How-To Braided Updo Hairstyles Tutorial

  • last year
00:00 Hi everyone, I'm Courtney Bright, I'm the Senior Social and Digital Editor at American
00:04 Salon.
00:05 We are live in New York right now at the Tigi Academy.
00:08 I'm here with Jenny Streep, you guys know her as the Confessions of a Hair Stylist.
00:12 But first off I want to thank Tigi and we are collaborating with them this week for
00:15 Fashion Week.
00:16 All the products Jenny is using are gifted from Bedhead by Tigi and Catwalk by Tigi,
00:21 so thank you all for that.
00:22 Jenny, what are you doing?
00:23 So, I was really inspired today at some of the, from a couple of the shows that I went
00:28 to, right?
00:29 And we saw a lot of fishtail braids and then we saw a topsy-turvy technique too.
00:34 So I'm actually going to be doing a braided updo into a topsy-turvy technique.
00:40 So right now I'm just simply prepping the hair.
00:43 My lovely model here has some gorgeous hair but I wanted to add a little bit more texture
00:48 to it.
00:49 So I'm just going through taking horizontal sections on the base and just simply curling
00:53 it with a one inch curling iron just so we can create some nice fullness and nice texture
00:59 on top.
01:00 So I'm going to step off camera.
01:01 I'm going to let Jenny take over and if you guys have any questions be sure to ask them
01:04 because we'll be answering them now on the live stream.
01:08 So you guys, I'm going through and I'm using some Masterpiece hairspray.
01:12 This is a really awesome hairspray because it has a lot of shine to it too and a really
01:16 nice flexible hold.
01:17 So I'm just going to spray each section, then I'm going to take my one inch curling iron
01:22 and then get in there and then just curl at the roots, kind of wrapping the rest of the
01:27 hair through the tongue, letting it sit there just for a few seconds and then releasing.
01:32 So we want to create a lot of volume and body in her hair.
01:37 She has, what, a couple days has not washed her hair which is fine.
01:42 We know that routine, right ladies?
01:44 So it's just going to help kind of get rid of a little bit of that oiliness, oiliness
01:49 I guess you could say, and kind of break that down.
01:53 We're also going to be using a dry shampoo too to get rid of a lot of that.
01:56 But it's just going to help us get a lot of that volume.
01:59 Because with this updo, we kind of want to make it look like it's been that thrown back
02:05 look.
02:06 So with all that texture and volume on top, that's going to allow us to do so.
02:09 So I'm just going to set this curling iron aside here.
02:14 So now I'm just going to run my fingers through her hair and then we're going to get started
02:21 with our braid.
02:23 And we're looking for, see how when I pull her hair back and she has all that texture
02:27 and separation?
02:28 That's what we're looking for.
02:30 We want that kind of throwback look.
02:32 We've been seeing that a lot today at Fashion Week as well.
02:35 So this is kind of like three shows kind of put into one.
02:40 So I'm just going to turn her around.
02:42 I'm going to take my tail comb here and then starting at the front of the hairline, just
02:48 add a tiny bit of backcombing.
02:51 We're going to use some Obey Hive at the roots here.
02:55 This is a nice dry texture, or excuse me, a dry shampoo spray just to get rid of some
03:00 of that oil in there.
03:03 Then doing our light backcombing.
03:09 Just a little bit of light backcombing.
03:12 And we're going to stop at the crown and kind of pull everything back and then get started
03:17 with our fishtail braid.
03:19 So I like utilizing fishtail braids with a lot of my updos because we're going to utilize
03:25 bigger sections so it actually doesn't look too braided-like.
03:29 So I'm going to go from the hairline to the crown on both sides and take a large section
03:34 of hair.
03:37 Now we're going to go ahead and divide that section in half.
03:41 And you can see I'm lightly brushing it with my fingers because I want that texture to
03:45 kind of spring back up.
03:47 So I'm going to go ahead and divide it in half, making sure that the density on both
03:51 sides is nice and even.
