Coronation Street 28th June 2023-N

  • last year


00:06 I'll see you again.
00:32 Now down.
00:33 Oh, what do you want?
00:40 Oh, tea would be lovely, thanks.
00:41 I didn't mean that.
00:43 No, I've come for me dinner, haven't I?
00:44 And that's in Sprecker.
00:45 Oh, poor lamb.
00:47 You've been falling down the grid one of these days.
00:50 Hello, you're late.
00:51 You've been frittering your time away with Yasmin.
00:54 Nah.
00:55 Well, is she not with you then?
00:58 You know, they're like a double act these days, yeah?
01:00 Like Peters and Lee, but without the talent.
01:03 Well, I apologize if I have caused you any inconvenience
01:07 by being, oh, three minutes late.
01:10 It was caused entirely by a malfunction on a hot plate,
01:13 which has now been rectified.
01:14 All right, give him me.
01:15 Here we are.
01:16 If you could, get him back to the cafe at 4 o'clock.
01:19 I'm planning to go on a literary walk around the city.
01:23 Oh, with Yasmin, by any chance?
01:25 Yes.
01:28 Hi, Freddie.
01:30 So, uh, well done.
01:32 What?
01:33 Making him feel awkward about spending time with Yasmin.
01:37 I'm only pulling his leg.
01:38 Well, I don't think he finds it very funny.
01:40 You carry on like that, he's not going to want to knock
01:41 about with you anymore.
01:43 And you'll be sorry.
01:44 Knock, knock.
01:50 Hey.
01:51 Hiya.
01:52 I, uh, came to see Aunt Michael about a thing,
01:54 but, uh, it's in for me, yeah?
01:57 How are you?
01:57 I'm fine.
01:58 Why are we whispering?
01:59 Not walls and ears.
02:01 It's fine.
02:01 Everyone's out at lunch.
02:02 You're having yours all alone in here?
02:04 Same as Adam eating his all alone back at the office.
02:07 Well, yeah, busy, busy, busy.
02:09 Avidance, avidance, avidance.
02:11 How is he?
02:12 He's heads all over the place.
02:14 How are you?
02:16 Same.
02:17 Well, you know you can't just ignore this until the end
02:19 and ever, right?
02:20 Oh, no.
02:21 Yeah.
02:22 Have you spoken?
02:23 Yes.
02:24 Oh, have you?
02:24 Yeah.
02:26 We're going for a DNA test later today.
02:29 Today?
02:31 Have you seen Stephen anywhere?
02:33 No.
02:33 Oh, what are you doing here?
02:35 Well, I came to see you, Anna.
02:37 Come on, make us a brew.
02:38 Make Sophie's swap.
02:41 Hey, good luck, yeah?
02:42 Cleo, play nice.
02:48 Let Carrie suffer go.
02:49 [TV PLAYING]
02:52 Well, there's loads of people who
02:54 want to chip in a bit of cash and help her paul out.
02:56 Yeah.
02:57 Dev?
02:59 And Jenny, and Rita, and Ed, and everyone we know.
03:02 But you know what he's like?
03:04 Stubborn.
03:05 Proud.
03:07 Yeah.
03:08 He won't want some big I am giving him a load of cash.
03:10 But if we could, like, get everyone
03:12 to chip in a little bit, you know,
03:15 sponsor someone to do something, he might take that.
03:17 Well, he might.
03:19 Shall I buckle these in now?
03:20 No.
03:20 It'd be too hot for them lot.
03:23 I'll split it in a minute, half for them, half for me,
03:25 you, Ches and Joe.
03:26 How about a parachute jump?
03:29 That's well expensive.
03:30 We need something cheaper.
03:33 Or that, um, ice bucket challenge
03:35 that they did a few years ago.
03:38 They did it a few years ago?
03:40 Yeah.
03:41 All we need is something everyone can just get behind--
03:43 [SHOUTING]
03:44 Yeah.
03:45 Oh!
03:45 You all right?
03:46 My eye!
03:47 What's up with it?
03:48 Oh!
03:49 I've got flaming chili in my eye!
03:52 [LAUGHING]
03:53 Oh!
03:55 Flaming chili!
03:57 Oh, I have a right to!
03:59 Here you are, Mom.
04:00 [SIGHS]
04:01 [SNIFFS]
04:02 [SIGHS]
04:03 Mom, you're a genius!
04:05 Yeah.
04:07 Oh, thank you, Neil.
04:09 You're welcome.
04:11 Does that thing ever stop?
04:13 Oh, sorry, no.
04:14 It's my, um-- it's my wife and several other mistresses.
04:18 They just-- you know, they just won't leave me alone.
04:21 Hey, well, they're not made of wood, right?
04:23 [LAUGHING]
04:26 I mean, it's not really your wife, is it?
04:29 No.
04:30 I'm just checking.
04:32 No.
04:33 No, it's, um-- it's Stephen Reid.
04:35 Again, all, uh, "Hey, buddy," and "Oh, pal," yada, yada, yada.
