00:00 Hi, I'm Elise and welcome back to My Cupcake Addiction.
00:15 Today I've teamed up with the lovely Jen from Cookies, Cupcakes and Cardio and we've come
00:19 together to create this awesome Rainbow Skittles Cake.
00:22 Jen's given you guys the recipe for the Skittles Poke Cake and Skittles Frosting and I'm showing
00:27 you this easy and gorgeous decoration technique where we're going to do a Rainbow Kit Kat
00:31 Cake with a rainbow going inside.
00:34 Let's get started.
00:35 I've left the baking up to Jen today so you'll need to visit her channel which I will link
00:39 to down below to check out her Skittles Poke Cake recipe.
00:43 For my part, I've got a rolling pin and I've got some of our Skittles sanding sugar so
00:47 I will link to the Skittles sanding sugar recipe and tutorial down below as well as
00:51 our regular sanding sugar if you don't feel like using the Skittles flavors.
00:55 I've got that in all the different colors of the rainbow.
00:58 I'm using some red ribbon, some melted white chocolate, 3 blocks of Kit Kat.
01:03 I've got some plain flour for dusting my surface and I've also got a batch of our vanilla sugar
01:08 cookie dough so I will leave that recipe and the link to the video if you'd like to watch
01:11 it in the description box below.
01:13 I've got a paintbrush, a pastry brush, a pizza cutter, a serrated edge knife, a pair of scissors,
01:19 an edible marker.
01:20 I've got a Ziploc bag and I've got 5 large packets of Skittles.
01:24 You need this many so you can get enough of each of your colors but you'll have plenty
01:27 of Skittles left over.
01:29 Sprinkle down a generous amount of your plain flour and using your rolling pin, you just
01:32 want to roll out your chilled cookie dough into like a long rectangle shape.
01:37 Take your pizza cutter and you want to cut like a half an arc shape of a rainbow so slightly
01:42 thinner at the base and slightly fatter at the top and cut this longer than you need
01:46 because you can always cut some off once it's baked but you can't add anymore.
01:50 Pop it onto a baking tray.
01:51 Bake it in a moderate oven for 7 to 10 minutes until the edges just slightly start to turn
01:55 golden brown.
01:57 Once it's completely cooled, you can pick it up and just size it up against the side
02:00 of your cake.
02:01 You don't want it to be too long or it'll be too top-heavy so I'm going to cut mine
02:04 off about here so that it comes down quite a bit shorter in the cake.
02:08 Make the cut using your serrated edge knife.
02:10 Take your pastry brush and your white chocolate and you want to brush both sides, the bottom
02:14 3 inches of the cookie, and then all the way over the back.
02:18 We're doing this because it's actually going to make the cookie watertight and it's not
02:20 going to absorb moisture from the cake making it soggy.
02:23 Now you want to use your edible marker and I just marked out sort of even intervals along
02:28 the way.
02:29 So I've got 7 colors, I need 7 lines.
02:32 So I want to make sure that I kind of keep each color about the same width.
02:35 To apply my sanding sugar, I started with a paintbrush and just painted a little section
02:40 and then placed the sanding sugar on top, kind of sprinkled it.
02:43 But this actually proved a bit problematic because my chocolate was drying too fast so
02:47 I switched to the ziplock bag method.
02:50 So put some white chocolate in the ziplock bag and snip off a very fine tip.
02:53 And rather than painting it on with a paintbrush, squirt on some of that white chocolate using
02:59 your ziplock bag.
03:00 Try to roughly follow the lines that you've marked and the line of the last color and
03:04 only fill in about a half of one of those lines at a time.
03:08 Once you've got that wet melted chocolate, you can take a generous amount of your Skittles
03:12 sanding sugar and sprinkle it on top.
03:15 Once you've got it all the way on top, just use your knife to trim down the back edge
03:20 and that will leave you a nice straight edge for your next color.
03:23 So I'm just sort of moving away any extras.
03:25 Wait for that sanding sugar to completely dry before tapping off any excess.
03:30 For my darker colors, I used a piece of paper to sort of protect the colors underneath so
03:34 that I wasn't getting a ton of green in my blue sprinkles and I wasn't getting a ton
03:38 of blue in my pink.
03:40 You can also use a paintbrush here, just a dry paintbrush to kind of clean up any green
03:44 that snuck into your blue.
03:46 Repeat this with all the colors of your rainbow and this is essentially making our little
03:50 rainbow sugar cookie.
03:52 You can use sanding sugar, you can use Skittles sanding sugar or you can use just regular
03:55 sprinkles here.
03:57 You could also just paint on the colors of different colored candy melts or you could
04:00 cut strips of fondant.
04:01 There's a ton of options.
04:03 If you've never made a KitKat cake before, the best way to separate your KitKat fingers
04:06 is to cut them in twos.
04:08 If you try to break them, they have a tendency to break a little bit rough but if you cut
04:12 them, they stay nice and neat and they're really nice and neat to put together around
04:15 the cake.
04:16 If you're having any trouble with your KitKat sticking to the side of the cake, just apply
04:21 a thin additional coat of buttercream so you're actually attaching to wet buttercream, not
04:26 to a dry crusted buttercream.
04:28 And then you're simply taking your KitKat pieces and sticking them all around that cake.
04:33 Once your cake's surrounded, use your serrated edge knife to sort of carve just a thin line
04:40 into the center of your cake and then drive that cookie straight down into the middle.
04:45 You're better to cut that slit smaller rather than larger because you want it to be a really
04:49 snug fit to hold that cookie in place.
04:53 Now once your cookie's in place, you want to take one of each of your Skittle colors
04:57 and place it at the base of the rainbow at the line of the color that it corresponds
05:02 to so your red Skittle goes down below the red line, etc etc.
05:06 My chosen design here looks amazing but does require a bit of time in Skittle placing,
05:12 probably about 30 to 40 minutes all up, I think it took me.
05:15 So basically I'm just following the line from that first colored Skittle and I'm coming
05:19 all the way around the outside edge of the rainbow in the one direction.
05:23 This is designed to look like the rainbow's kind of coming to the cake and it's continuing
05:27 around on top of the cake, so an actual uniform rainbow sort of a shape.
05:32 Of course, if you're a bit time poor, you can just take all of your Skittles and chuck
05:36 them straight into the top of the cake which will also save you the time in separating
05:40 them.
05:41 With any KitKat cake, it's best to have ribbon around the outside which covers up the line
05:45 that you get in the middle of a KitKat family block but it also holds everything together
05:48 so I opted for a red ribbon with a nice big red bow which matches in with our Skittles
05:53 wrappers.
05:54 The final part of our cake and I think the most impressive is taking one of those empty
05:58 Skittles wrappers, so be nice when you open them.
06:00 You want to paint in with your ziplock bag a bit of melted white chocolate about the
06:04 top inch or so on the inner back side of that packet.
06:09 Stick that back side up against the back side of your cookie and leave the front side of
06:14 the packet hanging open.
06:15 You'll need to support that for about 30 seconds or so until that chocolate starts to become
06:19 tacky and starts to set.
06:21 So there you've got your absolutely gorgeous Skittles Rainbow Effect Cake.
06:26 It's almost kind of like an illusion effect.
06:28 You've also got that fabulous Skittles Poke Cake recipe and the Skittles frosting recipe
06:32 brought to you by Jen over at Cupcakes and Cardio.
06:35 I'm linking to her video and her channel down below so like I said, make sure you go and
06:39 check her out.
06:40 As always guys, thanks very much for tuning in to my cupcake addiction.
06:43 Bye!
06:53 (upbeat music)