How to bake a pie inside of a cake recipe

  • last year
00:00 Okay guys, so fall and the holidays are just around the corner and if you're anything like
00:04 me, you don't like getting invited places and then showing up empty handed.
00:09 And cake is like overrated, pie is overrated, everyone brings them.
00:13 So I came up with an idea to combine the both and kind of have the best of both worlds.
00:17 So I'm going to show you how to bake your choice of pie inside of a cake so you can
00:21 wow your guests when you go to their holiday parties.
00:23 If you want to see how I make this, just keep watching.
00:28 The great thing about this recipe is that it just calls for two ingredients which is
00:31 a box of cake mix and then a pie of your choice.
00:35 You can either make the pie or you can buy it from the store.
00:37 I went and bought one from the store.
00:39 I didn't feel like making it but if you would like to make your own pie, that is perfect.
00:43 And for the first step, you're just going to mix all the ingredients inside of the box
00:47 of cake mix and you just want to follow the ingredients on the back of the box.
00:53 Now since I decided to go with an apple pie for the inside of mine, I'm just going to
00:57 add a few ingredients to my cake mix batter.
00:59 I'm using vanilla bean paste.
01:01 If you don't have paste, you can use extract.
01:03 That's perfectly fine.
01:04 A little bit of ground nutmeg and then a dash of some cinnamon.
01:07 And you want to just mix all that together until those become combined.
01:14 And what you're going to do to bake this in is you want to get a springform pan.
01:18 I'm using a 9 inch round since my pie is 8 inches.
01:21 And you want to line the bottom of that with some parchment paper.
01:24 Once you have it lined, you want to take about a cup, a cup and a half of your cake mix and
01:28 just spread it evenly across the bottom of it to form a nice thin layer.
01:44 This was probably the most trickiest part of the whole step was getting the pie inside
01:48 of the middle.
01:49 Make sure you take it off of the foil tin because you do not want to bake that.
01:52 And then you just want to lift it up and put the cake right in the middle.
01:55 Mine broke, but that's fine.
01:56 It's still in the pie form.
01:58 And you just want to pour the remaining of your cake batter on the top of it.
02:02 And you want to make sure you coat the top completely and the sides as well.
02:06 And then you're going to bake that inside of the oven on 325 degrees for about 25 minutes.
02:12 But keep an eye on it because some ovens work different than the others.
02:15 Once your cake is out of the oven, you just want to pop it on a cooling rack and make
02:19 sure you let this cool completely.
02:21 And then you're just going to run a knife around the edge and then take it out of the
02:24 springform pan.
02:25 And you can leave this just the way it is.
02:27 You can top it.
02:28 I chose to top mine with some caramel sauce and then a little bit of slivered almonds
02:32 around the edge.
02:33 And then I just dusted it with powdered sugar as well.
02:36 And then you want to make sure you pop this in the fridge, if not overnight, at least
02:40 eight hours.
02:41 The first night we went to go cut it and the apple pie filling in the middle kind of like
02:45 spilled out.
02:46 But the next day that it was in there overnight, it was perfect.
02:49 You can see the pie in the inside.
02:51 You tasted the cake.
02:52 It's actually a really good combination.
02:54 So if you want to wow your guests, you invite you over for the holidays, I highly recommend
02:58 bringing this.
02:59 They will never think of it.
03:01 I mean, they'll think you're a genius.
03:02 I hope you guys like this video and be sure to subscribe.
03:05 Give it a thumbs up if you did like it.
03:07 And until next time, I'll see you guys later.
03:09 Bye, guys.
03:12 (upbeat music)