04:41 So tell you what, I'm going to mute him now to be with you.
04:44 Oh!
04:45 Did you bag the washing out?
04:47 Oh, uh, yeah, yeah.
04:49 Yeah.
04:50 All right, Shona, I'll go back and do it now.
04:52 Yeah, I know.
04:52 I got a bit distracted, you know?
04:55 I got this message on my socials from this journalist,
04:58 and she wants to talk to me about Griff and that.
05:02 Yeah, well, I don't suppose it's much of a surprise,
05:04 given that the sentencing is coming up.
05:07 But it's the last thing I want, you know?
05:10 What, do you think I should message her, say no?
05:12 Hmm, I don't know.
05:13 Might start up a conversation.
05:16 You know what, I'd ignore it if I was you.
05:18 What, really?
05:19 Mm.
05:20 But let me know if she messages you again.
05:22 Yeah.
05:23 So what are you doing for the rest of the day,
05:25 after you've pegged out the washing?
05:27 Oh, yeah, I'm seeing Sabrina.
05:29 Oh.
05:31 I'm going to pick her up from the tram stop,
05:33 head over to the red rack.
05:34 That'll be lovely.
05:35 Yeah.
05:37 They're giving me a chance again.
05:38 It's just, uh, it's pretty great.
05:41 Well, have a great day.
05:42 And say hi from me.
05:43 Yeah, will do.
05:50 Oh, Kevin's back.
05:52 Sorry to hear about your father, Kevin.
05:58 Thanks, but these things happen, don't they?
06:00 None of us get out of this alive.
06:02 Hi, mate.
06:02 How you doing?
06:04 Yeah, yeah, you know.
06:07 Hey, pool base, all that.
06:10 Got a flight on that?
06:12 Yeah, yeah, you managed to keep the garage running?
06:15 Well, we did try running it into the ground.
06:17 But we thought we'd be stepping on your toes.
06:20 Are you, uh, are you done in here?
06:21 Yeah, I'm done, yeah, yeah.
06:23 Right.
06:24 Well, you sorted Tom Jones out this morning.
06:26 I did.
06:27 Well, I think I can hear a squeaking sound.
06:29 How do you guess?
06:30 It's not unusual.
06:31 Oh, no, no, not this again.
06:33 Let's see if we can get him to the green, green grass-a-mole.
06:35 No.
06:36 Oh, he's like, I've never been away.
06:38 Hey, uh, do you fancy a pint later?
06:39 Yeah, I'll call round after tea.
06:41 I've got some nice beers to try.
06:42 Oh, sounds lovely.
06:44 Cheers.
06:46 No, then.
06:47 What's new, pussycat?
06:49 Come on.
06:50 Come on.
06:55 You get out exactly what you put in.
07:12 Hmm?
07:14 That's what Tai Chi Jerry says.
07:16 [SIGHS]
07:17 He has a wonderful energy, supportive and encouraging.
07:26 Don't you think?
07:28 Uh, no.
07:30 I was so worried about getting it right.
07:33 But Jerry says there is no wrong.
07:36 He said if you feel positive benefits from what you're doing,
07:43 then there is no wrong.
07:44 I remember this--
07:52 I'm trying to concentrate here.
07:53 Sorry, I shouldn't-- I'm just--
08:01 I'm just struggling.
08:03 Yeah, I'm sorry.
08:06 I'm just a little overwrought.
08:09 And I should be at the factory anyway.
08:13 So I'll--
08:14 If you want my advice, at the end of a hard working day,
08:20 you and I could meet up and head off to Tai Chi together.
08:23 Sorry, I'm just not in the right headspace right now.
08:27 Bye, then.
08:34 She put chili in her eye.
08:35 [LAUGHS]
08:36 It murdered.
08:38 But it gave me the idea of how we can raise money
08:41 by getting people to--
08:42 To put chili in their eyes?
08:44 No.
08:45 To be fair, that's where I thought she was going at first.
08:48 It won't put it past her.
08:49 So getting people to--
08:50 Eat them.
08:51 Oh.
08:52 Yeah, a chili eating competition.
08:56 Isn't that dangerous, though?
08:57 I'm sure I've heard something about someone
09:00 who needed medical treatment after eating chilies.
09:03 Well, we'll look into all the health and safety.
09:05 Anyway, it's only Dave and Ches.
09:08 And Shona.
09:09 They've all agreed to take part.
09:11 And Leanne says we can do it at the bistro if we want.
09:14 OK.
09:15 So they start off with really mild chilies,
09:18 and they work their way up until one of them drops out.
09:21 Or dies.
09:23 I don't know.
09:24 Yeah, me neither.
09:25 Oh, don't be soft.
09:28 They won't get hurt.
09:29 Yeah, except maybe Dave, Ches, and Shona.
09:33 Yeah.
09:34 And it'll pay for loads of adaptations to this place.
09:38 People want to help, and this is a good way of doing it.
09:42 As long as no one gets hurt, then I think it's a good idea.
