• 2 years ago
00:00 Hello, I'm Juliette Sear. Welcome to BakingMad.com. Today I'm going to show you how to make a
00:07 naked wedding cake. These are really popular at the moment. They're very easy to make and
00:14 they're bang on trend. So I'm just going to show you simply how to make a very easy vanilla
00:18 buttercream. This is a basis for many cakes. Once you've got your vanilla buttercream you
00:22 can make lots of different flavours with this base. So first of all we're going to start
00:27 with some soft unsalted butter. I'm just going to make a kilo and a half here. I have 500
00:34 grams of soft unsalted butter. And I have 1 kilogram of silver spoon icing sugar. I
00:43 like this one because I don't even need to bother sieving it and I always think if you
00:49 can save time definitely do that. There's no need to sieve it. So I'm just going to
00:53 put a small amount in there to start with. I just want to make sure that I'm really creaming
00:58 the butter at the early stage. I'm going to cream it for a couple of minutes so it's really
01:02 nice and soft. And then add the icing sugar in small increments. Also at this point I
01:07 like to add my vanilla extract. I like to do it at the start because I just imagine
01:12 it really bashing it into the butter and sugar and really making it a strong flavour. So
01:16 for this amount of buttercream I'm just going to use a really generous tablespoon but I'm
01:20 not going to measure it I'm just going to chuck it in. You can never have too much vanilla
01:23 in my view. So I'm just going to turn the speed up now. That's nice and soft so I'm
01:30 just going to add a little bit more icing sugar. Just a few hundred grams. So once that's
01:48 all incorporated I'm going to turn up the speed again and mix it very fast. You can
01:52 do it without a stand mixer if you don't have one. You can use a wooden spoon or even a
01:56 hand beater but obviously it will take a lot longer. A good tip is to add a tiny bit of
02:01 boiling water as well. That does help to speed up the process. Just a couple of tablespoons.
02:06 But you won't really need to do that if you've got a mixer. So I'm going to turn this up
02:13 again. So that's all ready. Just show you the colour. So as you can see it's nice and
02:20 pale and white and fluffy now. I'm just going to take some strawberry coulis, just made
02:28 with some sugar and fresh strawberries. Just to taste really, you don't have to be exact.
02:36 It's really up to you. It's up to your own personal preferences, just however much flavour
02:43 you like. And some raspberry jam. I'm just going to add a little bit to start with and
02:50 just mix this in. Give it a gentle stir. And it's good because you've got a lovely natural
03:03 pink colouring there. I don't need to use any artificial colours. So you're kind of
03:08 looking for a nice whipped cream texture. So lovely, that's ready to use. This cake
03:15 mix, you will actually need quite a lot of vanilla sponge. If you've got a small mixer
03:22 you might have to do a few mixes but it's worth it. Again, you could have frozen these
03:25 in advance. So for these six cake halves I've used 34 eggs in total. So that's 1,000 grams
03:33 of butter and caster sugar with my 34 eggs and 1,700 grams of self-raising flour. And
03:40 of course some nice vanilla extract, vanilla bean paste. So, the 10 inches. I'm going to
03:48 make sure that I have all of my cakes and I'm going to check the height. Again, this
03:54 doesn't need to be perfect like a marzipan or an ice cake. So it is quite nice. You can
03:58 be quite free about it. But again, I think when you've got a tiered cake it's nice to
04:03 have the same height on each layer. It will look better, it will look more professional.
04:08 Especially if you've got a really tall top tier, it just looks a bit odd. If you haven't
04:12 got a cake leveller, just give it a measure with a tape measure. Just say it's 4 centimetres
04:16 so then you can make a little nick on the side so you can see where to cut it round.
04:21 But I'm going to set this at the lowest height so that I've got all of my sponges are going
04:28 to be the same. So just having a look. So I'm going to count. These are quite handy
04:32 because you've got some nicks in here so you can just count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 marks below.
04:39 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. I need one more. There we go. So that looks about right. So I'm going
04:46 to cut the top off each one of my sponge halves. So this is my lowest one. Just take my leveller
04:57 and just slice across so it's nice and level. I always hold my hand here as well just before
05:04 the leveller comes out on one side because you can sometimes find that the sponge will
05:12 break at the side. So I've cut that down. Nice and level. So I'm going to do the same
05:19 with all of my other sponge cakes. So all of my cakes are now perfect height. They're
05:26 all the same level. Now I need to split each one of these halves again just right the way
05:31 across so I can have three layers of buttercream per tier. So again I'm going to use my dad's
05:37 handy trick of cutting a mark on the side just so I'm going to put it back in the right
05:42 place. It doesn't really matter too much with a naked cake because it's quite a rustic looking
05:47 cake but just doing a mark is just going to make sure it does go back together quite equally.