03:53 It feels a little bit thicker on the right so I'm going to add a little bit more to our
03:56 left here.
03:58 So now we're simply going to start our fishtail braid.
04:02 You want to take a small section from the right, cross it over to the left, do the same
04:08 thing on the opposite side.
04:10 Small piece of hair from the left, cross it over to your right.
04:14 Now we want to connect it to the scalp.
04:16 So what we're going to do, I like to take my pinky finger from the hairline all the
04:21 way to the braid as we're scooping hair.
04:25 We're going to scoop that hair and this is our new right section.
04:28 Now we're going to take a small piece of hair and cross it over right to left.
04:33 So this is what's going to allow us to connect it to the scalp.
04:36 We're going to do the same thing on the opposite side.
04:40 Hairline to the braid, scooping up that hair, incorporating that section into our left section
04:47 here.
04:53 And then taking a small piece of hair and crossing it over.
04:57 We're going to continue down to the nape.
05:00 So adding hair, I like to think of it as a two-step process.
05:05 So you add the hair, that's your new section.
05:08 You don't think about it.
05:10 And you add some hair from right to left.
05:13 Again, I'm taking larger sections.
05:17 I'm going to start pulling it apart momentarily.
05:19 So it's going to create kind of more of an updo kind of feel than a braid.
05:24 But this is a great way to get an intricate look.
05:26 Like it almost, it's going to almost look like we did this intricate kind of crisscross,
05:31 but it's actually a fishtail braid that has been pulled apart.
05:34 So again, continuing down, adding hair, then crossing it over.
05:46 And a lot of times with these hairstyles, it's all about the texture.
05:51 It's great that she has this nice chemically textured hair and it's a little bit dirty
05:56 too so it allows us to have a nice separation.
05:59 If you didn't have that kind of grit texture like chemical textured hair does, I would
06:04 suggest using a salt spray.
06:06 TG has a really great one.
06:11 So adding it here.
06:13 I almost went underhanded there.
06:16 But what a salt spray does, it's just going to add a lot of grit and texture, which is
06:20 really important when creating these kind of throwback kind of whimsical feel.
06:24 Because if you don't have that grit to it, it's almost impossible to get that texture.
06:30 So I'm continuing down, we're getting close to the nape of the neck here.
06:39 You guys, if you like this braid too, I did an inverted fishtail braid on Courtney earlier,
06:44 so you definitely should refer back to that tutorial as well.
06:51 So I did an inside out one where this is overhanded.
06:54 A couple more passes, then we're just going to go ahead and connect it with a hair elastic
07:05 and create a ponytail.
07:06 So I'm just going to grab the rest of it here.
07:13 Now we're going to create our ponytail, just taking a clear hair elastic.
07:22 So before moving on to the bottom, I want to add a little bit more texture to this.
07:26 I'm going to turn her to the side here so you guys can see.
07:30 So we want to bring out that curl that we did previously.
07:33 So we're going to use some of our O'Bee Hive dry shampoo, spray it in there.
07:39 Now we're going to ever so slightly kind of pinch and pull.
07:42 I'm going to hold on with my palms here, just kind of press onto her hair, and then lightly
07:47 pinch and pull to create an erratic texture.
07:50 That's where the curl is going to really start springing back up for us.
07:54 You guys can see that.
07:56 Do the same thing on the opposite side.
08:00 And then take my fingers here at the top, kind of push it through the hairline and pull
08:07 it forward and use our Masterpiece hairspray.
08:11 Hold it there for just a few seconds and then release.
08:16 That's going to really give us that nice separation.
08:20 So now we're going to work with the back.
08:22 I'm going to pull at these just a little bit, adding some more texture.
08:26 You can pull at these as much as you want.
08:28 I'm keeping it a little structured there.
08:33 All right.
08:35 So now we're going to go ahead and create our Toxie Tail technique.
08:39 So with that, it's a simple ponytail and you want to add a small gap in the hair.