09:48 Yeah, I suppose.
09:50 It'll give you something to do.
09:51 Stop you going on about your crystals all the time.
09:53 Hm.
09:53 Now, maybe post-lunch, but I've taken the liberty
10:00 of packing two custard tarts.
10:02 Roy Cropper.
10:04 Oh, here we are.
10:05 No show without Mr. Punch.
10:07 Eh?
10:08 Oh, nothing.
10:09 I'm surprised that dog's got any legs left,
10:10 the amount of walks it goes on.
10:12 4 o'clock on the dot.
10:14 I'll take him.
10:15 Yes, certainly.
10:16 Yes.
10:18 Now, you be nice to Yasmine, Freddy,
10:20 because she's one of the nice ones.
10:22 I'm sure he'll be as good as gold.
10:24 Right then.
10:27 Uh, oh, incidentally, I've got one of those vouchers
10:31 from the bistro.
10:32 It's an early bird, midweek, pensioners thing.
10:35 It's-- it's-- it's full of spelling mistakes
10:38 and grammatical errors.
10:39 But I think, on the whole, the intention is wholly laudable.
10:43 And I've just-- you know, I just wondered if I should book
10:45 a table for the three of us.
10:47 Well, I mean, you, me, and Miladio.
10:50 Yeah, I-- yeah, I just thought it might be nice.
10:51 Oh.
10:52 No, no, if you've got something else, don't worry.
10:54 No.
10:55 And the last thing that you need is me tagging along
10:57 while you're having your dinner, so.
10:59 Actually, uh, Stu's gone fishing.
11:01 I've got the evening off, so I'll just be at home.
11:04 I think it's a lovely idea.
11:07 Roy?
11:09 Yes?
11:10 Yes.
11:11 Right.
11:12 Oh, well, then I'll book it, and I'll, uh--
11:13 I'll let you know the time.
11:15 It's, um, a starter and a main, or a main and a dessert.
11:20 You can't have all three.
11:22 And, uh, oh, if you want steak, it's extra.
12:00 That's him.
12:21 Surprise.
12:27 Wait, dreamer.
12:33 Going to put them spuds in or what?
12:35 Yes.
12:36 Yes, I was.
12:38 Well, why don't you two just go to the rovers?
12:40 I'll sort the girls out.
12:41 No need.
12:42 I brought these.
12:43 Oh, come on.
12:45 It's not very pleasant for the girls
12:46 to be sitting having the tea with you two on the lash.
12:48 We're not going to open them till afterwards, are we?
12:50 I thought Abby was coming.
12:51 She's just sorting Alfie out.
12:52 Oh, right.
12:53 He coming and all, is he?
12:54 Oh, well, it's only a matter of time.
12:56 No Jackson, he's got to look after him for a bit.
13:00 Uh, leave that.
13:02 No, no, I'm fine.
13:04 Shouldn't you be getting ready for your dinner date?
13:06 Oh, what've I been missing?
13:07 Nothing.
13:09 A dinner date.
13:10 I always had these down as a bit of a cougar.
13:12 Joking.
13:16 No, uh, she's third wheeling tonight at the bistro
13:18 with Roy and Yasmin.
13:20 Right, just put the fish fingers in.
13:22 The veg are in the fridge.
13:23 And I will just leave you to it.
13:27 Yeah, you all right?
13:29 Yes, I am absolutely fine.
13:30 Why wouldn't I be?
13:32 [DOOR SLAMS]
13:34 Could get an ice cream from that place in the precinct.
13:37 No.
13:39 The cafe there.
13:41 Did you ask coffees?
13:44 Lauren, I'm sorry, but what are you--
13:47 what do you want?
13:49 A nice mocha?
13:50 I mean, what are you doing here?
13:53 Why have you come back?
13:56 I knew what you meant.
14:00 Well, Lauren, I thought you were staying with your mum.
14:05 I was.
14:07 Let's just say things don't work out.
14:10 Why not?
14:11 Just doesn't sometimes, does it?
14:13 You know.
14:15 [SIGHS]
14:17 My mum's one thing, but when her boyfriend started on at me
14:20 with what you do with your life, get a job, I had to get out.
14:23 So I came up here yesterday.
14:27 Right.
14:29 I reckon I'd be able to crash at my dad's flat,
14:31 and he's not exactly using it at the minute,
14:33 but the landlord let it out to someone else.
14:36 So have you-- have you spoken to him?
14:40 My dad?
14:41 Yeah.
14:44 Since he were nicked?
14:47 No, my dad, Griff, the whole lot of them, they can all do
14:52 when I'm not interested.
14:53 I spent my entire childhood surrounded by a load of Nazis.
15:00 It was bound to have an effect, right?
15:03 So you've changed.
15:06 I think when they beat up that Darren--
15:07 Darian?
15:08 Yeah, and setting off a bomb, you know,
15:13 they were pretty heavy things, right?
15:15 Oh, yeah.
15:17 And I don't want to be a part of all that.
