00:00 Hello and welcome to Cupcake Addiction's Giant Rainbow Layer Cupcake Tutorial where I'll
00:09 be showing you how to make this giant cupcake and when you cut inside, it is a beautiful
00:13 layer of rainbow. Tools and equipment that we will be using
00:16 today, I have my giant cupcake mold. I'm using a silicone mold today. You can also use a
00:21 metal mold for this but I just prefer the silicone. I find them easier to use. I've
00:25 got a double batch or 2 packet mixes of whatever your favorite vanilla cake mix is. So I'm
00:31 just using a white or a yellow vanilla cake mix. You can use a recipe of your own. If
00:37 you use a packet, make sure you do a double packet. You want enough essentially for 24
00:41 cupcakes. I've got my food colors. I've got just liquid
00:45 colors and I've got red, yellow, green, blue and pink. You can also use color pastes. They're
00:50 a little bit more concentrated so you will need a little bit less but I'm just going
00:53 to use liquid for this. I've got 6 bowls. I've got a couple of big spoons and I've got
00:58 6 teaspoons. Let's get started. Now I've preheated my oven. It's a moderate
01:03 oven. I will leave the temperatures in the description box below. We want to lay out
01:10 all of our lovely 6 bowls. We're going to do 6 colors. So what I want to do is just
01:17 spoon that mix into those 6 bowls so you've got about the same amount in each bowl.
01:24 Alright, so I've divided that batter evenly into these 6 containers. Now I'm just going
01:32 to color it. Now I'm not going to do purple today. Don't hate me. It's not because I don't
01:35 like purple. I've just decided to go with pink instead as this cake will be for my lovely
01:40 niece's birthday party. So I'm going to start with red. I'm going to put the red in the
01:44 purple container. And I'm going to put 2 capfuls of that liquid food coloring in each color.
01:50 I'm going to try and keep the colors pretty close to the same ones that the bowls in.
01:56 It's just going to make it a little bit easier for me. If you don't have a rainbow of colored
02:00 bowls, then white will obviously do. And don't be afraid to use a bit of color in these because
02:06 you really do want those rainbow colors to be nice and bright. You want this cake to
02:10 pop when people cut into it. For my orange, I'm going to use mostly yellow
02:15 so I'm going to do a cap and a half of yellow, just a half a cap of red or not even, maybe
02:19 just a quarter of a cap of red. Alright, now take your teaspoons, pop one in each bowl
02:26 and we're just going to stir that color through all of that mixture. It's all looking very
02:32 quite neat and uniformed at the moment. So I'm just going to carefully stir that color
02:37 through until it's all completely combined. We'll repeat that step with each of our lovely
02:45 colors. If you love our tutorials, make sure that
02:51 you check out our channel My Cupcake Addiction. We upload several times a week. We would love
02:55 it if you subscribe. We've got lots of great rainbow and other themed cupcakes and cake
03:01 pops on our channel. And we're always coming up with great and new inventive ideas that
03:06 you guys can make at home. You can see there, you can tell when that color's all combined.
03:12 You've got a really nice, really vibrant color. So we'll just repeat that with all of our
03:20 colors. Now you are going to have quite a bit of off-cuts
03:27 and leftovers from all of these beautiful colors so why not pair them up with some of
03:31 our stunning rainbow cake pops. You can turn all of those lovely crumbs and off-cuts into
03:37 beautiful bright colorful cake pop mix. Pair some cake pops with your lovely rainbow layer
03:44 giant cupcake. Alright, so we've colored all of our lovely
03:48 vanilla or white or yellow cake mix. Now I'm going to take my giant cupcake mold which
03:52 I have completely greased. So I've just sprayed that with some non-stick spray. You can also
03:57 use butter to grease it but do make sure it's really well greased.
04:01 You want to have a think here about where the layers in your cupcake are going to sit.
04:04 So I know the color scheme that I want. I want to have red at the top and I want to
04:08 have pink down the bottom. I'm going to go red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink. So
04:12 the bottom half, I'm going to start off by doing what's going to be on the bottom first.
04:17 So I'm going to do my pink first and I'm just going to take that bottom section and I'm
04:26 going to tip all of that lovely cake mix into that bottom section. Stir it around with a
04:35 spoon just so it's nice and level. Now at the same sort of time, because we're going
04:40 to bake both of these halves together, put your pink in there, my top layer is going
04:45 to be red. So I'm going to take all of that red and I'm going to spoon it into my top
04:51 half. Give it a little stir around so it's nice and even.
