Al via i 'Life Talks di A2A, Montagnoli (A.D. A2A Ciclo Idrico) "sull'acqua Italia ancora troppo indietro"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - L’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo ha ospitato ‘Non c’è vita senz’acqua’, il primo dei tre ‘Life Talks’ ideati da A2A per confrontarsi con esperti del mondo scientifico e accademico sulla gestione responsabile delle risorse e sulla salvaguardia degli elementi essenziali alla vita: energia, acqua e ambiente. "L'Italia è ancora troppo indietro sulle infrastrutture del settore idrico - dichiara Tullio Montagnoli, A.D. di A2A Ciclo Idrico - è fondamentale investire promuovendo industrializzazione e partnership pubblico-privato".


00:00 Life Talks is a pact with stakeholders and citizens on three main topics, water, energy and environment.
00:07 ADUA is the number one operator in the environmental field,
00:11 it is the number two operator for the production of hydroelectric energy
00:16 and the three largest operators on the integrated water service.
00:20 Today's topic is water,
00:24 it is fundamental because Italy is in serious delay on the infrastructure of this sector,
00:30 we have losses that exceed 40% on average in Italy,
00:34 we have investments much below the European average,
00:38 56 euros per capita a year against 80 of the European average
00:42 and we still have many areas with European infractions due to lack of sewage and sewage networks.
00:49 It is essential to act and invest in this sector by promoting industrialization
00:55 and partnership between public and private to be able to recover the infrastructure gap that has accumulated in recent decades.
01:03 ADUA Ciclo Idrico has invested in recent years a lot of resources,
01:08 we are above the European average,
01:10 we reached in 2022 115 euros per capita,
01:14 aimed above all at the recovery of the European infractions of the province of Brescia
01:19 and at the re-fixing of the water networks to reduce the losses of aqueducts.
01:23 In the municipality of Brescia we have reached 28% losses,
01:27 a value still high for us that we want to reduce,
01:29 but it was possible thanks to a significant commitment and to several resources invested
01:34 both on the network system and in the technology to monitor and enhance our networks.