15:21 I want a nice life.
15:24 So where did you sleep?
15:24 The bus station.
15:31 Lauren?
15:33 You slept in the bus station?
15:36 Didn't have anywhere else to go, did I?
15:41 [SIGHS]
15:47 Hello, this is Owen.
15:48 Griff?
15:49 Please leave a message.
15:50 [BEEP]
15:51 Hey, buddy, sorry to be filling up your voicemail.
15:54 I'm just keen for us to get back on track.
15:57 So yeah, I guess I'll just keep trying you.
16:00 Thanks.
16:03 Still nothing?
16:04 He's clearly sulking.
16:07 That's frustrating, right?
16:09 Frustrating?
16:09 It's ridiculous, humiliating.
16:11 You know, back in the day in Canada,
16:12 there's no way anyone would have put me through all this.
16:14 Yeah, well, you're not in Canada now.
16:16 I'm sorry, I just meant, you know,
16:18 you've got to do a lot more crawling around here,
16:20 don't you? - Crawling?
16:21 Yeah, because when Owen takes over his place and buys it,
16:24 you're going to be out of a job.
16:25 I know that.
16:26 I'm sorry.
16:28 You know, it's times like this I wish
16:30 I never left Canada at all.
16:34 [SIGHS]
16:35 Hi.
16:36 Hiya.
16:37 I just wanted to take a quick call,
16:39 but he'll be on his way after.
16:40 Just thought I'd pop in and let you know.
16:42 Oh, OK, thanks.
16:42 I'll go put our house out for him.
16:44 How are you feeling?
16:46 Yeah, I'm OK.
16:48 This test is a big thing, right?
16:51 Yeah, I suppose so.
16:53 Why are you acting like it's a totally normal thing to do?
16:56 I'm not.
17:00 Look, this-- the whole thing, it's killing me.
17:06 He's nearly here.
17:08 My mind's all over the place.
17:15 You know, I can't concentrate, and I'm barely sleeping.
17:18 But I'm just hoping I'll feel a lot better once I get
17:20 the results back and we know who the father is.
17:38 Hello?
17:42 Hello?
17:43 Yes, it's me.
17:45 Now, if you're one of them call centers, you can just--
17:52 What?
17:52 What happened?
17:57 I see.
18:01 Right.
18:07 Um, thank you.
18:13 I will.
18:14 Thank you.
18:18 Tell me I'm seeing things.
18:23 Don't, Jonah.
18:25 Hiya.
18:26 What is she doing here?
18:27 She's just here for a brew, OK?
18:30 Then I'll be gone.
18:31 Please?
18:32 What do you want?
18:36 Just a coffee, please.
18:38 You don't do ice mochas, do you?
18:39 Two coffees, please.
18:41 Right, come on.
18:46 That could have gone worse.
18:47 It could have gone a lot better.
18:48 No, you have to decide what you're going to do.
18:52 What with my life?
18:54 It's not like me mum and her boyfriend.
18:57 You're all right, sorry.
19:00 So, you going to go home?
19:03 I ain't got a home.
19:05 Well, your mum's.
19:07 Not while he's there.
19:08 I'm telling you, he hates me, like proper hates me.
19:12 And you know, she could have said something to him.
19:14 Stand up for me.
19:16 But she don't.
19:17 Cares more about him than she does me.
19:19 Mum, what about mates?
19:21 Yeah, I'm sure a few of my dad's mates
19:22 have given me a sofa to crash on.
19:24 But they're all weird pearls.
19:25 They're into Hitler and I'm sort of done with all that.
19:29 Thought you might be in here.
19:30 I've just been stood at that tram stop for the last 10 minutes,
19:33 messaging and calling you.
19:35 I'm sorry, Sabrina.
19:37 Yeah, this is Sabrina.
19:40 Max's girlfriend.
19:43 Oh, hiya.
19:45 And this is Lauren, Max's ex.
19:48 She's part of that lovely bunch of racists
19:50 that Max got caught up in.
19:52 You've got to be kidding me.
19:54 Sorry.
19:56 But Lauren, Lauren, just wait.
19:59 OK, all done.
20:07 Is that it?
20:08 Yeah, we'll get this and we'll get your blood sample off to the lab.
20:11 You'll be notified when the results are in.
20:13 Great, thank you.
20:14 Can I ask roughly how long will it take?
20:17 That's exactly...
20:19 round about two weeks.
20:21 I'll get these off to reception.
20:23 Excuse me.
20:25 Two weeks.
20:29 It's not too long to wait.
20:30 No, not long at all.
20:37 I must confess, my knowledge of wine is fairly limited.
20:41 I tend not to drink alcohol myself.
20:44 No, I'm not a big drinker.
20:45 Hey, how we doing?
20:48 Good, yes.
20:50 The Valpolicella Repasso tastes like the Amarone, doesn't it?
20:56 Yeah, yeah, I think it does, yeah.
20:57 I believe it's made by fermenting with the leftover leaves
21:02 in Amarone production.
