• 2 years ago
00:00 Start the technique through the left side with a small rectangular section just above the ear.
00:06 Take a horizontal section, lift the hair straight out and cut a line that follows the shape of the head.
00:12 Now take a second section, comb the hair down onto the first and cut a line that builds a slight graduation in this area.
00:19 Continue the graduation into the back by following the shape of the head and cutting a curved line.
00:28 Continue this graduated line through into the second side.
00:32 Now take horizontal sections and over direct the hair slightly up onto the previously cut hair.
00:40 Repeat this technique throughout the back area working in small rectangular sections.
00:57 Now divide the hair vertically through the centre back, take a slightly diagonal section and blend the length down into the nape.
01:05 Take parallel sections, lift the hair straight out and cut using the first section as a guide.
01:16 Now work diagonally from behind the ear reducing the amount of volume in the nape area.
01:44 Assess the shape visually.
01:46 Now repeat this technique on the second side.
01:57 Now repeat this technique on the second side.
02:00 Now repeat this technique on the second side.
02:28 Once again cross check diagonally and remove any excess length.
02:33 Again assess the shape that has been created, then cross check through the centre back.
02:52 Now divide the hair across the top of the head and using diagonal sections blend the crown lengths with the previously cut hair underneath.
02:59 Continue taking diagonal sections away from the top of the head and cutting along the top of the head.
03:05 Now divide the hair across the top of the head and using diagonal sections blend the crown lengths with the previously cut hair underneath.
03:13 Continue taking diagonal sections and work across the back of the head.
03:29 Continue taking diagonal sections and work across the back of the head.
03:34 Continue taking diagonal sections and work across the back of the head.
04:03 Letting a cross into the second side will assist in creating an even graduation through the centre.
04:09 Now repeat this procedure through the second side, continuing to check for balance and symmetry.
04:24 Now repeat this procedure through the second side, continuing to check for balance and symmetry.
04:29 Now repeat this procedure through the second side, continuing to check for balance and symmetry.
04:57 Once the hair has been dried, refine the length through the nape by working horizontally and removing any excess weight.
05:04 Now refine the hair in front of the ears in the same manner.
05:24 Now using a pointing technique, create a more defined edge to the nape area.
05:29 Now move on to the second side.
05:50 Divide the hair horizontally through the temple and then taking diagonal sections, use an inside-out technique to create a graduated line that sits just below the ear.
05:59 Moving on to the fringe area, cut a gradient along the front of the hair.
06:18 Moving on to the fringe area, cut a graduated bow-shaped fringe by taking curved sections and cutting a line that accentuates the dynamics of the bone structure.
06:45 Now take diagonal sections and blend the hair between the fringe lengths and the previously cut hair through the side.
06:52 Now take a straight line and create a straight line along the front of the hair.
06:57 Now take a straight line and create a straight line along the front of the hair.
07:02 Now take a straight line and create a straight line along the front of the hair.
07:07 Now take a straight line and create a straight line along the front of the hair.
07:12 Now take a straight line and create a straight line along the front of the hair.
07:17 Now take a straight line and create a straight line along the front of the hair.
07:22 To work through the second side, take diagonal sections and using the fringe lengths as a guide, cut a line by lifting straight out and allowing the hair to slide through the fingers.
07:36 This creates a scooped effect.
07:39 Take parallel sections and repeat this procedure throughout the side area.
07:44 Now work on the previously disconnected length through the top.
07:48 Take a curved section, combing the hair down, cut a new line that follows the shape of the jaw.
07:54 Now take a curved section, combing the hair down, cut a new line that follows the shape of the jaw.
07:59 Now take a curved section, combing the hair down, cut a new line that follows the shape of the jaw.
08:04 Now take a curved section, combing the hair down, cut a new line that follows the shape of the jaw.
08:09 Now take a curved section, combing the hair down, cut a new line that follows the shape of the jaw.
08:14 Subsequent sections are taken parallel and cut using the first section as a guide.
08:37 Once the colour technique has been applied and the hair has been dried, take diagonal sections and using a controlled pointing technique, cut channels of short hair between the longer lengths through the top.
08:49 This is key to the criss-cross cutting technique and when complete will add texture and hidden movement to the shape.
08:57 Refine the shorter lengths by using a vertical pointing technique to assist in creating a visual blend between the longer lengths and the shorter lengths.
09:04 Refine the shorter lengths by using a vertical pointing technique to assist in creating a visual blend between the longer lengths and the shorter lengths.
09:11 Refine the shorter lengths by using a vertical pointing technique to assist in creating a visual blend between the longer lengths and the shorter lengths.
09:18 Refine the shorter lengths by using a vertical pointing technique to assist in creating a visual blend between the longer lengths and the shorter lengths.
09:28 Now refine the length.
09:35 Now strengthen the outlines through the shorter side area and the bow fringe.
09:41 Notice how this creates a cleaner, more contemporary finish.
09:45 Here the kaleidoscope nature of the puncture colouring technique can be clearly seen.
10:07 Notice how the shorter lengths and longer lengths blend invisibly throughout the internal shape.
10:17 Thanks for watching!
