'We are expecting more strong condemnations by a number of countries'

  • last year

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00:00 We're expecting more condemnations, strong condemnations by a number of countries.
00:05 Britain is presiding over the Security Council this month and the UK's Foreign Secretary
00:10 is actually in New York and will be presiding over this meeting.
00:14 Also France and Poland will be in attendance.
00:17 And we're expecting more of the same condemnations that we heard from the UN Secretary General
00:23 Antonio Guterres earlier today.
00:25 He also, in addition to making those comments to reporters, he also tweeted about it.
00:30 And there are strong condemnations of this step.
00:33 However, Russia is also, of course, a permanent member of the UN Security Council and we're
00:37 expecting it to defend this decision.
00:39 Russia claims that this was not a response to an earlier attack on that bridge that connects
00:45 it to Crimea.
00:46 And it says its demands have not been met and it needs to revise the Memorandum of Understanding
00:51 with the United Nations.
00:52 And if this happens it would reconsider coming back and extending this deal.
00:57 It's important to mention that the deal had been extended by Russia over the past year
01:02 three times.
01:03 Also the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kuleba, is also in New York and will also
01:08 be making comments.
01:09 So we'll be monitoring this meeting and we'll see how the negotiations go.
