The Melting Braid Tutorial & 2 Cute Hairstyles

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, I started this one by parting her hair on the side and I'm going to be using
00:09 the hair on the side of the part where there's more.
00:12 You're going to want a fairly thick section of hair to do this.
00:15 So I'm grabbing that whole front section.
00:18 Now before I start this braid, I'm going to spray this hair down with some water and I'm
00:23 getting it pretty wet.
00:24 You want it like soaking.
00:27 I know some of you don't like to braid wet hair and if that's the case, I would suggest
00:31 adding some product like some pomade or gel to this.
00:34 But I'm going to go ahead and split this into three and begin a regular braid.
00:40 So now that I basically just have one stitch of that braid, I'm going to come to this bottom
00:45 strand and I'm going to split it in half and just leave half of that down while I braid
00:49 the other half into the braid.
00:52 And then I'm going to do one more here on top and then one here on the bottom and I'm
00:58 going to add this hair into the strand that I just put in.
01:01 So I'm going to split this into three.
01:04 So I just have one third of that strand.
01:06 I'm going to go ahead and take it and twist it just one time and then add it in.
01:13 And I'm just kind of holding it there with my thumb while I add the other two pieces.
01:18 So I'm going to split this in half so that I have three.
01:22 And again with the second piece, I'm going to twist it one time and add it in.
01:27 And I'm placing this just slightly lower than that first piece.
01:31 And then the last one, same thing, I'm twisting and adding it in.
01:35 At this point, you don't need to have it perfect.
01:38 After I braid this in a little bit, I'm going to go back and stretch it out to my liking.
01:43 So I'm going to go ahead and take this top piece, fold it over, and then on this bottom
01:49 strand, I'm going to go ahead and remove another half again, braid that in.
01:54 And then at this point, I'll go back and fix it.
01:57 So you just want to come to those individual strands and pull them out to the point that
02:02 you like them.
02:03 You just kind of want to get them evenly spaced, about like that.
02:07 So now I've left out this other half.
02:10 I'm going to go ahead again and braid the top part in and the bottom, and then I'm going
02:15 to add it in the same way I did that first piece.
02:19 So again, I'm splitting this into thirds, and I'm just going to add those in loosely.
02:26 So again, at that point, it doesn't need to be perfect.
02:33 Just fold over the top half, remove half of this bottom strand, fold it over, and then
02:39 you can fix it.
02:42 So I'm just going to keep going back like that.
02:44 You just need to remember to remove half of that bottom strand as you're going, and you
02:48 don't do it on the same piece you're bringing it in.
02:51 You do it on the next piece down.
02:53 Okay, so I'm going to go ahead and do the same thing on the other side.
03:20 Okay, so obviously you can go down as far as you want with that, but on the last time,
03:27 you're just not going to remove a strand as you're bringing that in, and then you can
03:31 go ahead and stretch that out like usual.
03:35 And then I'm just going to braid this down a few more times to keep everything in place.
03:40 So there's a few different options that you can do with this braid.
03:43 If you wanted to make another one on this side, you could bring them and join them in
03:47 the back.
03:48 I think that would be really pretty.
03:49 Or you could just do one on the side, which is what I'm going to do, and then just bring
03:53 it over and attach it with an elastic or bobby pins over here.
03:58 If you wanted this to be more noticeable and stick out more like a 3D effect, you could
04:03 actually pin it to her head so that it's standing up like this.
04:08 I would just add a few bobby pins along the base of that, and that would be kind of cute.
04:13 Or you could even bring it up on top like a headband, and it would kind of look like
04:18 a princess crown.
04:19 And then the last little hairstyle we thought of that you could do with this is to wrap
04:23 it around like this, and then just bring the tail underneath and pin it up kind of like
04:32 a flower.
04:33 So you could just add some bobby pins along there, and I think that would also be really
04:37 cute.
04:38 Thanks for watching.
04:39 Be sure to subscribe for more videos.
04:41 [MUSIC]
