Imam Kazim (AS): Beginning of His Imamat

  • last year
When Mansur received the news from his governor, Muhammad ibn Sulayman, that Imam Sadiq had been martyred, he expressed sorrow and admitted that no one would ever replace him. Despite this, Mansur wanted to terminate the chain of Imamat after Imam Sadiq. He sent a message to his governor to inquire about whom Imam Sadiq had selected as his successor in his will. Mansur had ordered his governor to capture the Imam’s successor and behead him. Imam Sadiq, who had predicted such a situation, had named five people as his successors in his will: the Caliph Mansur; the governor of Medina, Muhammad ibn Sulayman, two of his sons, Abdullah and Imam Kazim, and Imam Sadiq’s wife who was the mother of Imam Kazim, Hamideh. When Mansur heard about the Imam’s will, he cancelled his initial order. Imam Sadiq, with this clever trick, not only saved his true successor, Imam Kazim, but also made it evident to his prominent followers to recognize him because his followers knew that the Abbasid caliph and governors were oppressors, and thus disqualified for Imamat. Also, a female could not become an Imam. His oldest son, Abdullah, could not qualify either, since he had a physical disability in his leg and had limited religious knowledge. He could not respond to the questions raised by the people and Imam Sadiq’s companions. Abdullah passed away shortly within seventy days after Imam Sadiq’s martyrdom. Thus, all indications for Imamat were towards the qualifications of Imam Kazim.

Confusion in Recognizing the Imam:

An unprecedented suppressive regime dominated society at the time of Imam Sadiq’s martyrdom. Mansur’s agents and spies were looking to identify and kill the Shia followers of Imam Sadiq. The Shias could not even hold a small gathering to discuss the next Imam. Imam Kazim could not directly call the people to his Imamat, as it could have led to his martyrdom. The claim of Imamat by the Imam’s older brother, Abdullah, was also another reason for the people’s confusion in finding the true Imam of the time. Mansur had provided freedom for Abdullah to claim his Imamat, as this had caused division among the Shia community and would benefit his government. Although Imam Sadiq had indirectly specified Imam Kazim as the next Imam in his will, there was still confusion among the Shias about the next Imam. This was to an extent that, even some of Imam Sadiq’s loyal companions did not know the Imam of their time.
On one occasion, after the martyrdom of Imam Sadiq, two of his loyal companions, Hisham ibn Saalim and Mu’min al-Taaq, were looking to find their next Imam. They initially referred to Imam Sadiq’s oldest son, Abdullah, and tested him with a question. However, Abdullah’s response was quite different from the teachings of Imam Sadiq. They left Abdullah as they were confused about whom to follow, and which theological belief they should choose. Suddenly, an old man hinted to them to follow him. They became frightened, and thought that he might be one of Mans
