Predators Bypass Him. Giant Anteater Destroys Everything In Its Path.

  • last year


00:00 Today, we will again act as your biology teacher.
00:04 In this video, we will tell you about the giant anteater.
00:08 Yes, that one with a long and playful tongue.
00:12 The animal is familiar to you, but you probably don't know enough about it.
00:17 For example, did you know that its claws can crush even a beast like a jaguar without any
00:23 problems?
00:25 So listen with pleasure and let's get started.
00:30 And at the end of the video, we will also show you one interesting animal, a weird butterfly,
00:35 which literally feeds on the suffering of others.
00:39 It will be very interesting, watch and listen to the end.
00:44 The anteater sends greetings to all viewers and asks to remind you to subscribe to the
00:50 channel and express your opinion in the comments.
00:53 Let's get started.
01:03 The giant anteater lives in South America or rather in its central part.
01:08 The local lands are noticeably distinguished by the dominance of creeping creatures, which
01:13 only plays into the paws of the beast.
01:16 We think there is no need to explain the gastronomic preferences of our hero.
01:21 Yes, the anteater eats ants and termites.
01:24 Moreover, the animal is so filled with love for social insects that tens of thousands
01:30 of insects per day become its victims.
01:33 And in a year, the anteater manages to devour up to a million of micro-inhabitants.
01:39 Few predators can boast of so many enemies.
01:42 But for the anteater himself, hunting is not a hard work, but a meditative process.
01:48 Having found an anthill or termite mound in an open field, he licks off insects until
01:54 he is full.
01:55 By the way, the anteater's tongue is not just long, its root goes so deep that it grows
02:00 together with the sternum.
02:02 The unfortunate do not have a single opportunity to hide.
02:06 A 60 cm sticky tongue will get the insects from the most inaccessible places.
02:13 And powerful paws will break any, even the most powerful, fortifications erected by hard
02:19 workers.
02:20 What have these unfortunate insects done to him?
02:23 Killed his dog?
02:24 Burned down his house?
02:26 Alas, the reason for following a mono-diet is much more prosaic.
02:30 The animal simply cannot eat anything else.
02:34 The animal's skull is a tube ending in a 2 to 3 cm hole, which is its mouth.
02:41 To understand more clearly, take a pencil and insert it into your mouth.
02:45 Congratulations, now you look almost like an anteater.
02:49 It has exactly the same mouth diameter.
02:52 What can we say, this guy doesn't even have teeth, they simply have nowhere to fit in
02:56 a narrow muzzle.
02:58 Instead, the anteater has so pumped the muscles of its gastrointestinal tract that it crushes
03:04 the insects with the elastic walls of the intestines.
03:09 We can say that this beast literally chews them with its stomach.
03:14 But alas, no matter how much the anteater devours the ants, it is difficult to feed
03:19 a 2 meter carcass weighing 40 kilos with a diet of insects.
03:24 In order not to go crazy from the constant feeling of hunger, all life-supporting functions
03:30 of the beast work at a minimum.
03:32 So our hero became one of the coldest mammals, lowering his body temperature to 32 degrees
03:39 and a slow metabolism turned him into a leisurely giant, slowly pacing the forests and plains
03:46 of the Amazon.
03:47 By the way, the animal eats not only insects, but also fruits.
03:51 How is it that local predators have not yet exterminated 40 kilos of clumsy meat?
03:57 Pay attention to his claws.
04:00 No nail extension, only 7 to 10 centimeters of natural power.
04:06 In general, they are designed to destroy ant hills and termite mounds.
04:11 But in case of danger, the anteater does not hesitate to tear the enemy's face.
04:17 Our hero is so brutal that he can kill a jaguar and even a man with his paws.
04:25 The last case occurred in 2019.
04:28 A zoo caretaker died from the clutches of a giant anteater.
04:32 The animal simply slashed the girl with its claws.
04:37 These seemingly peaceful creatures become especially ferocious two times a year, in
04:43 spring and autumn.
04:44 It is during these seasons that anteaters have a breeding season.
04:50 The guys mark territories and watch their borders.
04:53 An aggressive meeting awaits uninvited strangers.
04:57 But females become especially welcome guests.