05:05 Now we're going to take those. I'm going to put these ones, because they're silicone mold,
05:08 I'm going to put them onto a baking tray before I put them in the oven just so that the silicone
05:12 doesn't move on the oven trays or anything. And I'm going to pop them in for about 15
05:17 minutes but I'm just going to check on them. And as soon as they spring back in the middle
05:21 and a skewer or a skewer or a cocktail stick comes out clean when I poke it in the middle,
05:25 they're going to be ready. Okay, so they've come out of the oven and
05:29 the cook time was actually closer to 30 minutes than the 15 that I anticipated. I think it
05:33 was about 25-27 minutes. Now because we've given that such a good spray, you can see
05:37 that it's literally just coming away. So I'm just going to pop my hand inside, flip it
05:42 out and we can pop that on a cooling rack or you can just rest it on your bench.
05:49 And the same with the top. With the top ones, I do always like to just roll the edges down
05:54 just around the top there because the top bit can be a little bit fiddly. Don't worry
05:59 if you've got any little crispy edges. It's actually still quite hot. Don't worry if you've
06:03 got any little crispy edges because we will trim all of those edges off so that all we
06:06 expose is that lovely beautiful color. Now for that top little dome or that top button,
06:11 I'm actually just going to push down on it. And as I do, it's really hot. You can see
06:18 the steam coming off it. So there you've got quite a nice... We've got a red top and we've
06:23 got a pink bottom. Pop those off to the side to cool and we will go and give our pan a
06:29 rinse before adding in some more colors. Okay, so I've washed out my giant cupcake
06:36 base. Now I'm not going to use the top again. I'm only going to use the top for that very
06:40 very top color. And I'm fortunate enough to have 2 of these giant cupcake containers so
06:44 that's going to cut down my cook time a little bit. Obviously if you've only got one, you're
06:47 just going to do this one color at a time. So my next color is going to be, from the
06:52 bottom up, blue. I have re-greased those lovely giant patty pans so do make sure that you
07:01 are really giving them a good spray with your non-stick spray or a good grease with butter
07:05 before each color goes in. Alright, so that's blue. And then we'll do our green. And off
07:26 they go into the oven for another 25 to 30 minutes.
07:31 Okay, so we've baked those last 2 colors, the second lot of 2 colors and you guessed
07:37 it, once again, exactly the same thing. Now these 2 are going to go off into the oven.
07:46 That's going to be the last of our baking. And when we come back, we are going to have
07:49 our 6 beautiful colors of cake ready to go, ready to carve, stack and decorate into our
07:56 beautiful Rainbow Layer Cupcake. Okay, so we're back and we've got our 6 beautiful
08:02 colored lovely pieces of our giant cupcake ready to go. Now I will mention these are
08:07 completely cooled. These are not even remotely warm so make sure you're not trying to work
08:11 with even slightly warm. You need to give them a couple of hours to completely cool
08:15 down. I've got a little bit of our perfectly pipeable
08:17 buttercream frosting and I've just popped that into a... just a piping bag with any
08:21 nozzle you like. You don't have to have a piping bag but I just find it a little bit
08:25 easier for dispersing the icing. I've got a spatula. I've got a serrated edge knife.
08:30 This is a bread knife. And I've got an offset spatula. You can use just a regular spatula
08:34 for both or a knife but I just like working with the offset spatula.
08:37 I've also got one of our giant chocolate patty pans. Now I do have a tutorial on how to make
08:41 this. I will leave the links to that and the buttercream frosting in the description box
08:45 below. Now this one here, I've done white chocolate
08:48 as my outer layer and I've colored that white chocolate with a little bit of sky blue Wilton
08:52 color paste. And then I just used plain white chocolate for the inside because no one's
08:56 really going to see that anyway. So the first thing that we want to do is we're
08:59 just going to pop a little bit of that frosting in the bottom, just a bit of a blob. And then
09:05 you want to take your nice soft flexible spatula and just scoop it up the sides. Now this is
09:13 just going to give the cupcake something to adhere to on the sides so that when you do
09:17 cut it, it does stick to those chocolate sides. So I need a little bit more just to cover
09:22 over that side. Try not to move it around too much. All the way up.