05:52 So I'm just going to make a mark. Now just split each one ready for the buttercream layer.
05:59 So just again going all the way through. So all of my sponges are cut. Now it's time to
06:07 layer them up with the buttercream. So we're going to need a lot of buttercream. I've made
06:12 - it's slightly easier if you put them into piping bags. You don't have to do this but
06:17 you can just use a palette knife but I find it really easy to kind of spread it equally.
06:21 So I've just got a disposable plastic piping bag. This is my strawberry and raspberry flavour
06:25 and we also have some vanilla bean. Okay so I'm going to start with my largest cake. Now
06:32 with the naked cakes we're going to be stacking them so we still do need to have cake boards
06:40 underneath because we don't want the sponges to collapse on top of each other. But we don't
06:45 want to see the cake boards so with other cake decorating a lot of the time you use
06:49 a large drum. For these cakes I'm going to be using thin cake cards. So these are an
06:55 inch smaller than each of my sponges so it will give it some support underneath but you
06:59 won't see it because you don't want to see that silvery edge. So I've got a 9 inch, 5
07:05 inch and a 7 inch. So I'm just going to take my large one. So again I'm working on a spare
07:10 cake drum. So when you're working with the sponges, especially large ones, it's quite
07:16 hard to move around the thin layers of sponge. They can be a bit breakable. So it's a good
07:21 tip to use something like another thin cake drum or even a cake lifter. It's just going
07:27 to enable me to move the sponges around without them cracking too much. If they do crack you
07:31 can always put them together but it's best to avoid that. So I'm going to start with
07:35 my base one. So I'm going to use the top underneath. Just place that down. So I'm going to take
07:44 my 9 inch cake card and just pop that underneath my bottom layer. Just make sure it's not showing
07:50 too much. So I'm going to start by just slipping off the edge of my piping bag and just squeezing
07:57 around a fairly nice generous layer all the way around the edge. So I'm not going right
08:08 up until the edge because when I place the other layers on it's going to push it down
08:11 a bit so I don't want to go too near the edge. We don't really want it to be forced out and
08:15 look too messy. So just within the edge of the cake. So just go all the way around. Again
08:22 just having a look where I made that mark. There it is. I've got my mark over here. And
08:29 just lifting that sponge, popping that on there like that. Just trying to make sure
08:35 it's nice and central. Yeah that's looking good. So now I'm going to go with my strawberry
08:42 layer. There we go. And then I'm just going to top that with the next layer of my 10 inch
08:50 sponge. Making sure again nice and central. Lovely. And then continue with my vanilla.
09:02 There we go. So that's my first layer. Looks really good. So now this is done I'm going
09:09 to do exactly the same with my 6 and my 8 inch. So they're all filled ready to go and
09:16 then we can dowel them up and stack them. So I've layered all my cakes and now it's
09:21 ready for the fun part, the stacking and decorating. So I'm going to be needing to use some cake
09:25 dowels. This is going to prevent the tiers from collapsing in on one another. If you
09:30 don't have the cake dowels you're likely to end up with a massive catastrophe. So I've
09:34 just got some standard cake dowels here. I've actually cut these down. Now all these cake
09:39 dowels they come with rounded ends but I like to just trim off the bottom of mine so they're
09:43 completely flat. Just because when you're transporting cakes if there's a rounded end
09:48 I think you get a lot of vibration in the car and I just worry sometimes that you get
09:52 the odd crack. With a naked cake it's not so much of a problem. This is just very very
09:57 easy just to give a bit of support. If you're using iced cakes and doweling them make sure
10:01 that you always cut them off flat. So I'm going to start by doweling my bottom tier.
