't got no blue eye shadow over there, do you?
04:50 It's not blue, it's not pink.
04:51 OK, good.
04:52 It's brown and natural.
04:53 OK, you want to draw more attention to your eyes?
04:56 Another trick.
04:58 You take the eye shadow, if it's brown, and you go down a little bit
05:01 into the nose area.
05:03 Look at that.
05:04 Go down into the nose area here and down into the nose area there.
05:11 And what that does, it gives you kind of like, I call it the cat.
05:14 Like the shh, shh.
05:16 Look at my eyes, I'm a cat.
05:18 All righty.
05:19 So now it's time for some eyebrows.
05:22 Valente gets crazy nervous when I leave the house.
05:25 Eyebrows are important, Tara.
05:26 And I ain't got no eyebrows on.
05:27 He's like, I just want to draw a brow on you right now.
05:30 I can't stand it.
05:30 Because if you look on the show all the time,
05:32 my eyebrows are a lot closer together and a lot bigger and larger and more
05:35 like nice.
05:36 But so we're going to draw them on.
05:38 If you have far-apart eyebrows, it's important
05:40 to bring them closer together.
05:42 It brings more focus to the face.
05:44 All right, so just go in here, see, and draw almost like it's hair.
05:49 You don't want to draw it like it's just a big line.
05:51 Draw it almost like hair strokes, like pop, pop, hair strokes.
05:55 Let me see, Jamie.
05:58 Nice.
05:58 Yes, very nice.
06:00 OK, and mascara.
06:03 You know, Jamie, I have to agree with you that a lot of mascara
06:06 is a good thing.
06:07 I love mascara.
06:08 All right, so let's hit the mascara, everybody.
06:10 Make sure to not poke yourself in your eye.
06:13 And I just say, I like a lot of mascara, but one coat will do.
06:18 Hit that one coat of mascara, top and bottom.
06:23 And if you get a little mascara mess up, if you get a little close up
06:26 on my eye, guys, get extreme close up on my eye, what I do
06:29 is I touch the mascara a little on my eye down there, just a little touch.
06:34 And it makes the mascara a little thicker.
06:37 Just touch it on the skin, just a little bit.
06:39 That boo-boo mess up is OK.
06:42 And last but not least is what, everybody?
06:45 The lips.
06:47 Everybody take your lipstick.
06:49 You don't have to put it on really, really thick.
06:51 Do it real quick.
06:52 Jamie, how you doing?
06:53 Come on, take your--
06:54 Jamie, oh, you got a little too much mascara.
06:56 Jamie!
06:57 Wait, get a close up of Jamie's lashes.
07:01 It was only one coat.
07:02 Oh, you know what?
07:03 That's just natural then.
07:04 It was only one coat.
07:04 It looks like false lashes.
07:05 You obviously don't have to put that much on then.
07:08 Just a little touch.
07:09 OK, take your lipstick.
07:11 And just put it on and go--
07:14 and then do like this.
07:15 Just smudge it.
07:16 You just want a little bit of the stain of the color.
07:18 You don't want it to be too obvious.
07:20 And last but not least, everybody got a white eyeliner?
07:23 This is the trick, baby.
07:24 I've talked about this on the show before.
07:26 A white eyeliner is the best investment for a woman
07:29 when you're tired, when you're sleepy, and you look like, oh, lord,
07:32 I don't want to go to work today.
07:34 You put this in your eyes.
07:36 Just how you put black eyeliner on the inside sometimes.
07:38 You got white eyeliner?
07:39 I like it.
07:39 I like it.
07:40 And boom!
07:41 Do you see that eye?
07:43 Do you see that?
07:44 It makes it bigger and wider and happier.
07:47 Now, if you're not talking, you can do this whole thing in five minutes.
07:50 But I was trying to talk, help her, help you guys.
07:52 So it added a little bit more time.
07:54 But really, it is a five-minute face.