09:35 Alright now we're going to take our bottom color. For me, that's going to be pink. So
09:39 just to give us a little bit of room. Now what we want to do, all of these are going
09:43 to be the same size apart from our top piece. Now as you can see there, because it's been
09:46 baking in the oven, you've got a little bit of kind of darkness of color. So what we're
09:51 going to do is just cut the top section off. So just come down nice and flat to get a nice
09:57 even cut. I like to actually turn the cake as I'm cutting because I can see exactly where
10:02 I'm cutting and just trim the top off. You can see that beautiful color that's coming
10:06 out there. This is going to be what's really seen, that bright bright color as you cut
10:10 into it. So don't worry about your edges. Now with the bottom 2 colors, I'm going to
10:15 trim off the edges. And you'll notice this if you follow us through our Giant Cupcake
10:19 Basics. We actually do trim off the entire base of the giant cupcake. I'm only going
10:24 to do that with, I think, my bottom 2 colors for this one because we've baked everything
10:28 in the bottom of that pan so you're not getting the rise of the size as you come up the giant
10:33 cupcake. So this is what you should have, sort of a
10:36 bit of a... I guess it's like a hexagon-y or I don't know. I don't even know how many
10:39 sides that one's got. But I'm just going to plop that in. Give it a nice little push down
10:45 so that it is secured. And that buttercream is going to help to not just stick that into
10:51 the cupcake case but it's also going to help to make it nice and airtight so that it doesn't
10:56 dry out in there. Alright, so we want to get that buttercream
11:01 frosting and we're going to just put a nice even swirl if you can. Take that lovely flexible
11:11 spatula again. Now one of the things with rainbow cake that you really do want to try
11:16 and do is get about the same amount of frosting in between each layer. So you don't want to...
11:21 When you cut it, you do want it to all be quite nice and even. There we go.
11:28 Now, the next color for me is going to be blue. Get that pink out of the way. I'm going
11:34 to use that pink to make some absolutely delicious cake pops. Same thing again with the blue.
11:41 Just cut that top off. You can see there, as you bring that top off, these are the colors
11:47 that you're going to see, not the stuff on the outside that's been baked. You're actually
11:50 going to see these beautiful, bright, gorgeously vibrant colors. Trim the sides off that one.
12:02 Once again, nice little hexagon-y type shape. If you want to trim the bottom, you can but
12:07 that's not going to be seen. That's just from the non-stick spray that's been in the...
12:10 giant cupcake case. I might just take it off. I don't think anybody's going to see it because
12:16 it's all going to be stuck into the frosting but I'll know it's there. Beautiful.
12:25 Now that one's just going to sit on top there. Now you'll see there I've got a tiny little
12:33 bit of a gap around the outside so we're just going to fill that in with a bit of frosting
12:36 as we put on our next layer. Don't go too thick with the frosting. You really don't
12:42 want it to be too crazy thick because there are a lot of layers. So try and keep it even
12:47 but also make sure it's not too thick. Just to fill in my little side gaps there.
13:08 Now as you move into the next color which for us is going to be green, do not trim the
13:13 sides. Just trim the top of your green. And that's because we're actually getting larger
13:17 at the top of this giant patty pan or giant cupcake case. I hear a lot of you guys don't
13:22 call it a patty pan so I shall try not to. And sit that one on top and again on top.
13:34 Now our next color is going to be the yellow. You guessed it. We're going to trim off the
13:39 top and just sit it on top. Now you'll see as I get above the large patty
13:49 pan, I'm actually not going to put anything down the sides just at the moment. I'm just
13:55 going to do my layers of frosting in between. We'll come back and work on those sides shortly.
14:01 And finally the red. Now with the red, I'm not going to trim the top pointy bit. I'm
14:05 going to trim the bottom of it. And I'm also going to take off the edges of the red because
14:10 of the way we've done this, we haven't used the entirety of the top half. It's getting
14:14 quite tall so I want to take off the edges of the red and we're actually going to carve
14:19 down the shape of our giant cupcake with our knife and build it up a little bit using our
14:26 buttercream frosting. So sit that red on top.
14:32 Now that is looking like one heck of a giant cupcake sandwich.
14:38 Alright, now from here, I'm going to just take my knife and I'm going to cut from the
14:47 top of that cupcake. I'm actually going to round it off a little bit on the top because
14:50 I don't want it to be quite so high. So just round it off a bit and then we're going to
14:55 cut down the outside. Now this is just going to help taper it down and we don't want that
15:04 top layer to be too much thicker than the other layers. So you really want it to be
15:08 about the same width. When you get down close and have a look at it, you want it to be about
15:11 the same height as the rest of your layers. And the rest of your layers should all be
15:15 pretty well even because we've divided that mix so evenly into its 6 different portions
15:19 and we've baked the same amount in each one.
15:25 Now you may also notice, and this is a really great opportunity to answer a frequently asked
15:29 question about the giant cupcake cases, "Can you see that big crack there?" That is a big
15:33 crack that's happened and it's probably happened because maybe my chocolate was a little bit
15:36 thin in that particular spot when I've done it. So you can see it's cracked in 2 places.
15:40 I'm actually going to show you how to repair a crack like that. All is not lost. Don't
15:44 cry. Don't throw it in the bin. It's all fixable.
