Canada: Au moins 15 personnes sont mortes et dix autres blessées dans un accident entre un semi-remorque et un minibus transportant des personnes âgées dans le centre du pays - VIDEO

  • l’année dernière
Canada: Au moins 15 personnes sont mortes et dix autres blessées dans un accident entre un semi-remorque et un minibus transportant des personnes âgées dans le centre du pays - VIDEO
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00:08 - Recapping our top story tonight, at least 15 people
00:11 have been confirmed dead after a serious crash between
00:14 a semi-trailer truck and a bus full of seniors near the town
00:17 of Carberry in southwestern Manitoba.
00:20 RCMP say the bus had been carrying about 25 people
00:23 from the western Manitoba city of Dauphin
00:25 when the collision occurred.
00:28 CBC News has been able to speak to some of the family members
00:30 who have gathered at the Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg.
00:33 Both parents of Ron Breteshear were on that bus,
00:36 but he only knows where one of them is.
00:39 - I don't have any information except my mother is in HSC here.
00:45 My father is unaccounted for.
00:48 And so family is just basically waiting for word.
00:52 Reports are there's people either at Health Science here,
00:55 possibly Regina.
00:58 We've called the call centre in Dauphin that's been established
01:01 and at this point they have no new information for us.
01:05 It's just very difficult, but again, we're just wanting
01:08 to know obviously where my father is.
01:10 We know now where our mother is, so at least we can,
01:13 you know, deal with that situation.
01:15 - Wow. That was Ron Breteshear, whose mother is in hospital.
01:17 Ron's father is still unaccounted for, as you just heard.
01:20 Now, for those who need help, there is a family support centre
01:23 in Dauphin, Manitoba.
01:25 Assistance is also available by calling the family support line.
01:28 That number is 204-647-5058.
