Etats-Unis: Quatre personnes ont été tuées et quatre autres blessées dans une fusillade survenue à Philadelphie

  • l’année dernière
Etats-Unis: Quatre personnes ont été tuées et quatre autres blessées dans une fusillade survenue à Philadelphie
00:00 (en anglais)
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00:38 >> Thank you very much.
00:40 >> Let's take a look at the
00:42 screen.
00:44 Let's take a look at the
00:46 screen.
00:48 Let's take a look at the
00:50 screen.
00:52 Let's take a look at the
00:54 screen.
00:56 Let's take a look at the
00:58 screen.
01:00 Let's take a look at the
01:02 screen.
01:04 Let's take a look at the
01:06 screen.
01:08 Let's take a look at the
01:10 screen.
01:12 Let's take a look at the
01:14 screen.
01:16 Let's take a look at the
01:18 screen.
01:20 Let's take a look at the
01:22 screen.
01:24 Let's take a look at the
01:26 screen.
01:28 Let's take a look at the
01:30 screen.
01:32 Let's take a look at the
01:34 screen.
01:36 Let's take a look at the
01:38 screen.
01:40 Let's take a look at the
01:42 screen.
01:44 Let's take a look at the
01:46 screen.
01:48 Let's take a look at the
01:50 screen.
01:52 Let's take a look at the
01:54 screen.
01:56 Let's take a look at the
01:58 screen.
02:00 Let's take a look at the
02:02 screen.
02:04 Let's take a look at the
02:06 screen.
02:08 Let's take a look at the
02:10 screen.
02:12 Let's take a look at the
02:14 screen.
02:16 Let's take a look at the
02:18 screen.
02:20 Let's take a look at the
02:22 screen.
02:24 Let's take a look at the
02:26 screen.
02:28 Let's take a look at the
02:30 screen.
02:32 Let's take a look at the
02:34 screen.
02:36 Let's take a look at the
02:38 screen.
02:40 Let's take a look at the
02:42 screen.
02:44 Let's take a look at the
02:46 screen.
02:48 Let's take a look at the
02:50 screen.
02:52 Let's take a look at the
02:54 screen.
02:56 Let's take a look at the
02:58 screen.
03:00 Let's take a look at the
03:02 screen.
03:04 Let's take a look at the
03:06 screen.
03:08 Let's take a look at the
03:10 screen.
03:12 Let's take a look at the
03:14 screen.
03:16 Let's take a look at the
03:18 screen.
03:20 Let's take a look at the
03:22 screen.
03:24 Let's take a look at the
03:26 screen.
03:28 Let's take a look at the
03:30 screen.
03:32 Let's take a look at the
03:34 screen.