15:47 Okie dokie. So I'm in a bit of a mess here so I'm just going to pop off and have a little
15:55 tidy up and then we'll be back for the next steps.
15:57 Okay, so we're back and I've had a bit of a tidy up. Now as I mentioned, I do want to
16:01 show you guys how to fix cracks, alright? These are made out of chocolate. Cracks are
16:05 going to happen. Cake can be heavy but it's not the end of the world. So I've got some
16:09 of that blue chocolate. As I mentioned, it's just white chocolate colored blue. I've popped
16:12 it into just a zip lock bag and I've just cut a little hole out of the end of it to
16:17 make a little mini piping bag. Now I'm just going to squeeze that into,
16:22 putting quite a bit of pressure so you want to get it as far into that crack as you can.
16:25 And I can actually see it seeping in there to meet up with the cake. Bring it out so
16:30 that it comes over that crack. You can see there, it's like a little bit of a seam. And
16:36 then take your finger and run it up the side and that's just going to smooth it off. It's
16:41 not going to be perfect. Now I like to do this twice. So I'll smooth it off. I'm going
16:47 to let that completely set. You can see there, you can still see a bit of a crack. We're
16:51 going to come back shortly. We're going to do it again and it's going to be completely
16:54 invisible like it never happened. Okay, so that one's dry to touch. We're just
16:59 going to apply a second coat. Again, just squeezing it in and take that finger and just
17:05 smooth it off. So there you have your pretty much repaired
17:13 crack. It's not going to be 100% perfect but it's better than scrapping the whole cupcake
17:18 and starting again. Okay, so now that we've fixed our little crack,
17:22 it's time to get frosting. So this is just going to be, really quickly, a very little
17:26 bit of a crumb coat. There's a lot of frosting in this cupcake so try to keep it a little
17:31 bit less so on top and around. Just give it a nice crumb coat so that frosting picks up
17:38 any of those crumbs and stops them from going into our lovely top coat.
17:43 A little bit more down the sides. Get that nice and close. You can see there, I've got
17:49 quite a few crumbs. This is why we do the crumb coat.
17:51 Now at the end of my crumb coat, I'm actually going to take that spatula and just take off
17:56 as much of that frosting as I can just because there is quite a lot in, on and around this
18:02 cupcake. And I'm actually going to pop that into the fridge for about 15 minutes just
18:12 to let that crumb coat set nice and firm. Okay, so we're back from the freezer. That's
18:19 now quite touch, kind of touch dry I guess. It's not frozen, definitely not frozen on
18:24 the inside. I ended up putting mine in the freezer for about 5 minutes instead of the
18:28 fridge for 15 so it just depends on if you've got a big enough freezer. Either one will
18:32 do. So now I just want to go around the outside
18:34 here and I'm just going to build up that bottom a little bit. Because we've used that giant
18:40 cupcake mold to make every single layer, your layers on top are a little bit skinnier. So
18:47 if you do have like a 6 inch baking pan or something like that, that's fantastic and
18:52 you can bake, you know, 3 of your layers in the giant cupcake case and 3 of them in the
18:58 baking pan. Give you a little bit more of, I guess, a larger layer on top. But if you
19:03 don't, I'm just trying to give you ways that you can use your giant cupcake case that are
19:08 a little bit different to the regular. So you don't need to go out and buy all of these
19:12 pans and all of this equipment. So I'm just going to use my spatula and just
19:18 work that down. See there, I'm just going back and forward, being careful not to pick
19:22 up any crumbs which you shouldn't now that you've given it that lovely freeze. You see
19:27 there now I've got lovely seamless white frosting. Just going back and forward initially just
19:31 to get a nice even cover. If you love our tutorials, make sure that
19:38 you subscribe to our channel, My Cupcake Addiction. We upload several times a week. I know I'm
19:44 on a bit of a rainbow rampage at the moment but we do other things other than rainbow
19:49 and we have heaps and heaps of great stuff for you to check out.
19:53 Alright, so now that I'm at this stage, I'm going to take my spatula and I'm just going
20:01 to smooth it off. If you wanted to decorate this like one of
20:05 our other giant cupcakes, you can see here a couple of different examples. You've got
20:09 the lovely shabby rose bouquet. You've got the rainbow butterflies which is actually
20:14 what I've done with this particular cupcake. And you can see the tutorial on that one on
20:18 our channel. You can see here how gorgeous it looks when it's cut. And I'm sure it's
20:23 going to impress all of your guests that inside this humble-looking giant cupcake, there's
20:28 so much beautiful color. Thanks very much for watching.