08:45 So we're going to go ahead and I'm just taking my fingers here and adding a small hole here
08:52 with my fingers.
08:53 You guys see that?
08:54 So I have my fingers here, I have two fingers out.
08:57 I'm just going to pull the hair through, but not all the way.
09:01 So I'm just going to take my fingers, grab onto the hair and push it through.
09:11 So I'm not going to pull all the way through.
09:14 So you can see down here that we created a loop.
09:18 I'm going to fan that out and then take some of this little hair and just kind of spread
09:23 it out using some more of our dry shampoo.
09:32 And then we're going to go ahead and bobby pin that into place, our little loop.
09:36 Go ahead and look down.
09:37 I'm going to bobby pin that just to the scalp.
09:39 So I'm going to take my finger and then push it through that loop.
09:43 And then my fingers pressing up against her scalp horizontally here, I'm just going to
09:48 go ahead and slide my bobby pin right next to my finger.
09:51 I'm going to put another one in there just to keep it nice and secure.
09:57 But this is a great way to just create a messy chignon.
10:00 Okay, go ahead and look up.
10:04 So now I'm going to fan the hair out, take some more of our Masterpiece, kind of spread
10:09 that hair out a bit, adding some separation to it.
10:17 And then I like some of these little bits kind of coming out.
10:20 She said that she really likes messy hair.
10:22 So perfect because it's kind of airy texture, it wants to kind of come out anyway.
10:29 So sometimes I like to take my palms and just kind of almost rub your palms against the
10:34 hair to allow some of that, those little small pieces to come out.
10:37 Do that on both sides.
10:42 And that is about it.
10:44 So we're just kind of pulling it apart here.
10:47 So there you have it, a really, really easy way to create an updo.
10:52 So just to recap, we went ahead and curled her hair with a one inch curling iron, utilizing
10:57 Masterpiece hairspray and curled it, adding some of that volume and texture.
11:03 And then I went ahead and backcombed it, just this top section here.
11:08 And then we created a fishtail braid on the scalp, pulled it apart to create an airy texture.
11:14 And then we created a topsy tail technique down here to create a nice little chignon
11:19 and kind of let the ends kind of come out.
11:21 This would work really beautifully with someone that has really long hair as well.
11:25 You would just have a little bit more bits coming out.
11:27 But I think it turned out really great and it's really easy.
11:30 So I'm going to pop back in real quick for those of you that are just joining us.
11:34 I'm Courtney Bright.
11:35 I'm the Senior Social and Digital Editor at American Salon.
11:38 We are live in New York right now at the TG Academy and we are taking over Fashion Week.
11:43 I am here with Jenny Schriebe.
11:45 She's the Confessions of a Hair Stylist.
11:47 And first off, I want to again thank TG for having us here at the Academy.
11:51 We will also be back here tomorrow at 2 p.m. Eastern Time for another Facebook Live.
11:56 You can also follow our Fashion Week adventures over on American Salon's Instagram at American_Salon.
12:03 We're going to be popping on Instagram Live to do product reviews right after this.
12:07 You know where to find us on Facebook.
12:08 Jenny, where can we find you?
12:09 You guys can find me on Instagram as @theconfessionsofahairstylist.
12:10 I website theconfessionsofahairstylist and Facebook is @hairbyjennyschriebe.
12:11 So thank you guys for joining.
12:12 Just note that if you are watching this on replay, we are no longer live and may not
12:13 get to your questions as quickly as you would hope.
12:14 So thank you guys for joining.
12:15 Just note that if you are watching this on replay, we are no longer live and may not
12:16 get to your questions as quickly as you would hope.
12:17 So thank you guys for joining.
12:18 Just note that if you are watching this on replay, we are no longer live and may not
12:23 get to your questions as quickly as you would hope.
12:24 But we will get to them soon.
12:25 So thanks for joining us, you guys.
12:26 Thanks.
12:26 but we will get to them soon.
12:27 So thanks for joining us, you guys.