21:04 All right, well, you know more than I do.
21:06 I doubt it.
21:07 Anyway, may I have a small glass of the Repasso, please?
21:11 Of course.
21:13 And Roy?
21:15 Oh, yes, I'm...
21:17 Er...
21:18 Well, I'll have an orange juice, please.
21:22 Right, coming up.
21:23 And are we still waiting on Evelyn?
21:25 Yes, yes.
21:27 Perhaps you should give her a call.
21:29 Yeah, yes.
21:30 Just to see if she's OK.
21:32 All right, I'll get you those drinks.
21:34 Thank you.
21:37 (BEEPING)
21:39 It's ringing.
21:44 Just take a seat, eh?
21:49 I received a call about someone being brought in to emergency.
21:58 Cassandra Plummer.
22:00 She's my daughter.
22:21 Playing mini golf with her is quite a job.
22:25 With a clutter of putters and balls with you past,
22:28 if you ever opt in, you're walked out pretty fast.
22:31 Oh.
22:36 Why has she come to you?
22:37 She didn't have anyone else.
22:39 I wonder why.
22:41 You said you had nothing to do with that gang any more.
22:44 I don't. Like, I don't, right?
22:47 It's just...
22:48 She really needed someone to help her out.
22:50 OK, so, you know, I'm not one of those girls
22:52 who gets crazily jealous over their guys' exes.
22:56 Yeah.
22:57 But we've been seeing each other for, like, two minutes,
23:00 so I'm just starting to get my head around who you are,
23:02 and it's not easy, but I'm here for the change, OK?
23:07 OK.
23:08 But do not expect me to do the same for her.
23:10 I won't.
23:12 You said you were wanting to start again?
23:15 I did. I mean, I do. And I mean it.
23:19 Well, it's got to be actions, not just words.
23:21 OK, I'll talk to her.
23:23 I won't ghost her or anything.
23:25 I will call her and we'll meet up and I'll tell her.
23:27 Not to come round or... or message me again, I promise.
23:31 Hey. I'm in.
23:35 How did it go?
23:37 Erm...
23:38 Well, it was quite straightforward, yeah.
23:41 And, er, did you guys get a chance to talk?
23:46 Me and Adam?
23:48 No. It's just...
23:50 It's quite hard, really, with everything that's going on.
23:52 So you're just going to what?
23:54 What is your plan, Sarah?
23:56 No, I don't have a plan, do I?
23:58 I mean, I've just got to get on with it for the next couple of weeks.
24:02 I mean, it's not like...
24:04 ..we can do anything anyway until we get the results, so...
24:07 And they'll be pretty binary, right?
24:08 The baby will either be Adam's or it'll be Damon's.
24:11 And if it's Adam's, I'll keep it.
24:13 And if it's Damon's?
24:14 I won't.
24:18 Well, put me down for a tenner.
24:20 Tenner of chilli!
24:21 Thanks, Jenny.
24:23 It's going to cost you loads.
24:24 No, no, no, no, in total.
24:26 Sit me down for a tenner in total.
24:28 Hmm?
24:30 That's to the big spenders, eh?
24:32 Looks like they've got another sponsor.
24:34 I know he doesn't sit very comfortably with you,
24:37 but people want to help.
24:39 I suppose it's nice.
24:41 I've just got to get my head round what everyone's doing for me.
24:45 Not my mamma the crystals, though.
24:47 No!
24:49 But, eh, your prayers and you being high up in the church
24:53 has got to account for some at big time with him upstairs.
24:56 I'm sure God and heaven will welcome you with open arms.
25:00 Yeah.
25:01 Even though I'm a big gay heathen.
25:03 I don't really think you're a heathen, do you?
25:05 Well, that's true, innit?
25:07 I was never christened or any of that.
25:10 It's like the Marie Celeste around here.
25:12 Yeah, well, everyone's done for the day except for me.
25:15 And Stephen?
25:17 Yes and no, he went on an errand or something.
25:20 Can I ask you, erm...
25:24 how has Stephen seemed to you today?
25:28 Er, I don't know, erm, tense, angry, wound up.
25:32 Yeah, I wanted him to come to Tyche.
25:34 I wanted him to come to Tyche.
25:36 Angry, wound up.
25:37 Yeah, I wanted him to come to Tyche with me,
25:39 but it wouldn't... it would have done him the world of good.
25:42 Well, erm, yeah, it's going to take a lot more than that to, er, cheer him up.
25:45 Mm.
25:47 This little upset with Owen really seems to be getting to him, doesn't it?
25:50 Yeah, there's a little bit more than that.
25:53 Is there?
25:56 Er, erm, yes.
25:58 It is because, er, you know what Stephen's like.
26:00 He always... he always wants to make everyone happy.
26:02 Does he?
26:05 Yeah, I suppose he does.
26:07 There's something more, isn't there? What is it?
26:12 Well, erm, to be honest, I'm not going to lie to you.
26:17 I think it's something to do with, erm, Canada.