10:07 I also have a hacksaw for cutting my dowels and also this handy bit of decking. Again
10:13 thanks to my dad, the engineer at the shop, he's invented this bit of decking so that
10:19 when we're cutting the dowels we're not having any accidents. So it's quite handy, really
10:22 easy to make. Just got a little bit of wood on the side to stop it moving around. So I'm
10:26 going to put the dowels in my bottom tier first. So this is my 10 inch. Now the next
10:36 cake is an 8 inch and there's a 7 inch drum underneath it so I need to make sure that
10:42 I'm putting the dowels just within that area. So I'm used to doing cakes, I do it by eye,
10:47 I know roughly where I need to put it. But if you're new to cake decorating or baking
10:52 just get a spare drum and just mark around to make sure that you're not putting any dowels
10:56 outside of that area. So for this one we've got two further tiers on top so I would like
11:01 to put between 6 and 8 dowels in there just to carry the weight of the other tiers. So
11:06 I'm just going to plunge these in, trying to keep them nice and vertical. We don't want
11:12 them going at an angle so just keep your eye on that. So just kind of making sure they're
11:22 equally spaced roughly. There we go. So exactly the same principle for doing any kind of cake
11:30 stacking. Now as you can see from this cake, even though we've been really careful to make
11:34 sure it's as level as possible, with the buttercream filling it's very rough so we have got a slightly
11:39 higher part of the cake and a lower part. That is absolutely fine as long as we make
11:44 sure that when we cut the dowels we cut it to the highest point because when we put the
11:48 next one on we can cover any gaps with some fruit and that will be fine. So I'm just going
11:52 to make a mark on each one of these dowels just with a bit of pencil, just a tiny mark,
11:58 just at the point where the dowel is coming out of the sponge. So I'm going to line these
12:03 up now and just make sure, I'm just going to use a straight edge as a guide, so just
12:09 making sure that everything is completely straight. I'm going to line the dowels up
12:12 and just have a check which one is the highest. Right, so just make sure. So okay, you can
12:23 see the highest point so I'm just going to mark every single one just to the highest
12:26 point. Just swap that around just to make sure, yeah that's nice and equal. So now I
12:35 can cut these all down. So just taking a hacksaw, just going to pop that on there and just cut
12:43 at the highest point. And I'm going to cut every one down the same. Okay, so I've cut
12:55 all my dowels down so I'm going to pop those back into the sponge. Just making sure that
13:02 I'm keeping those upright. So they're all in. Now I'm just going to double check that
13:08 I'm happy with these because I could make a correction at this point if I wanted to
13:11 but I think it's fine. Just going to get a cake board, just push that on top, just make
13:15 sure that feels straight. So now I'm just going to continue and dowel up my eight inch
13:21 round cake ready to take the six and then we're ready to stack it. So all of my cakes
13:27 are now ready to go to their wedding or wherever it may be. They're all doweled, ready to go.
13:33 So at this point you might want to be transporting them and stacking them up at your venue. So
13:38 I do recommend just popping those into a cake box. Okay, so we're at our venue, now we're
13:43 ready to stack our naked cake and decorate it with all the fruit. So I'm going to take
13:47 my bottoms here and just lift that off of its board. Just using a pallet knife is quite
13:53 handy and I'm going to place that on, try and get it as central as I can. There we go.
14:02 So I'll just take my next layer. So I'm just going to choose a front. Try not to drop it.
14:08 So I think that will be my front. So again, just take my pallet knife, just gently kind
14:16 of slide that underneath the cake board and they're fairly light, these naked cakes. They're
14:22 not as heavy without the marzipan and icing, so they are quite easy to move about. Okay,
14:28 so just make sure that's in the middle and just place the final tier on top.
14:41 So now I'm going to be decorating it. So I'm going to decorate it with some red currants,
14:45 some raspberries, some strawberries and some cherries. So I'm just going to start with
14:49 my front. So I want to make sure that it's looking nice and equal. So just take some
14:55 of the larger pieces first, just to kind of place those strategically. Again, covering
15:01 up any parts that you don't like, just making sure that it looks nice and balanced. I always
15:09 like to kind of put collections of the larger ones to the top, to the side, just so they're
15:13 cascading down. But you can be really free and easy with it. I'm just going to take some
15:17 of the currants. The currants are really lovely just to sort of sit around the tiers. They're
15:21 really nice just to fill all those thin gaps. So last couple of cherries on top. And there
15:32 you have it. Really pretty, really lovely naked cake. Anybody can do this. It's really
15:38 easy to achieve an amazing show-stopping cake. You know how to tier up your sponges. Just
15:44 with the fresh fruit, it looks absolutely fantastic and it will taste amazing as well.
15:48 So I hope you enjoy baking that at home.
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