• last year
(Adnkronos) - Il Ministro per le Pari Opportunità Eugenia Maria Roccella è intervenuta alla “G7 – Industry Stakeholders Conference: Bridging Gaps and Building Futures”, organizzata a margine della Ministeriale G7 sulle Pari Opportunità a Matera. “C’è bisogno che le donne siano libere di scegliere se avere una carriera o se avere una vita privata come vogliono, avendo figli senza che questo sia una penalizzazione", ha affermato commentando la nota del B7 Flash di Confindustria e Deloitte che ha sottolineato come diversità e inclusione generino profitti.


00:00What do you think about diversity and inclusion for Deloitte and CompiIndustria?
00:09The first inclusion is that of women. We are not yet a full inclusion of women.
00:15Women are not a minority, they are half of humanity and we are still treating women as if they were a minority.
00:23The first form of inclusion is to reach the goals of equality between men and women that we want.
00:29The fight against violence against women, which is a huge problem,
00:34and on the other hand equality in the roles, in the work, and therefore also in the choice of being mothers if they want to.
00:43There is a need for reconciliation first of all.
00:46There is a need for women to be free to choose to have a career, a profession, a job that they want,
00:53and therefore to honour their ambitions, and to have a private life as they want it,
00:59therefore to have children if they want them, without this being a penalty.
01:04We are talking about motherhood penalty, which means the penalty from motherhood.
01:10We must eliminate this element, this obstacle to female freedom.