26:21 Canada? Yes, Canada.
26:23 Because, erm, I remember he was talking about Canada, er, last time,
26:28 and, well, I think he misses it.
26:31 He's homesick. Oh.
26:34 HE SIGHS
26:36 Mrs Plummer? Er, yes.
26:38 Your daughter appears to be recovering well.
26:41 Can you tell me what happened?
26:43 She was found unresponsive on the street.
26:46 Drugs? I presume it was drugs.
26:49 Pregabalin. They are pills that, er...
26:52 Yeah.
26:54 Cheaper than heroin, but they do the same job.
26:57 I know. I... I was trying to get her off them last Christmas,
27:02 which was very festive.
27:05 She's on her way upstairs. We'll be free if you'd like to see her.
27:11 Oh, right. Thank you.
27:29 Your new girlfriend looks nice.
27:32 Dead pretty.
27:35 Look, I know this in-person chat ain't going to be good news,
27:42 so just get on with it.
27:44 Look, Lauren, I can't help you. I'm sorry.
27:50 I wish I could, but I... I can't. Not with Sabrina.
27:56 It's been really hard convincing people that I've changed,
27:59 but she's really given me hope, you know?
28:02 Wish I could have some.
28:05 I want to move on. Same as you.
28:10 I suppose dating Sabrina shows everyone you've changed.
28:16 Do you think I'm dating Sabrina because of the colour of her skin?
28:19 What? No! No, I don't... I didn't mean that.
28:23 Just that... well, she must believe you've changed,
28:26 otherwise she wouldn't be seeing you, would she?
28:29 Anyone can see you've changed for the better.
28:44 And I'm trying to and all, but...
28:47 I can't do it on my own.
28:53 Well, I had the pair of them blessed at a festival somewhere once.
28:57 It wasn't Glastonbury, but...
29:00 Yeah, it was somewhere like it, and there was more animals than music.
29:05 Yeah, it was a farm. And there was a wizard.
29:09 Well, a bloke who said he was a wizard, and he...
29:13 he sort of baptised him.
29:15 So they've never had a real baptism?
29:18 No. No, and I've never had a real baptism.
29:21 No, and it's funny, really, cos everyone was christened back then,
29:24 and I mean everyone. Like, you'd have a great big party and then...
29:28 Oh, hang on.
29:30 Hang on.
29:32 Thinking about it now.
29:34 There was a christening.
29:37 This isn't an advert for not doing drugs. I don't know what it is.
29:40 A double one.
29:42 Cos I remember the vicar saying he'd never baptised twins before.
29:46 And he still didn't.
29:50 Cos you had chickenpox and couldn't go, so...
29:53 It was just our Gemini.
29:55 - Usual? - Please.
30:03 Thought you might be here looking for Owen.
30:05 - Is he here? - No.
30:07 Very keen to speak to him, aren't you?
30:09 I just want to sort out a little difference before he takes over the factory and I'm out of a job.
30:14 I feel like I kind of belong there, that I'm earning my corn
30:17 and, you know, finally making a difference around the place,
30:20 but, well, now that I made the mistake of interfering in your relationship,
30:24 I'll be out of my ear.
30:26 Oh, because of us?
30:28 He wouldn't cut you loose over something so petty.
30:30 Ah, well, I wish I shared your conviction.
30:32 - You'll sponsor us, won't you? - I... I will.
30:35 Jenny's coming as a tenner.
30:38 Yeah, and he'll do the same. A tenner at Chilli.
30:41 - It could cost me a small fortune. - It's all for a good cause.
30:44 See you in a bit.
30:46 Look, sign up and I'll have a word with Owen.
30:50 - You will? - I mean, I can't promise anything.
30:53 - It's not really my place. - Oh.
30:55 - Plus, you've only got yourself to blame. - I know.
30:59 But I can see what it's doing to you.
31:01 So leave it with me and I'll have a word with him.
31:04 - Thank you. - Hey, no promises.
31:06 Of course.
31:09 - See you later. - See you.
31:11 I forgot to say, the police called about Griff's case.
31:26 They want to take a statement from you.
31:28 It's nothing to worry about, but it'll be next week sometime.
31:31 - Thanks for picking these out. - No, you were right.
31:34 - You're a good lad, aren't you? - Well, I'm not.
31:37 - But I am sorry that I was hard on you. - I try my best.
31:40 I just don't want Lauren dragging you into anything again.
31:43 Yeah, well, I've told you that's not going to happen, is it?
31:46 And I spoke to Lauren, told her I couldn't help her.
31:49 - And Sabrina's my priority. - Good.
31:52 - Is that her? - Yeah.
31:54 Woo-hoo!
31:56 You, you know, watch yourself, cos I've got another lover like the Panther.
32:03 The new auto parts delivery guy.
32:06 Yeah, he's still a kid, he's wet behind the ears.
32:09 She made out like she was Spanish, right?
32:12 Hola, hola.
32:14 Mi nombre es Martina.