05:00 After all, if a lady has visited your property, then you will definitely have a candlelit
05:05 dinner today.
05:08 The female bears the fruit of love for 6 months.
05:11 Mother putting a newborn on her back is a touching sight.
05:15 However, from a distance you will not even notice the baby.
05:19 His wool is identical to the mother's, which is why the baby simply merges with her 2 meter
05:24 carcass.
05:27 What does this animal teach us?
05:29 It teaches us that even in the quietest whirlpool, there can be such devils that you don't
05:35 even think about.
05:37 It's amazing how Salvador Dali, who lived under the same roof with this creepy creature,
05:43 survived.
05:44 He, being the owner of an unusual pet, was apparently not only a great artist, but also
05:49 a great lucky.
05:53 On this note, we will finish about the anteater and since there is still time left, we will
05:58 tell you about another interesting animal.
06:02 The Gorgon Macaria.
06:12 No one is afraid of butterflies.
06:14 Beautiful, harmless insects peacefully feed on nectar without causing harm to any living
06:20 creature.
06:21 But the butterfly of the species Gorgon Macaria scares everyone.
06:26 There is nothing creepy in appearance, but it feeds on the suffering of others.
06:31 It drinks tears.
06:32 We immediately feel better when we find out where it comes from.
06:37 This butterfly is reaping its harvest of sorrow on the other continent, in the dense Amazon
06:42 jungle in Brazil.
06:46 It was discovered back in the 18th century, but until recently no one thought about the
06:51 strange diet.
06:52 They learned about it from a Brazilian scientist who took pictures of the creature's meal
06:57 during his midnight excursion into the jungle.
07:01 As befits any scary animal, the moth flies out to hunt in the gloom of darkness.
07:07 It is looking for a very unhappy or allergic bird that has crouched down somewhere to snooze.
07:15 In this position, small birds slow down their metabolism and fall into a daze, which is
07:21 exactly what our tear drinker needs.
07:25 As soon as the victim is found, the moth, like a real vampire, lands on the neck and
07:30 begins to drink the tears of the poor bird, drinking them through the proboscis tube.
07:36 Wiping tears at night, as it turned out, does not harm the birds in any way, except that
07:42 there is a chance to bring some kind of eyesore with the proboscis.
07:46 The birds do not experience either discomfort or pain, otherwise they would quickly realize
07:52 that something was wrong and quickly repulse the offender.
07:56 By the way, speaking of juices, why did the nectar not please the butterfly?
08:01 Let's just say that it really pleased it because it also drinks it and this is its
08:05 main diet.
08:07 But nutrition with the fruits of bitterness and suffering is for health promotion.
08:12 In tears, after all, there is not only water, but also salt, albumin and globulin proteins.
08:19 All these components make tears a real tonic cocktail that gives energy and useful substances.
08:27 By the way, for butterflies this activity is not so unique.
08:31 Many species do not mind improving their salt balance due to the tears of animals.
08:36 They even have a term - Lachryphagia.
08:39 Lachryphage butterfly.
08:40 Sounds as proud as it is creepy, but if you approach it correctly, it may even sound romantic.
08:48 Butterflies stealing tears.
08:51 Squeaky bloodsuckers, for example, are many times more unpleasant.
09:04 Nature can truly grab attention and amaze with its unique beauty.
09:08 In the end, we suggest looking at a few photos that perfectly convey the inner beauty of
09:13 nature.
09:15 Fossilized remains of antediluvian opal wood.
09:20 Just look at the remains of a petrified tree, which is several thousand years old.
09:26 For such a long time, the fossilized wood cells turn into a mineral called opal.
09:31 This amazing process is called fossilization, when one mineral completely replaces another.
09:41 And the last photo - a tree holding another tree.
09:45 This is a beech.
09:47 It is with the beech that such a curiosity can be observed most often.
09:52 Since the trees were very close and the cells were identical to those of the mother, their
09:57 branches grew together.
09:59 Despite this, the attached tree continues to live and receives food through the branches
10:03 which still maintain life in it.
10:07 And that's all for today.
10:09 Thank you for watching, take care and see you soon.
10:13 Peace.
10:30 (dramatic music)