32:17 Se dice soy un pano de mono.
32:20 Monkey, barbana.
32:22 Las algas marinas, las grandes algas marinas.
32:25 - (KNOCKING) - ¿Qué?
32:27 El queso está en la...
32:29 - No idea. - You can have the yolk.
32:32 Hey, you're laughing, but you came round the next day with the French toast.
32:35 Paella for two.
32:37 - What? - Sorry to intrude.
32:40 We just needed to come and see if Evelyn's OK.
32:43 I thought she was with you.
32:45 No, no, no, no, she failed to join us.
32:48 If she's not here, then where is she?
32:52 (SIGHS)
33:15 (SIGHS)
33:23 By all accounts, you're lucky to be alive.
33:31 Is that right?
33:33 Look, I'm glad you came.
33:37 I'm only here to find out how you know where I live.
33:40 - Your address was... - Where?
33:42 Where did you find my address?
33:46 And when? Must have been recently.
33:49 Because when I last saw you, you had no idea or you would have said.
33:52 (SIGHS)
33:54 Oh, you found it in my bag, didn't you?
33:57 Eh? When you were nicking the money.
34:00 Not that there was much.
34:02 I try not to have cash when you're around.
34:05 You have been my greatest teacher.
34:09 And you mine.
34:11 So you came looking for me.
34:13 Well, rather, looking for money for your drugs.
34:15 - No. - Yes.
34:17 Yes, I needed money, but it wasn't for pills.
34:20 And yet, here we are, again.
34:23 I scored because you wouldn't help me.
34:26 You walked away.
34:28 Oh, your logic is beyond me.
34:30 - And where are you going? - I'm not going to stand here and listen to you
34:34 blame me for everything, all the problems in your life that you're going to...
34:39 No, thanks.
34:43 Yeah, go on. Walk away like you always do.
34:46 Why don't you accuse me of walking away when I've spent my life...
34:50 (GASPS)
34:52 Oh, you always know which button to press, don't you?
34:56 Eh? It's like you were born with a map of me nerves.
34:59 Yes, I needed money.
35:01 - For drugs? - For me electric.
35:04 Oh, and yet you've got money to pay for the drugs that you've just OD'd on?
35:10 - Who did you steal that from? - I didn't steal anything.
35:14 - Where did you get the money? - Asked. Begged.
35:17 Oh, such a massive mistake getting back in touch with you.
35:20 I should have stayed in Bristol, in Cape Town, anywhere other than up here.
35:25 You know, I was doing all right until last year,
35:29 - till I came back up north. - Oh.
35:31 Doing all right, addicted to pills and living on the street?
35:34 - A blip. - A blip that I got you over
35:36 and I got you a place and I got you clean...
35:39 - And then you left me. - But...
35:41 Yes, because you were sorted out, I had to go to the...
35:44 Where?
35:47 Oh, you had something else to do.
35:49 Something other than being with your own daughter on Christmas Day.
35:53 Oh, you know how to make me feel special, how to make me feel loved.
35:57 Well, I was the one doing all right, actually, thank you.
36:00 Made a life for myself. I was getting along nicely, ticking along.
36:04 Yeah. Right little heart of the community, aren't you, eh?
36:10 I saw you today.
36:12 People coming to and fro, in and out of your house.
36:16 It was the fella going into your house.
36:20 Oh, should I pretend not to know who she's talking about?
36:23 Should I say, "He's me lodger, oh"?
36:26 She were just good to the chase.
36:29 Tyrone Dobbs.
36:31 Lovely man. Gave me a couple of quid.
36:37 A couple of quid that I was honestly intending to put on my lucky card,
36:41 but then we got chatting.
36:44 I asked him how long he'd lived in the street and...
36:48 and who he lived with.
36:50 And he told me you were his gran.
36:53 Which is funny when you think about it.
36:56 I mean, really funny.
37:00 Cos that would mean he's my son.
37:06 Can you imagine, can't you?
37:08 My head was spinning.
37:10 I mean, pretty much the same as yours is right now.
37:13 My baby. My baby.
37:16 That you told me you'd left on the steps of some police station
37:20 somewhere in Liverpool, has all grown up.
37:22 And you're both living together like...
37:25 like some nice, happy family.
37:27 Well, if that's not enough to make someone want to go out and get off their heads,
37:31 I don't know what would.
37:33 Just imagine, just imagine that circle.
37:36 My son is snatched from me because everyone thinks I'm using.
37:42 And later in life we find each other,
37:45 and unwittingly he gives me the money for pills that I OD'd on.
37:50 It's like a Greek tragedy or something.
37:56 He didn't give me any money.
38:02 I didn't even speak to him.
38:04 I got talking to some fella from the garage.
38:07 Now, I might have been winding you up about talking to Tyrone,
38:14 but hearing that you were both living together from a total stranger,
38:19 well, that's 100% the reason I had to score some buds.
38:23 You... What?
38:25 You abandoned him. You snatched him.
38:28 I was doing my best for him.
38:30 I was 16. You were on heroin.
38:32 Just for a bit. Yeah, can you have a bit of heroin?
38:35 I got clean! Yeah? And then you got dirty again.
38:38 I had ups and downs. Yeah, but you know you would have destroyed him.
38:42 And you saved him. Well, I'm making up for it now.
38:45 You really believe that, don't you? Yeah, it's a fact.
38:50 Well, let's see what Tyrone has to say about that, eh?
38:54 You just stay away from Tyrone. He's my son.
38:56 And I should be allowed to get to know him and...
38:58 No, no, because he doesn't know you.
39:00 Well, he will know when I'm... He thinks you're dead!
39:03 Why would he think that?
39:13 Because, as far as I knew you were, I mean, last time I...
39:18 Last time I saw you, you were a junkie
39:22 and you were going off to South Africa with your junkie boyfriend.
39:26 Dad! So, yeah, as far as I was concerned, you were.
39:30 Did you ever ask yourself why I started on the gear?
39:36 Oh, no, I've got... Obviously, it's my fault.
39:39 So, if you don't mind, I'll excuse myself now.
39:42 No, don't, please. Mum!
39:45 I want to get better.
39:49 I will get better if you help me.
39:55 I've tried and tried so many times.
39:59 And every time, you let me down, don't you?
40:06 You swear, you promise, you cross your heart,
40:10 "This time it's going to be different.
40:13 "This time I'm determined.
40:15 "This time! This time! This time!"
40:19 Well, it's not going to be different, is it?
40:23 Because...
40:25 You know what'll happen? I give you a chance
40:29 and then you steal from me and you lie and you start using again
40:33 and then you lie about using again.
40:35 Look at me!
40:37 I'm 77 and I don't have the energy for this.
40:43 I'm not walking the streets at night again,
40:46 looking for you and dragging you upstairs.
40:49 I can't do it, me heart!
40:52 Me heart won't take it.
40:54 Oh, I can't.
40:56 I love you.
41:00 If you do...
41:09 I do.
41:10 ..stay away.
41:12 Get some help, get some support, get clean.
41:17 But stay away from Tyrone
41:21 because...
41:23 ..don't mess up Tyrone's life, please, the way you've messed up.
41:30 I'm asking you.
41:33 Please, just...just...just...just stay away.
41:37 I didn't think you were coming.
41:49 I had to wait for Shona to have a bath before I could get these.
41:52 Come on.
41:53 And it''s cold, yeah?
41:55 Yeah.
41:56 Yeah, I mean, it's not exactly the Ritz,
41:58 but it's better than sleeping rough, innit?
42:01 Go and make yourself at home.
42:03 I mean, you'll have to tidy up before tomorrow,
42:05 but I'll come and get you, yeah?
42:07 Thanks.
42:09 Hey, you could have come in for a bit if you want.
42:12 Look, Lauren, I really want to help you get back on your feet,
42:15 but that's it, OK? Go on.
42:17 OK. OK.
42:19 Right. Night. Night.
42:21 Only me.
42:32 Where have you been? All right, all right.
42:34 Let me get through the door.
42:36 I have been going out of my mind. You don't have to shout.
42:38 I am not shouting.
42:39 You will have the girls thinking that we are having a right to do.
42:42 I've been calling you and calling you.
42:44 I've been calling you. I had my phone on silent, didn't I?
42:47 So, come on, where have you been? Bingo.
42:53 Bingo? Yeah, it's a game.
42:55 People shout out numbers and you can win prizes.
42:58 No. You go on your own?
43:00 Yes. Well, I bumped into a friend, actually.
43:03 Oh, yeah? Ah.
43:05 Right, well, it's just that...
43:06 Roy and Yasmeen came round looking for you.
43:08 Yeah, well, you know, I was supposed to have dinner with them,
43:11 but I changed my mind.
43:12 You can't blame me.
43:14 God, sitting between those two matching bookends,
43:17 talking about trollop.
43:19 You're not telling the truth.
43:21 Look, I know what's really going on.
43:23 You're not happy, are you?
43:26 With the whole Roy and Yasmeen thing.
43:28 Don't be so ridiculous.
43:33 Well, why else would you stand them up?
43:35 The state of your mind, honestly.
43:39 And the state of this room.
43:41 You're throwing bombs at it.
43:43 I mean, were you planning to leave it like this,
43:45 or do you want the girls to come down tomorrow morning
43:47 to have their breakfast in an abandoned taproom?
43:49 Oh, come on. It's a couple of beers.
43:51 It's not like we've trashed the place on a wild bender.
43:54 An ill-fated first encounter brings two lonely neighbours together
44:07 and changes their lives forever in new comedy Significant Other.
44:10 And if you needed more proof that comedy's definitely back in the building,
44:13 watch Alan Carr's brand-new sitcom Changing Ends,
44:16 both streaming now on ITVX.
44:18 Next day on ITV1 tonight,
44:20 all-new Longloss Family, Born Without Trace.
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